Soil Pollution

Материал опубликован 7 June

Автор публикации: Е. Мушкис, студентка 1 курса

Soil pollution Mushkis Liza B-12

Soil is one of the most valuable resources on Earth, without which the existence of mankind is impossible. But every year, due to pollution, its quality deteriorates. We tell you what the reasons are and how this process can be slowed down. Soil pollution is the degradation of the upper fertile layer of the Earth as a result of human economic activity, the accumulation of chemicals, changes in composition and deterioration of its quality. The quality of drinking water, human health, and the availability of antibiotics also depend on the condition of the soil — more than 500 antibiotics are obtained from microorganisms that live in the soil.

Various human activities lead to soil pollution, in particular: Agricultural industry Industry Transport Household activities

Effects of soil pollution. Soil pollution changes its chemical composition, physical and biological condition, worsens the structure, which leads to negative consequences: 1. Deterioration of food quality and harm to health. 2. Reduced effectiveness of antibiotics. 3. Yield decline. 4. Climate change.

Ways to solve the problem of soil pollution The soil has the ability to self-clean, but it is a long process. Given that pollution does not stop for a minute, the soil itself will not be able to be cleaned. The following measures can help protect soils: minimizing the processing of the fertile layer, the use of pesticides and chemicals in agriculture; soil consolidation, vegetation cover formation; planting of trees and protective forest belts; exhaust gas cleaning; drainage works to reduce the groundwater level. At the household level, everyone can also contribute: for example, sort garbage, take toxic waste (batteries, thermometers) to special reception points, use reusable bags and pouches instead of bags, choose eco-friendly transport for trips.

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