Учебно-дидактический материал «American homes»

Материал опубликован 6 March 2018


American homes are some of the biggest and best in the world. Many have a garage for one or two cars, a big, modern kitchen, a living room, and a playroom for the children.

Upstairs there are two bathrooms and three or four bedrooms Young Johnny sleeps in one room. His sister, Sally, has another. Their parents sleep in the third bedroom. There is another room for visitors.

Some families have two homes. They have one house or apartment in the city or su­burbs. They live and work there. But they have another home near the sea or in the mountains. They go to their second home on weekends and for vacations.

Seventy percent of Americans buy the house they live in. They are lucky. But thirty percent cannot buy a house or an apartment. Some of them rent their home from a landlord. Some landlords are good, but some are not. Windows break, or roofs get old, and the landlord does not always help.

The poorest people live in "public housing" apartments. These apartments are not like rich American homes. People do not like to live in public housing projects. They are afraid of thieves and drug sellers.

Americans who live in towns and cities move often. A family stays in one house for four or five years, and then they move again. Some people move because they have found a new job. Other people move because they want a bigger or a smaller home. Ih American suburbs, families come and go all the time.

Americans are always trying to make their homes better. They take a lot of time to buy furniture and make their homes beautiful. They buy books and magazines about houses and furniture. They work hard on their homes in the evenings and on weekends.

Americans like to think the United States is a young country, but really it has a long and interesting history. You can see some of its history in the styles of the houses. The

lovely pueblo (посёлок индейцев) houses of Native American villages, the old pioneer log cabins, the plantation houses in the South, the beautiful colonial homes of the Northeast — they are all a part of American history. They are part of modern America too, because people copy the old styles in new houses. The history lives on.


I. How much did you understand?

1. Are these statements true or false?

American homes are some of the biggest and best in the world.

Seventy percent of Americans buy the house they live in.

Thirty percent cannot buy a house or an apartment.

Americans are not trying to make their homes better.

2. Can you answer these questions?

a) What do American homes look like?

b) How many homes do some families have?

c) Do Americans like to rent their homes?

Where do the poorest people live? Do they like to live there? What are they afraid of?

Americans who live in towns and cities move often, don't they? Why do they move often?

Can you see some of American history in the styles of the houses?

II. Speak on

American homes;

how Americans are trying to make their homes better;

American houses as a part of American history;

disadvantages of living in "public hous­ing" apartments.

III. The students of American high school came to visit your school. They are interested
in Russian homes. Tell them what houses
Russians usually live in.

Native American Homes

Tall, round tents stand in a circle. They are "tepees"(вигвам). Outside the biggest sits the Big Chief. He wears a beautiful feather headdress on his head. He holds the pipe of peace in his hand. The picture comes from a "cowboy and Indian" movie. We have all seen it, often. We played with toy cowboys and Indians in toy tepees when we were children.

In the old days, the Native Americans on the Plains followed the buffalo. They had to move their homes quickly and easily. The women made the tepees. First they cut buffalo skins and cleaned them. Then they sewed them together. The camp moved often.

Then the women took the tepees down and put them up again. But Native Americans do not live in tepees now. They have new houses, in villages, on their old lands.

Many tepees had beautiful paintings on them. They showed animals and the sun, the moon, and the stars. The paintings usually had religious meanings. There was a fireplace inside the tepee. The smoke went out through a hole in the roof.

Not all Native Americans followed the buffalo and moved from place to place, so not all of them lived in tepees. In the Northwest of the United States, they built big wooden houses for seven or eight families. The houses had "totem poles" outside. The door to the house was a hole in the totem pole.

In the hot, dry Southwest of the U. S., the Native American villages are called "pueb­los". The pueblos were built in high places, on rocky cliffs. The people did not want their enemies to come near. Old pueblo houses did not have doors in the walls. People climbed up ladders to the roof. The "door" was a hole in the roof. Enemies could not easily come in that way.

Native Americans made pueblo houses from stone, wood, and "adobe"(необожженный кирпич) — dry mud bricks. Adobe houses are strong' and clean. They are warm in winter and cool in summer.

Modern Americans like the pueblo style. You can see adobe houses in many places in the Southwest. After all, it's the oldest real American style, and one of the loveliest too.


I. How much did you understand?

1. Are these statements true or false?

a) Tall, round tents stand in a circle. They are "tepees".

b) Big Chief wears a beautiful feather headdress on his head. He holds the pipe of
peace in his hand.

c) In the old days, the Native Americans on the Plains followed the buffalo.

d) The women made the tepees.

2. Can you answer these questions?

How did the Native American women make the tepees?

Do Native Americans live in tepees now? Where do they live?

c) What did the old tepees look like?

In what houses did Native Americans live in the Northwest of the United States?

Where did the Native Americans live in the hot, dry Southwest?

0 Where were the pueblos built? What did they look like? g) What are adobe houses made of?

What style do modern Americans like and why?

II. Speak on


big wooden houses in the Northwest of the United States;


advantages and disadvantages of the Native American old houses.

Pioneers in the Midwest

Before 1800, the Midwest of America was Indian country. Then, the Europeans came. They did not want to move around or live in tepees. They were farmers, and they wanted houses.

The first European Americans, the "pio­neers", were tough people. They came to a hard country. The summers were very hot, and the winters were very cold. On the prairies, there were no trees and no stones. There was only earth. So the pioneers cut pieces of grass and earth and built houses with them.

These "sods houses" were very uncomfor­table. The rain came in through the roof. Pieces of wet earth fell into the food and onto the children's bed. The pioneers worked hard on their farms to make money. With the money, they built bigger, better farmhouses with wood, and tore down the old sod houses. No Americans live in sod houses now.

It was easier in the Rocky Mountains because there were trees. The pioneers could cut them down and make small wooden houses, called "log cabins". Log cabins were warm and dry inside. The people were poor, but they tried to make their homes comfortable.

Pioneer women had no money, but they wanted nice covers for their beds. They could not buy them, so they cut up old clothes and sewed the pieces together. The beautiful bedcovers they made are called "patchwork quilts". Many American women still keep their grandmothers' patchwork quilts, and they like to make new ones with the old patterns.

Nearly all Americans live in towns or cities now. And you can't be a pioneer in Philadel­phia or Chicago. But some people try. They like to go to vacation homes in the moun­tains, miles away from the cities. A real 200-year-old log cabin is best, but there are lots of new ones too. There, you can put your gun up on the wall above the fireplace. You can listen to the wind outside. You can talk about bears and rattlesnakes. For two or three weeks, you can be a pioneer again.


I. How much did you understand?

I. Are these statements true or false?

Before 1800, the Midwest of America was Indian country.

The Europeans came. They didn’t want to move around or live in tepees.

The first European Americans were weak people.

d) Pioneer women had a lot of money.
2) Can you answer these questions?

a) What were the first European Americans?

b) How did the pioneers build their houses?

Those "sod houses" were very comfor­table, weren't they?

What houses did the European Ameri­cans build, when they made money?

e) What houses were called "log cabins"?

f) What did pioneer women do to make their homes comfortable?

g) Where do Americans like to go on vacation. Why?

II. Speak on

the houses the first European Americans built in prairies;

the houses the European Americans built in the Rocky Mountains;

advantages and disadvantages of "sod houses" and "log cabins";

the way American women made their houses comfortable;

the way some present-day Americans try to be "pioneers".

III. Imagine that a "Do you know the history of the USA" quiz will be held at your
school soon. Think of five interesting questions about American homes for the quiz.

Colonial Styles in the Northeast

Do you think that America is a new country? Go to Virginia or Maryland or New England. You will find a lot of old buildings. You will find old towns and villages, churches and houses.

Three hundred years ago, when the Euro­peans came to northeastern America, they lived in simple huts. But later, they built houses in the styles of their home countries. The Dutch built tall, narrow houses along the Hudson River. The French on the St. Law­rence River put windows in the roofs of their houses, and made fine, wooden shutters. The English built houses with warm, red-coloured brick, or white painted wood.

The largest number of new Americans were English. So the first towns of Virginia and New England copied English towns. The houses were square, and they had beautiful long windows. Americans still love this "co­lonial" style of house. There are many old colonial houses in the Northeast of the U. S. Williamsburg, Virginia, is a famous colonial

d) All those blue things next to the houses in California are swimming pools. 2. Can you answer these questions?

Where and when did bungalows first become popular?

What were bungalows called for a long time?

The Spanish style of house is popular in many places now, isn't it?

What are the Californian "Spanish Mis­sion" houses made of?

What is Santa Barbara, a favourite Californian vacation town, famous for?

Why was Santa Barbara built in the Spanish style?

The old ranch houses of California were comfortable, weren't they?

Do new houses today have patios?

What do people do there?

Are these swimming pools next to the houses in Los Angeles or San Diego?

II. Speak on

Californian climate;

Californian bungalows;

the Spanish style of house;

Santa Barbara, a favourite Californian vacation town;

new houses in California.

III. Your family is going to build a house in the country. Design the new house and
discuss it with your family.

Older Cities

The older cities of the U. S. are nine­teenth-century cities, and of course, there were no cars then. People had to walk from one place to another. The cities were small, and all the houses were close to shops and churches. Now, the old cities have a lot of new buildings, but not all the old houses are gone. In New York, there are old "brown-stone" houses. In Boston, there are old brick houses. San Francisco's old houses are stuc­co (штукатурка), painted in beautiful, bright colours.

And then trains and cars came. Rich people could now live outside the towns in new suburbs. The suburbs had bigger houses with large backyards. Rich people liked the clean air and the quiet.

The old houses in the city centres, or "inner cities", were suddenly empty. Soon, poorer people moved in. The owners of the houses would not pay to repair broken doors or leaking roofs. The old houses began to fall down. Now nearly all the old cities have poor inner cities. Two of the worst areas are the South Bronx in New York and the West End of St. Louis. There are a lot of people there with bad homes and no hope.

In the 1960s, city planners tore down some of the old houses. They built apartments in tall tower blocks for poor people. But people do not like these new buildings. They can't meet friends easily. They are afraid of crimi­nals. There are no friendly stores near home.

Now, some richer people want to go back to the inner cities. They want to live near the stores and offices in the city. They buy old houses and "gentrify" them. They clean them up and build new kitchens and bathrooms. The old houses are soon beautiful again.

The rich people are moving back into the cities, and the old houses are now very expensive. The poor people have to leave. Some of them have lost their homes. They can't easily find new places to live in. Now, thousands upon thousands of Americans have no homes. They sleep on the city streets or in the railroad stations.


I. How much did you understand?

1. Are these statements true or false?

The older cities of the USA are nine­teenth-century cities, and there were no cars then.

The older cities were large and all the houses were far from shops and churches.

The suburbs had bigger houses with large backyards.

In the 1960s, city planners tore down all the old houses.

2. Can you answer these questions?

Are there still old houses in New York, San Francisco, Boston?

Why did rich people live outside the towns in new suburbs?

Who moved into the old houses in the city centres, when they became empty?

Do poor people like apartments in tall tower blocks built for them? Why not?

Why do some richer people want to go back to the inner cities?

The old houses in the inner cities are very expensive now, aren't they?

The poor people have to leave the houses in the centres, don't they?

II. Speek on

the older cities of the USA;

the old houses in the city centres;

the rich people, moving back into the cities centres.

III. You are waiting for an American delegation in your school. Prepare some
interesting questions on the problem of older cities in the USA to interview them.

(Тексты заимствованы из книги Laird E. American Homes – Longman.)

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