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mental health The project was done: Zhukov Ivan and Alyaeva Ekaterina

Introduction Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with disabilities in the Russian Federation, a large percentage of which are children with mental disorders and autism spectrum disorders The high prevalence of these disorders makes it extremely urgent to identify such children and provide them with full-fledged effective assistance that meets their needs, as well as providing assistance to adults with ASD who have difficulties with socialization.

Project objective, Tasks Development and implementation of an effective system for providing comprehensive assistance to people with autism spectrum disorders in order to integrate them into society, as well as the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people with ASD 1-To familiarize with the ways of maintaining a healthy lifestyle 2-Help students take an objective look at their habits 3-Influence the opinion of students during the conversation and direct them to daily activities to form a careful attitude to their mental health

What is mental health? Maybe not everyone of you understands the term "mental health". According to the WHO definition, it is a state of well-being in which a person can realize his own potential, cope with ordinary life stresses, as well as contribute to the life of his community. Each of us conducts some kind of activity every day and must remember and take care of our health.

What does the brain like? 1-A specific goal 2-Positive emotions 3-Movement and fresh air 4-Simple food in moderation 5-Sleep, rest 6-Addictive 7-Freedom 8-Creativity

What does the brain dislike? 1-fear 2-Strong emotions of any kind 3-Loneliness 4-Stereotypes


The first riddle The father decided to marry one of his three daughters. The first one wants to get married, the second one doesn't want to, and the third one doesn't care. And he decided to give each of his daughters the same pot with a lid, pour the same amount of water into them and put them on fire. The first to get married should be the one whose water boils faster. Question: Which of the three daughters will get married first? Answer: Third, she doesn't care, so she won't look under the lid, and so the water will boil faste

The second riddle Ten dwarves were captured by an evil wizard. At dawn, the wizard will put hats on everyone (white and black), and it is not known how many of those and other hats will be (maybe, for example, 5 black and 5 white or 10 black and none white - everything is decided by the wizard). You will need to guess which hat you are wearing (say its color). If the dwarf guesses the color of his hat, the wizard lets him go, if not, he kills him. If the wizard notices at least one attempt to tell others the color of their cap, he will kill everyone at once. How, knowing this, can the dwarves save at least nine out of ten? Answer: Agree to the dwarves in advance that if, for example, the first dwarf sees an odd number of white hats, then he says that he is wearing white, and if even, then he says that he is wearing black. The rest of the dwarfs calculate their color, and the first one can only guess

The third riddle It so happened that the son of the professor's father and the father of the professor's son fought. Who got into a fight if it is known that professors did not participate in the fight. Answer: The professor's brother and the professor's husband. The professor is a woman

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