Проект «Школа моей мечты»

Материал опубликован 10 March 2019

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Автор публикации: И. Шумеева, ученица 10В класса

Автор данной работы, используя лексический и грамматический материал пройденной темы составил проект о том как он представляет себе школу своей мечты. Также автором был использован план, которому он должен был следовать.
Шумеева Ирина "My dream school"
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Предварительный просмотр презентации

My dream school Fulfilled: Irina Shumeeva

My ideal painted lessons My ideal school would be a total of 8 lessons: Geometry, Algebra, Physics, Russian, English, Social Studies, Literature, and one more lesson that combines biology, drawing, music. Russian language, algebra, geometry will be four times a week. Physics, English, Literature three times a week. Social Studies and Art twice a week. Total: nine lessons per week, is once or twice a day. 28 сентября Классная работа

School Botanical Garden Around the school will be a botanical garden. Biology lesson and drawing will be held there. At art lessons the children will draw a different VD plants that will be in the school garden, and plant biology studies. During your spare time you can sit on a bench in the garden.

Each student will have a locker where he/she could put his books and personal things, not to drag them from office to office. Each student will have a locker where he/she could put his books and personal things, not to drag them from office to office. The dining room will be like a cafe. You will not need to stand in line. Very often, we will go on trips to various museums, or even cities.

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