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Ways of life in Russia

It can be mentally exhausting to live in a big city, but country life also has its flaws. Today we will explore both. Your personality Everything depends on it, actually. If you love partying, constantly meeting new people, living in busy and noisy environment, then city life is definitely for you. But if you’re exhausted from all of it, don’t rush to move. Country is great for a vacation, but who knows if you like it in the long-term.

Your health Your health Maybe you’re so tired and sick all the time just because of the environment and air quality. You can discuss this with your doctor. Maybe city air and pace of living is just not good for you.

Your hobbies Your hobbies If you’re a person of art, countryside can be a great inspiration for you. Many painters and writers point out that country style helps to focus on one’s art. Beautiful nature can also bring you new ideas.

Your needs Your needs If you’re used to deliveries, wide choice of any products, malls, etc… then maybe country life is not for you. Think if you can put this all aside.

Your budget Your budget Yes, city life is much more expensive. You have so many opportunities to spend your salary at once that it’s almost impossible to save money. From this perspective, living in the country can be good for you.

Task 1. Read the texts and write out the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of life. e.g. Village Life Advantages Disadvantages No factories Livelihoods depend on crops/livestock/harvest No traffic Isolation Fresh air, clear streams, beautiful forests