80 лет со дня освобождения блокады Ленинграда

Материал опубликован 27 January 2024

Автор публикации: В. Костина, студентка 3 курса

The eightieth anniversary of the siege of Leningrad, also known as the Siege of Leningrad, was the anniversary of one of the most tragic pages of the Second World War. From the beginning of September 1941 until January 27, 1944, Nazi Germany besieged Leningrad, interrupting the supply of food, fuel, and other necessary resources to the city. The result of this blockade was one of the most severe tragedies in history, with huge losses in human lives and destruction.

At that time, the city was faced with mass starvation, severe cold, bombing and shelling. However, despite all the difficulties, the residents of Leningrad showed amazing endurance and fortitude. They refused to give up and stood up in the harsh conditions of the blockade, organizing underground kitchens, fighting on the fronts and maintaining the moral spirit of the city.

The eightieth anniversary of the siege of Leningrad was marked by commemorative events, including museums, exhibitions, cultural events to honor the memory of the victims of the blockade and so far.

As part of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the siege of Leningrad, events aimed at preserving and transmitting the memory of the blockade to future generations were also held. Schools, universities and educational institutions organized events, including lessons and lectures about the blockade, reading the memoirs of eyewitnesses of the events, and other methods to emphasize the importance of preserving historical heritage.

Also on this day, flower-laying ceremonies were held at military graves and memorials to honor the memory of those who fell during the blockade. This allowed people to honor the memory of the victims and express respect and gratitude to those who stood up and managed to survive in the most difficult conditions of the siege of Leningrad.

The eightieth anniversary of the siege of Leningrad was also a time for public discussion about the lessons that can be learned from this tragic chapter of history and what measures can be taken to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

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