Animals Domino

Материал опубликован 12 May 2024 в группе




Author: Vahrusheva Margarita

Student of DO-2/22 group

Teacher: Deryugina Elizaveta Vitalievna

Chaikovsky Industrial College

Animals domino. Instruction

Colourful dominoes with a variety of characters - just a perfect solution to repeat the topic "Animals" and “Colours”.

How to use/play?

Classic game (any number of players).

Shuffle the cards face down, divide them equally between the players, and determine who will be the first. This player puts any card and calls the first picture on the card, e.g. Cat, then reads the second word (word combination) on the card, e.g. Brown Horse. The others look at their cards and the one, who has the corresponding card (picture with a Brown Horse) in his hands, puts it down and reads the following description. The game continues until the circle is completed.

Alternative ways to use dominoes:

  1. Competition game (any number of players). Divide the students into two teams, and print 2 sets of dominoes. Each team shuffles their tiles and chooses a random card (this is considered to be a starting one). Their task is lay out a longer chain of dominoes for a short period of time (e.g. 1 min). Whose "snake" correct and longer, wins the game.
  2. Cut dominoes into two parts and play a hunting/matching game. Shuffle the pictures on the table or hide them in the room. Divide the cards between the players. The first who matches all the pairs, wins.
  3. Cut dominoes into two parts and play a memory game. Shuffle the cards and put them face down. Players take turns to open 2 cards at a time. If they form a pair (a picture + a correct description), the player keeps the cards. If not, the cards are closed back again and the next player takes his turn. The player with the most pairs wins. When all the words are matched to the correct pictures, ask the children to remove the halves with descriptions and try to describe them by heart orally or in written form, practicing key vocabulary and grammar, e.g. It is an orange cat.

Domino cards

в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)

Только у меня не отражаются изображения? ((

12 May 2024

Ирина Владимировна, как много нюансов)) Хотела загрузить в формате pdf, но, к сожалению, поддерживает только формат Word. Картинки видно, если скачать документ.

12 May 2024
Ответ для

И вам спасибо за подсказку, Ирина Владимировна!

16 May 2024

Поняла, Елизавета Витальевна. Изображения будут отражаться, если их скопировать и разместить в документе формата Word, потом загрузить как публикацию. А если просто добавлять изображения функцией "добавить изображение", почему-то, часть не отражаются. Попробую скачать.

12 May 2024

Да! Спасибо за рекомендацию. Буду загружать - все отразилось.

12 May 2024