Презентация по английскому языку «Миклухо-Маклай»

Материал опубликован 15 September 2018

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Автор публикации: В. Кононенко, ученик 9 класса

Презентация по английскому языку «Миклухо-Маклай»

Презентация «Миклухо-Маклай»
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Презентация по английскому языку «Миклухо–Маклай» Выполнил Кононенко Виталий

An outstanding traveler and ethnographer N.N.Miklukho-Maklai was born on 5 July 1846 in the estate of the Christmas near Borovichi Novgorod province.

After graduating from grammar school, in 1863 he joined a volunteer at the physico -mathematical faculty of St. Petersburg University, simultaneously attending lectures in the Medical-surgical Academy.

The money raised by the student fraternity, Miklukho-Maklai went abroad to continue their educacion in Germany. For two years he attended lectures at the philosophy faculty of the Heidelberg University, then studied medicine in Leipzig (1865) and Jena (1866-1868) universities.

In Jena Maklai drew the attention of the famous naturalist and zoologist Ernst Haeckel, promoter of Darwin’s ideas. In 1866, Haeckel took 19-year-old student as an assistant in a large scientific journey to study the marine fauna.

After graduating from the University of Jena Maklai makes a separate trip to the red sea coast (March-may 1869), dealing with the study of the lower marine animals, sponges, polyps, etc.

Returning to St. Petersburg in 1869, Maklai under the guidance of academician Karl Baer has been studying sea sponges, brought by Russian expeditions in the North Pacific ocean.

In 1869 he, with the support of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society received permission to sail to the then almost unknown New Guinea. 20 Sep 1871 Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai, 25 years old, descended on the coast of the Coral sea, near the village of Bonga, not knowing that this beach will soon call his name.

More than a year lived a scientist in a hut on the shore of the ocean. Sick, often hungry, he managed to do much^ put in the ground in New Guinea, the seeds of useful plants and the pumpkins brought from Tahiti, beans, corn.

In December 1872, in the Bay of Astrolabe went Russian clipper “Izumrud”, under the command of M.N.Kumani. The clipper came to pick Maclai according to the agreement. ”Izumrud” is gone, and the scientist remained on the island.

In 1882, after twelve years of wandering, Miklukco-Maklai returned to Petersburg, completing, thus, a trip around the world launched the “Vityaz” in 1870.

In June, 1883, the traveler arrived in Sydney. Nearly three years he spent in Australia, and it was hard.

The last months of 1886 were filled with work on the New Guinea diaries of travel. By early 1888 he began work on the second volume but finally came down.

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