Test “Yuri Gagarin”

Материал опубликован 12 April 2024

Автор публикации: Е. Казакова Б - 16, студент 1 курса

Test “Yuri Gagarin”

When was Yuri Gagarin born?

a. 13 may 1958

b. 21 april 1929

c. 9 march 1934

How long did Yuri Gagarin spend in space?

a. 58 minute

b.1 hour

c.1 hour 48 minute (108 minute)

How old was Yuri Gagarin when he died?

a. 47 years 

b. 32 years 

c. 34 years 

Where was Yuri Gagarin born?

a. Moscow

b. Omsk

c. Village Klushino

What was Yuri Gagarin’s call sign?

a. Lynx

b. Hawk

c. Cedar

What phrase did Yuri Gagarin say before takeoff?

a. Took off!

b. Well done!

c. Go!

What was the name of the spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin flew?

a. Dawn

b. Firework

c. East-1

Which country did Yuri Gagarin visit twice?

a. England

b. Egypt

c. Finland

What is Yuri Gagarin’s military rank?

a. Major

b. Sergeant 

c. Colonel

What privileges did Yuri Gagarin receive from the state?

a. nothing 

b. a lot of money 

c. 15.000 rubbles, car “Volga”, four-room apartments and a lot of presents 

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12 April 2024