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Christmas in England and in Russia
PPTX / 3.32 Мб

/data/files/v1577292842.pptx (Christmas in England and in Russia)Тема урок-конференции Christmas in England and in Russia

Цель урока-конференции:

- познакомить учащихся с традициями и обычиями английской страны;

- развить навыки говорения, использования лексики по теме Рождество.

-развить навыки аудирования и пения английских Рождественских песен;

- развить интерес к иностранной культуре.

Задачи : - выявить сходства и различия в праздновании Рождества в России и Англии;

- познакомить с английским фольклером по теме "Рождество".

Ход урока

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you at the conference devoted to Christmas celebrations in Russia and in England. (Слайд 1) today we have an unusual lesson, and we have two groups. And let me introduce the group from Russia! And meet our guests from England! Today we`ll speak about Christmas in these countries, compare their customs and traditions, find out similar and different things. Are you ready? Let’s start.

T: So, we start our conference! Dear English and Russian participants, the first point is the date of celebration. Please, England! Слайд 2

S: In England we celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December.

T: Russia!

S: We celebrate Christmas on January, the 7th. (Слайд 3)

T: And the next question of our conference: What traditional Christmas meal do you have in your countries? It`s the most pleasant part of holiday to gather all the family at Christmas dinner! Am I right? Dear Englishmen! What about your traditional Christmas dishes? (Слайд 4)

The main Christmas dish in Britain is the turkey with a mix of vegetables.

S: Traditional dessert is the Christmas pudding - with fruits (слад 5)

T: And let`s listen the answer of Russians! (Слайд 6)

S – our traditional meal is Olivie [o’livie], ‘Pelmeni,

T: The next question for you is the symbols, traditions and customs of this holiday in your countries. Russia, now it`s your turn! (Слайд 7 )

 We have such symbols as Christmas cards, Yolka or New year`s Tree. And Russian people have a wonderful tradition to go to the church at night on the 6th of January and meet Christmas there. most of people visit neighbours, relatives and friends and ask treat.

T: Thank you! Now, please, England!

S: In England Christmas is the most popular holiday. And now about our traditions. The symbols of British Christmas are:(слайд 8) New Year`s Tree and Father Christmas подарков –Stocking, Печенья для Санты -Cookies for Santa, Рождественские открытки -Christmas Card, Колокольчики и свечи - Christmas Bells and Candles.

S: The English usually decorate their houses indoors and outdoors. (Слайд 9 ) 

T – what about Russia, how do you decorate your home?

S- (Слайд 10) Most families decorate their houses with a Christmas tree, and Christmas toys.

Ok today we also have a Christmas tree, and our task is to decorate it. But before I would like to know what do people do when clocks hits 12 :00?

S – we make a wish! (Слайд 11)

T- let’s we all make a wish now! Now please take these Christmas cards, and write down your wish. And lets decorate our Christmas tree with our wishes.

T take your sits please.

Tell me please, who gives presents to children on Christmas Day?

Englishman – we have Santa Claus ( слайд 12)

Russians – we have Father Frost. Дед мороз. (слайд 13)

T- but who are Santa’s and Father Frost’s helpers?

Englishman – Santa’s helpers are elves, dwarfs, (слайд 14)

Russians – father frost’s helper is her granddaughter Snow Maiden [meidn], снегурочка (слайд 15)

T- it is very interesting! And what songs do you sing on Christmas ?

Englishman - We wish you a merry Christmas

T: Thank you!

And Russians . заходит дед мороз… хоровод у елки… стихи для деда мороза…и стих от гостя… вручение подарка…


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