ADIDAS. Five Interesting Facts. Презентация

Материал опубликован 24 May в группе

5 interesting facts about ADIDAS Alexashkina Svetlana 9км-23к

1. Initially, the brand was called Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik, the shoe factory of the Dassler brothers.

2. The name adidas appeared after a quarrel between Adolf Dassler and his brother. Adolf decided to stick with the name adidas and made it official in 1949. The second brother named his brand Puma.

3. The famous "three stripes" were originally used as a structural element for additional reinforcement of shoes.

4. There was a park in Boston that locals called "Adidas Park", where no other sneakers could be worn except Adidas sneakers. In fact, anyone who dared to go to the park in Nike or Puma sneakers risked losing their shoes and seeing them on the "tree of shame", where countless pairs of sneakers from other manufacturers could be found.

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