Урок английского языка в 4 классе «In the city and in the country»

Пояснительная записка к презентации
Тема: «В городе и в деревне»
In the city and in the country.
Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков; повторение и активизация лексического материала по теме «Город и деревня»; повторение грамматического материала (оборот There is/ are); развитие умений и навыков устной речи, письма, чтения и аудирования.
Ход урока
I Оргмомент.
II Целеполагание.
T: Look at the pictures on the screen and say what the theme of our lesson is.
Посмотрите на картинки на экране и скажите какая у нас сегодня тема урока.
Ps: “In the city and in the country”.
T: What are we going to do at the lesson?
P1: We are going to speak English.
P2: We are going to speak about the city and the country.
P3: We are going to read the text.
P4: We are going to listen to the texts.
III. Фонетическая разминка.
Teacher: Read these words.
garden |
hill |
sheep |
country |
field |
bridge |
horse |
street |
road |
apple tree |
river |
cow |
park |
city |
IV. Речевая разминка.
T: Look at the picture and say what it is.
V. Работа с лексикой.
Teacher. Guess and write the following words.
(Pupils have the cards with different words.)
Учащиеся пишут слова, обмениваются карточками и выставляют оценки друг другу.
Проверяют по ключу и критериям оценки (на слайде).
1) Guess the words:
a) s_ _ _ _ t
b) f_ _ _d
c) g _ _ _ _ n
d) c _ _ y
2) Translate the words:
a) мост – _______
b) дорога – _______
c) холм – _______
d) парк - _______
1) a) street
b) field
c) garden
d) city
2) a) bridge
b) road
c) hill
d) park
VI. Аудирование.
T: Listen to the texts. Match a child and a place where he (she) lives.
Hi! My name is Misha. I live in a big city. You can see many beautiful tall houses here. There are many cars and people in the streets. The roads are wide and long.
Hello! My name is Ann. I live in the country. It’s a nice place. The houses are not big. You can see a beautiful nature and many animals here. There are many gardens and fields in the country. There are cows and sheep in the fields.
Hi! My name is Oliver. I live in a little town. My town is very nice. There are many houses in my town, but they are not very tall. There are many parks with lots of trees and flowers in my town. I like to play in the park with my friends.
T: Listen to the texts again. Say if the sentences are True of False.
1. You can see many tall houses in a big city.
2. There are many cars in the streets of the country.
3. The roads are wide and long in the city.
4. You can see many animals in the country.
5. There are many fields in the city.
6. There are cows and sheep in the fields.
Учащиеся слушают и осуществляют взаимопроверку по ключу на слайде. Выставляют друг другу оценку.
VII. Активизация лексики в речи. Отработка There is (are).
T: Describe the pictures. Use there is/ are … .
VIII. Физкультминутка.
IX. Проверка домашнего задания.
T: Let’s check up your home task. Open your textbooks at page 36 Ex. 9
You had to read the text and fill in the gaps with is or are.
Уч-ся читают текст, вставляя is или are.
T: Translate some sentences from the text:
The capital of Great Britain is London.
There are many new and old houses and bridges in London.
You can also see many interesting towns in
G B, like Oxford, Cambridge and others.
T: Say what you know about Great Britain now.
Краткое монологическое высказывание уч-ся P – CL
T: We have read Alex’s letter. At home you will have to write an answer. Open your workbooks at page 22. Ex. 5 Напиши письмо Алексу. Расскажи ему о городе, в котором ты живешь. (пояснить, как писать письмо)
Dear Alex,
My name is _____. I am from Russia, Klintsy.
My town is not very big, but it is nice. There are many new and old houses in Klintsy. The streets are long. There are many people and cars in the streets. You can see many trees and flowers in my town. Come and see me.
Best wishes,
X. Практика диалогической речи.
Ex. 11 at page 37 Ask your classmate what there is next to her/his house. Work in pairs.
P1 – P2
Is there a bridge (a field, a park, a river, a garden) next to your house?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
XI. Подведение итогов.
T: Let’s make a conclusion.
What can you see in the city?
What can you see in the country?
Что вы нового узнали на уроке, чему научились?
Your marks are…
Write down your hometask: Ex. 5 p 22 in your workbooks
XI. Рефлексия.
Decide how you have worked at this lesson and, choose a card and show it to me.
Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye!
Этапы урока |
Деятельность учителя |
Деятельность учащихся |
Формирование УУД |
Мотивация |
Good afternoon. Take your places, please. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? |
Good afternoon! I'm on duty today. Today is the twenty third of November. All are present. (… is/are absent) |
Личностные: |
Целеполагание. |
Look at the pictures on the screen and say what the theme of our lesson is. Посмотрите на картинки на экране и скажите какая у нас сегодня тема урока. What are we going to do at the lesson? |
“In the city and in the country”.
P1: We are going to speak English. P2: We are going to speak about the city and the country. P3: We are going to read the text. P4: We are going to listen to the texts. |
Познавательные: Самостоятельное выделение и формулирование познавательной цели. Регулятивные: Формирование способности принимать учебную цель и задачу. Познавательные: Формирование умения использовать в учебной деятельности знаково-символические средства. Коммуникативные: Формирование умения оформлять свои мысли в устной форме. |
Фонетическая разминка |
garden hill sheep country field bridge horse street road apple tree river cow park city |
Дети читают слова по теме «Город и деревня». |
Регулятивные: |
Речевая разминка. |
Look at the picture and say what it is. |
It’s a …. |
Актуализация знаний Работа с лексикой. Teacher. Guess and write the following words. (Pupils have the cards with different words.) |
Teacher. Guess and write the following words. (Pupils have the cards with different words.) |
Учащиеся пишут слова, обмениваются карточками и выставляют оценки друг другу. Проверяют по ключу и критериям оценки (на слайде). |
Коммуникативные: Формировать умение писать слова по теме. Регулятивные: Формирование умения выполнять учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей. |
Аудирование. |
T: Listen to the texts. Match a child and a place where he (she) lives. Script: 1) Hi! My name is Misha. I live in a big city. You can see many beautiful tall houses here. There are many cars and people in the streets. The roads are wide and long. 2) Hello! My name is Ann. I live in the country. It’s a nice place. The houses are not big. You can see a beautiful nature and many animals here. There are many gardens and fields in the country. There are cows and sheep in the fields. 3) Hi! My name is Oliver. I live in a little town. My town is very nice. There are many houses in my town, but they are not very tall. There are many parks with lots of trees and flowers in my town. I like to play in the park with my friends. T: Listen to the texts again. Say if the sentences are True of False. 1. You can see many tall houses in a big city. 2. There are many cars in the streets of the country. 3. The roads are wide and long in the city. 4. You can see many animals in the country. 5. There are many fields in the city. 6. There are cows and sheep in the fields. Учащиеся слушают и осуществляют взаимопроверку по ключу на слайде. Выставляют друг другу оценку. |
Учащиеся слушают текс и выполняют задания: Соотносят имя и место жительства(картинки). После второго прослушивания выполняют задание формата ЕГЭ (True/False) |
Коммуникативные: Формирование умения оценивать действия других/ |
Активизация лексики в речи. Отработка There is (are). |
Describe the pictures. Use there is/ are … . |
Учащиеся описывают картинки с изображением сельской местности и города, используя оборот There is (are). |
Физминутка |
Дети встают и выполняют действия |
Личностные: Формирование положительной мотивации к обучению и целенаправленной познавательной деятельности. |
Проверка домашнего задания. |
Let’s check up your home task. Open your textbooks at page 36 Ex. 9 You had to read the text and fill in the gaps with is or are. Translate some sentences from the text: The capital of Great Britain is London. There are many new and old houses and bridges in London. You can also see many interesting towns in G B, like Oxford, Cambridge and others. Say what you know about Great Britain now. |
Дети читают текст, вставляют am, is или are. Переводят отдельные предложения на русский язык. Составляют монологическое высказывание. |
Регулятивные: Формирование умения выполнять учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей. |
Объяснение правила написания письма на английском языке. |
We have read Alex’s letter. At home you will have to write an answer. Open your workbooks at page 22. Ex. 5 Напиши письмо Алексу. Расскажи ему о городе, в котором ты живешь. (пояснить, как писать письмо) Dear Alex, My name is _____. I am from Russia, Klintsy. My town is not very big, but it is nice. There are many new and old houses in Klintsy. The streets are long. There are many people and cars in the streets. You can see many trees and flowers in my town. Come and see me. Best wishes, _______ |
Читают и анализируют пример письма. |
Регулятивные: Формирование способности принимать учебную цель и задачу. Коммуникативные: Формирование умения оформлять свои мысли в письменной форме. |
Практика диалогической речи. |
Ex. 11 at page 37 Ask your classmate what there is next to her/his house. Work in pairs. P1 – P2 |
Is there a bridge (a field, a park, a river, a garden) next to your house? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. |
Коммуникативные: Формирование умения запросить информацию и ответить на запрос. |
9. Итог урока |
What have you learnt today? Let’s make a conclusion. What can you see in the city? What can you see in the country? Что вы нового узнали на уроке, чему научились? Your marks are… Ex. 5 p 22 in your workbooks |
Дети отвечают на вопрос и делают вывод. There are big houses in the city. There are small houses in the country. There are fields and gardens in the country. There are many cars and people in the city. - Мы узнали как написать письмо на английском языке. Мы научились описывать картинки с помощью оборота There is(are). |
Познавательные: |
10. Рефлексия |
Decide how you have worked at this lesson and choose, choose a card and show it to me. Thank you. The lesson is over. Good bye! |
Дети берут карточки с символами и показывают их учителю. Good bye! |
Регулятивные: |