The mixed economy of the Russian Federation

Материал опубликован 12 November 2024

Автор публикации: П. Руписова, студентка 3 курса

Автор публикации: А. Равилов, студент 3 курса

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The mixed economy of the Russian Federation Performed by a student of the DB -32 group Rupisova Polina

Definition of a mixed economy A mixed economy (hybrid economy) is an economic system that includes both private and corporate, as well as public and state ownership of the means of production and resource allocation.

Signs of a mixed economy the existence of different forms of ownership; encouragement of entrepreneurship, stimulation of its economic efficiency; antitrust regulation, healthy market competition; freedom of action of business entities and state control of income redistribution; regulation of the economy by the state in order to increase the level of social guarantees, combat unemployment and protect consumer rights; relative stability and stability of economic development based on a balance of different interests.

Signs of a mixed economy Since the early 90s, Russia has begun the process of transition from a command economy to a mixed one. It consists of three consecutive stages: Formation of prerequisites for market relations: creation of a legal framework; privatization, which allows entrepreneurship to develop; transition to free pricing. Creating conditions for market development: removing the state from influencing private enterprises; development of market infrastructure; creation of investment funds, stock and commodity exchanges, banks, insurance companies, etc.; state guarantees of social protection of its citizens. Ensuring conditions for the functioning of the market: free competition; pricing restrictions only for monopoly markets; freedom of entrepreneurial activity within the framework of the law.

Examples of companies

Advantages and disadvantages + - minimizing the problem of commodity shortages and monopolies; freedom of entrepreneurship; the focus of resources on supporting scientific and technological progress in order to stimulate production; provision of social guarantees; low unemployment rate. uneven distribution of income; when transferring directly from one country to another, the model may not work.

The trend of the economic situation

Conclusion The mixed economic situation in Russia is characterized by periodic fluctuations between growth and recession caused by dependence on world commodity prices, the foreign policy environment and internal structural factors. Periods of growth are supported by high revenues from oil and gas exports, whereas recessions are often accompanied by a decrease in these revenues and a deterioration in macroeconomic indicators. For sustainable development, it is necessary to strengthen economic diversification and increase the competitiveness of non-resource sectors..

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