12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Евдакименко Виктория Викторовна3828
Россия, Свердловская обл., Нижний Тагил

Exit Test. form 7.

№ 1. Choose the correct item.

1)She …. (is leaving, left, leaves) the house at 7 this morning.

2) He can’t drive if he doesn’t have a driving….. (licence, park, ride)

3) I …..(have twisted, have been twisting, am twisting) my ankle and it really hurts.

4) Mike is ….. (as clever as, cleverer than, most clever) Pete. They will both do well in the exam.

5) I ….. (have bought, have been buying, haven’t bought) a new digital camera. I am sure we will take nice pictures with it.

6) The government is trying a variety of things to …. (burn, emit, reduce) pollution.

7) I saw a …. (thriller, romance, comedy) that was very funny.

8) If we continue to pollute the environment , many endangered species ….. (will become, are becoming, become) extinct.

9) We should take the children .. . (out, away, off) for a walk. It is a lovely day!

10) I went to Berlin two years ….. (since, before, ago).

11) We can ….. (throw, practice, move) a birthday party. It will be fun!

12) If you are tired , you should (put, get, take) some rest.

13) You haven’t finished the milk, …… (did you, haven’t you, have you)?

14) ….. (Greetings, Regards, Remarks) from Canada!

15) When we got to the campsite we put …… (on, into, up) our tents.

16) This film is quite ….. (bored, boring, bore) .

17) Look at that boy! He ….. (is going to, will, is) fall off his bike.

18) Bob is very ….. (curious, patient, athletic). He is an excellent teacher.

19) I …… (work, worked, am working) at my mum’s shop next week.

20) You ….. (mustn’t , must, should) take photos in the museum. It is not allowed.

21) Brian took the video game ….. (off, back, away) to the shop because it wasn’t working.

22) The boy ….. (whose, which, who) father is a dentist is my friend.

23) I can do it ….. (myself, herself, yourself ) , thank you.

24) Let me ….. (sprain, wrap, break) your wrist with this bandage.

2. Everyday English. Choose the correct response.

25) Can we watch the news? (a)I have got some good news , b) Oh, no. Not that!

26) Thanks for inviting me. (a) I am glad you enjoyed it, b) Not a lot really.

27) What is she like? (a) She has blonde hair, b) She is kind and friendly.

28) Do you like using the Internet? (a) I love it, b) I agree)

29) This film is great, isn’t it? (a)Yes, I agree, b) I like the Idea.

3. Read the story about two friends and their camping trip and mark T, F

The Trip of Lifetime.

This summer holiday, my friend Irvin and I wanted to do something different. Instead of wasting our time staying at home watching TV and playing computer games as usual, we decided to go camping.

After getting permission from our parents , we began planning our trip. We made a list of all the food and supplies we would need and spent an entire afternoon searching for the best place to buy our camping equipment. In the end, our tent, stove and sleeping bags cost a lot of money, but it was worth it.

When the day finally arrived, my Uncle Bob was kind enough to drive us to the campsite after he got off work. We knew it would take us a couple of hours to get there and Irvin and I grew more and more excited as we got closer to where we were going. It was dark by the time we arrived , but we didn’t care. We waved happily at Uncle Bob as he drove away. Then , after a bit of trouble and a lot of laughter , Irvin and I set up the tent and lit the cooking stove. As we sat having our first meal at the camp – tinned spaghetti – we both agreed it was the best food we had ever eaten. A short time later, warm and comfortable in our sleeping bags, we quickly fell asleep and dreamed about what our great adventure would bring.

30) The boys normally spent their summers inside.

31) The boys stayed awake late into the right.

32) They had fresh food for their supper.

33) The boys had summer problems getting their campsite ready.

34) The boys had left home in the evening.

35) Irvins uncle took them to the campsite.

36) Their camping equipment was expensive.

37) It took the boys a long time to find the supplies they needed.

38) Their parents helped them plan what to buy.

39) They asked their mothers and fathers to let them go camping.

4. Write a story about a trip you recently went on (about 80 words) . Use the story in Ex. 3 to help you.


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