Упражнения по английскому языку «Артикли в английском языке» (4 класс)

Материал опубликован 24 June 2017 в группе

Вставьте артикли a (an), the там, где необходимо

  1. - What's ___ weather? - ___ Sun is yellow and ___sky is blue.
  2. I have never been to ___ USA.
  3. What was ___ last time you saw him?
  4. ___last Monday we went to the museum.
  5. London stands on ___ river Thames.
  6. What do you do after ___ classes?
  7. Usually I go to ___swimming pool on ___Sunday.
  8. There is ___ piano in ___ room.
  9. Where is ___piano?
  10. Can you pass me ___ salt?
  11. Let's do ___ Exercise Ten.
  12. He was ___third to come.
  13. I like ___ soup. Who cooked it?
  14. I visit my granny in ____summer.
  15. Let's go to ___ cinema.
  16. ___ Petrovs bought ___ car. ___ car is ___expensive.
  17. I don't play ___ guitar. I play ___volleyball.
  18. Mother likes to do ___ shopping but she doesn't like to do ___ washing up.
  19. There are four seasons in ___ year.
  20. Put ___ bag on ___ floor.
  21. Can I have ___ glass of ___milk?
  22. Wait! ___ coffee is hot!
  23.  I don't drink ___coffee in ___morning.
  24. ___Milk is good for ___children.
  25. ___ lion is ___ dangerous animal.
  26. Children, we are going to speak about ___ tiger today.
  27. I saw ___ tiger in ___zoo.
  28. She is ___doctor and they are ____doctors too.
  29. Let's see ___ doctor.
  30. What is ___fastest animal in ___world?
  31. She is ___ smartest girl in ___ class.
  32. It's ____his book.
  33. They'll come in __July.
  34. They'll come on ___3rd of ___July.
  35. ___ businessmen are from ___China.
  36. It was ___nice day on ___Wednesday.
  37. What ___interesting books!
  38. What ___interesting book!
  39. What ____interesting news!
  40. There are ___some cups on ___table.
  41. Where's ___ cup?
  42. Where's ___my cup?
  43. ___last morning t___weather was ____nice.
  44. Open ___ last page, please.
  45. There are ___lot of ___different museums in ___Moscow.
  46. By ___ way, what's your name?
  47. I'll have ___party on ____Saturday.
  48. Do ___same exercise again.
  49. There is ___bird on ___tree. Can you see ___ bird?
  50. We go to ___Hyde Park once ___week.

Правильные ответы:

  1. What's the weather? - The Sun is yellow and the sky is blue.
  2. I have never been to the USA.
  3. What was the last time you saw him?
  4. ___Last Monday we went to the museum.
  5. London stands on the river Thames.
  6. What do you do after ___ classes?
  7. Usually I go to the swimming pool on ___Sunday.
  8. There is a piano in the room.
  9. Where is the piano?
  10. Can you pass me the salt?
  11. Let's do ___ Exercise Ten.
  12. He was the third to come.
  13. I like the soup. Who cooked it?
  14. I visit my granny in ____summer.
  15. Let's go to the cinema.
  16. The Petrovs bought a car. The car is ___expensive.
  17. I don't play the guitar. I play ___volleyball.
  18. Mother likes to do the shopping but she doesn't like to do the washing up.
  19. There are four seasons in a year.
  20. Put the bag on the floor.
  21. Can I have a glass of ___milk?
  22. Wait! The coffee is hot!
  23. I don't drink ___coffee in the morning.
  24. ___Milk is good for ___children.
  25. The lion is a dangerous animal.
  26. Children, we are going to speak about the tiger today.
  27. I saw a tiger in the zoo.
  28. She is a doctor and they are ____doctors too.
  29. Let's see the doctor.
  30. What is the fastest animal in the world?
  31. She is the smartest girl in the class.
  32. It's ____his book.
  33. They'll come in __July.
  34. They'll come on the 3rd of ___July.
  35. The businessmen are from ___China.
  36. It was a nice day on ___Wednesday.
  37. What ___interesting books!
  38. What an interesting book!
  39. What ____interesting news!
  40. There are ___some cups on the table.
  41. Where's the cup?
  42. Where's ___my cup?
  43. ___Last morning the weather was ____nice.
  44. Open the last page, please.
  45. There are a lot of ___different museums in ___Moscow.
  46. By the way, what's your name?
  47. I'll have a party on ____Saturday.
  48. Do the same exercise again.
  49. There is a bird on the tree. Can you see the bird?
  50. We go to ___Hyde Park once a week.




Спасибо за хорошо подобранный материал!

7 January 2018