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Done by: Shnyryov Anton Steps to me career: Geodesy

Qualifications Geodesists with higher education (engineering geodesy): Have deeper theoretical knowledge and understanding of geodesy, geodynamics, geoinformatics and cartography. Able to develop and implement projects of geodetic works, as well as monitor their implementation.

Qualifications can be obtained by taking online courses or graduating from a higher education institution.

You can study to be a surveyor in college. The duration of study there is 3.5 years. If a person wants to study applied science deeply, he should think about entering a university, where he should study for 4-6 years.

A surveyor is a specialist who performs survey, topographic, center, design and other engineering work on the terrain to describe the parameters of the terrain, draw up maps or check the condition of an architectural structure. “ ”

Working as a surveyor you will not get bored, you always have to go somewhere and visit a lot of places. I like this style of work. F

I would like to try to work abroad. After all, they have their own culture and their own approaches to work. I think working abroad can be an unforgettable experience. Yes, because if I want to work abroad. I need to hone my English skills. After all, it is an international language.

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