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The purpose of the formation of national thinking in the minds of students of higher education in the field of music.

The purpose of the formation of national thinking in the minds of students of higher education in the field of music.


Ma’rufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Andijan State University, Faculty of Art History,

Associate Professor of Music Education

mail: maruf79@bk.ru


Annotation: Music education is one of the main parts of general education and teaches to consciously perceive the beautiful things around. Music shapes a person’s spiritual worldview.

Among the many means of moral education, the art of music has a special place. The art of music is an aesthetic reflection of the votse, and in works of all kinds of art an objective assessment of some aspect of reality is given. The art of music is extremely moving, it has an emotional impact on people’s minds and increases their interest in singing.

This article describes the purpose of the formation of national thinking in the minds of students of higher education in the field of music.


Keywords: music, student, education, labor, children's music and art schools, music education.


Introduction. For centuries, our ancestors have praised the power of music and enjoyed it in their relationships, work and life. Those who have carried out their noble intentions. Now the attractive, beautiful scale of music, its status has expanded, its place in society has been strengthened. Music is an independent field with great educational potential in our country. In the educational process, music is one of the main means of moral and aesthetic education of the younger generation, on which the effectiveness of the acceleration of the educational process depends. The development of students' consciousness and thinking through music in the lessons of "Music Culture" in secondary schools poses great challenges for our future teachers. There are clear goals and objectives for musical literacy. The existing scientific and methodological approach in the implementation of these goals and objectives determines a certain direction. Mastering, listening to, performing music, and being interested in it in life goes hand in hand with human culture. Music, which is one of the masterpieces of our people, is to some extent reflected in all areas, including education, labor and social relations. From an infant to an enlightened old man, Murgak enjoys the blessings of art, struggling to make tomorrow brighter. Therefore, music can be a guarantee of conscious activity, productive work, sincere attitude and moderate mood. The more music permeates our daily lives, the more enjoyable and meaningful our lives will be. In our country, a wide range of opportunities for gifted and talented youth in all spheres has been created and is being created. Another of these opportunities is the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 7, 2008 "On measures to prepare the State Program for 2009-2004 to strengthen the material and technical base of children's music and art schools and further improve their activities." This decree is aimed at raising the spiritual and cultural level of the younger generation in our country, creating the necessary conditions for our youth to enjoy the high standards of national and world music culture, and on this basis to further develop music education, improve the training system. includes the development of measures to be taken to encourage labor. In this regard, it was necessary to provide children's music and art schools with modern teaching and musical equipment in accordance with today's requirements. The decree envisages the provision of children's music and art schools with qualified teaching staff, the creation of an effective system of training, retraining and advanced training of teachers for the field, strengthening the material and moral incentives for their work. finding children encourages them to develop talents by educating them as intended in the order. Children and adults are eager to sing, to go to concerts, to show their talents to the people.



At a time when the social changes taking place since the independence of our country are gaining momentum, one of the important tasks of today is to bring up the young people who are the successors of our future as full-fledged human beings.

Music education is one of the main parts of general education and teaches to consciously perceive the beautiful things around. Music shapes a person’s spiritual worldview.

Among the many means of moral education, the art of music has a special place. The art of music is an aesthetic reflection of the votse, and in works of all kinds of art an objective assessment of some aspect of reality is given. The art of music is extremely moving, it has an emotional impact on people’s minds and increases their interest in singing.

The art of music enriches the moral outlook of young people and awakens in them the desire to build a life based on the laws of beauty. Music has a great educational effect on young people. Analysis of the content of the best musical works shows that they depict not only the inner experiences, but also the character of different people, the feelings of life. Music is born on the basis of deep emotional feelings. An inherent connection to life makes a piece of music a moral tool.

Often conversations about communication do not reach the heart of the listener. Songs, on the other hand, settle in people’s ears and nurture them by influencing their emotions and minds without advice.

The art of singing is the main tool in moral education. Among the various genres of vocal art is the art of singing, which is widespread and popular among the people. This genre is a multifaceted art due to its artistic and ideological nature. Music affects a person’s emotions, creating different emotions in him or her by creating this or that inner feeling.

The lyrics affect the listener’s mind. It excites him, arouses various thoughts and creates a clear attitude to moral and aesthetic problems. The music should conform to the rhythm of the poem and reinforce the listener’s emotional aesthetic relationship to the works performed. Emotions of the song's content are combined in the harmony of musical sounds. The deeper the content, the more it blends in with the music and the song has a big impact on the listener. The impact of music on the listener’s emotional world depends in many ways on its performance.

Every talented singer is unique in his style of singing. The harmony of the lyrics and music, the high level of emotionality and performance is one of the conditions for the successful impact of the song on the listener. Conscious acceptance of the artistic image in the song, understanding of its essence shapes a person's inner world, enhances his life experience, awakens in him new thoughts, new interests and feelings.

Musical works of folk art, such as song, lapar, yalla and ashula, with their character and characteristics have a great influence on the emergence of new types of songs.

Moral education is of paramount importance in the development of students into well-rounded findividuals. In order for our youth to fulfill their duty to the motherland, they need to study, research and enrich their art.

Music enters the hearts of people and awakens only good intentions. The art of singing has great educational and pedagogical potential. It gives people good feelings, wings and hope. The songs created after independence have a great educational value in the development of the Uzbek national art of singing. After the independence of our country, exemplary work has been done to train highly qualified, well-educated specialists with a modern way of thinking. "No matter what task we set for ourselves," said President, "no matter what problems need to be solved, in the end it will depend on the staff and the staff." It is no exaggeration to say that our future depends on who will replace us in the future of our country, or in other words, what kind of personnel we will train. ” It is difficult to be a true patriot if one does not know deeply one's national land and roots and cannot be proud of it.

The education of young people and the art of music have become important for man and have developed today, his edges have been polished. Beautiful national melodies, national traditions about them were revived. The works of great musicologists have been reconsidered. The masters of our art have been awarded high prizes by our state. In the hearts of professionals who contribute to music and the education of young people, national pride and love for the motherland have developed. A responsible task such as educating young people falls on the devotees of education after the parents. So, the notion of upbringing, or rather upbringing, has become a public affair. Every educator working in the education system strives to achieve the effectiveness of modern teaching methods in order to conduct education on an equal footing with education. Achievements in music education, which are reflected in the spiritual sphere, are the success of the first stage of independence, the qualitative changes that have taken place in the morals, culture and worldview of people, our people, our nation. The art of music educates a person, encourages him to do good, to do good to people. The role of music in educating young people is invaluable. However, the interest of young people in music today is causing some problems. Many young people are imitating foreign music and giving their appearance a western look. It is as if we are forgetting our national anthems ... we really do not see any young people singing hymns, prayers or maqom songs. The songs of some "young pop singers", who are well-known among our people, are also presented to the audience in a bacchanal. The listener will not like the repetition of a single word, even though their music is stolen from foreign music. Young people who are addicted to such noisy music push themselves to the direction of the melody, and their actions seem to be inconsistent with our mentality. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to listen to national melodies and teach folk songs in music culture classes. At the same time, it is expedient to explain the art of Uzbek national music to our students, to develop a set of literature for reading, textbooks, a collection of CDs with our classical melodies. Because through music we say again and again that Man is brought up, people rest through songs created in a folk way. They have a little cultural fun, forget their worries. In general, a national song or music is close to the human heart. Such appearances are more pronounced in folk-oriented melodies. When we ask students what folk songs they know during the lesson, there are cases when they cannot be listed, so it is appropriate to include more folk songs in the lesson process. If we pay attention to the term folklore, it means "people", "wisdom". It is self-evident that our simple people are known all over the world for their true wisdom. So why shouldn't we study the national melodies and songs created by our people? Upbringing among young people cannot be solved by a single music teacher, for which parents are also responsible. It is their responsibility to pay attention to what their child is doing outside of school, what music they are listening to, who or what they are imitating. If we teach the wrong music, they should be upset with us, but if we become more interested in the foreign music mentioned above in the home environment, if we learn the awkward movements, our efforts will be wasted. Today, the task of every music culture teacher should be to select the most talented students and realize their art, as well as to organize separate national classes with students who do not master it.

First, each song provides an opportunity to discover the abilities and talents hidden in a person through music. Second, art helps to eliminate bad qualities in people. Through the study and assimilation of national and cultural heritage, arouses a sense of pride in belonging to the Uzbek nation. Third, art mobilizes people to address existing shortcomings and problems in society. Music can cultivate the Uzbek people's uneasiness, modesty, self-respect, and morality, which are not found in other nations. There were times when some of the naughty children we met offended their parents and apologized in time when they listened to a song of admonition on the radio. Because through national music, nobility and glory are created in a person. It is necessary to teach young people not to imitate Westerners, but to listen to national melodies and songs, to teach them lessons. Especially in the process of spiritual upbringing of students, it is necessary to form the ability to feel national tones, using national values ​​wisely. What nationality a person belongs to is not only an idea but also an emotion. We cannot develop the spirituality of our country without preparing young men and women mentally, morally, culturally and spiritually, without ensuring the entry of talented young people into science, without providing them with the achievements and support of modern science and technology. Therefore, in order to achieve their spiritual perfection, we need to use melodies and songs created in an international way, rich in exemplary teachings, based on the power of our national music. In conclusion, we want our students to read classical ghazals and sing the national melodies left by our ancestors.

The Uzbek people are a great nation that has made a great contribution to the historical development of the world with its ancient science, literature, art and culture.

The President of our country said, "For us, independence is, first of all, taking control of our destiny, understanding ourselves, restoring national values ​​and traditions, maintaining peace, tranquility and stability in every home on this land, which is important for all of us."

Indeed, independence cannot be strengthened and sustained without solving the problems directly related to culture and enlightenment, and without making the ideas and concepts of independence deeply ingrained in the minds of the people and transforming them into beliefs.

National revival is a very broad, deep, complex historical process, which covers all spheres of life of our nation - economy, politics, spirituality, science, language, history, customs, crafts, architecture, as well as all issues directly related to human development.

Music also plays an important role in the development of our national spirituality. It is one of the most ancient and, at the same time, widespread in the art of national music, deeply ingrained in the life of the people. The music also reflects the real reality. The influence of music on our national spirituality is so great that science has already proved that it can cure patients.

Abu Ali Ibn Sina attached great importance to the power of music and argued that some mental illnesses could be cured through music.

The great philosopher Abu Nasr al-Farabi, in his book "Great Music", expressed his valuable views on the types of tones of music theory, the reasons for their origin, the spiritual and psychological impact on man.

In the science of music, Farobi was not only a theorist but also a practitioner. He is also a well-known musician, a great musician and composer, and an inventor of a new musical instrument. Reflecting on the amazing magical power and miraculous effects of music, Farobi says in On the Origin of the Sciences:

In particular, in the national culture, music reveals a world of high emotions, pleasure - exciting ideas. It makes people spiritually rich and pure.

The child can feel the music even when he does not know how to hold a pen and read and write. Often these first impressions influence the formation of attitudes towards music. Therefore, music education has also been included in the main directions of the reform of general education schools. Music, first and foremost, softens children’s emotions. Like the sense of musical works, it evokes many human qualities in them. Of course, literature, history, sports and other fields play an important role in the development of human qualities. Consequently, poetry and music always live side by side. It is born under the influence of nature and is formed in kindergarten and school. Music lessons educate students not only in terms of sophistication, but also in a broad sense, spiritually and morally. It would be good if our songs, which have been passed down from generation to generation, and which have withstood the ravages of time and embodied the dreams and aspirations of the people, should be included in the programs of all types of schools and pedagogical institutes. The world-famous writer Chingiz Aitmatov writes in his novel "Kunda": "Life, death, love, passion and inspiration are all sung by music, because we achieve the highest freedom through music, from the time when our minds are enlightened for this freedom, throughout our history. we struggled, but we only achieved it through music. ”

Conclusion. The masterpieces of music created by our people find a certain dedication in every second - in education, labor, social relations. National music teaches the surrounding events to perceive and appreciate beauty, armed with delicate taste and free thought, expands the spiritual world. It is no coincidence, therefore, that music is called a philosophy without language.

Music can soften the human heart, awakening in it feelings of affection - love and compassion - a sign of faith. At the same time, the task of artistic expression of the ideas of mystical doctrine, which is in line with the ideology of the great state, in the context of the status quo. Naturally, the study of these complex scientific issues is entrusted to mature musicologists in all respects.


List of used literature.




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7. Shukurov J.T. Conducting. Istiqlol Publishing House. T., 2006



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