DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Отзыв. Емельянова Ангелина

Материал опубликован 26 March 2022 в группе



Пояснительная записка

Преподаватель (ФИО)

Криницкая Ирина Владимировна



Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»


ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык



Курс, учебная группа

1 курс, 9Б-11/а


38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет

Учебная задача

написание отзыва после просмотра киноматериала на английском языке – минимум 150 слов (впечатления, размышления, эмоции, чувства, отношение к персонажам); требование – НЕ пересказывать сюжет в сообщении


1. Развитие навыков аудирования.

2. Развитие навыков письма, умений конструировать предложения и выражать свои мысли при помощи письменной речи.

3. Воспитывать интерес к просмотру киноматериала на иностранных языках.


полностью сохранена авторская

Количество слов


Время выполнения

домашнее задание (7 дней)

Источники - иллюстрация после заголовка – источник видеоматериала

Студенческая работа

This movie was very strange and surprising to me, because I hadn't seen anything like it before. The film has a lot of meaning and personal ideas. Of course, my impression of it was not clear-cut, and I had a few questions. For example, why did the parents ask the college director to question the young men about their friend? Or what happened afterwards to the guys who disobeyed the teacher and stood on the desk?

I never expected that Nill would commit suicide, even though he was very kind, funny, smart and talented. I really liked his interaction with the teacher, his thoughts after class, his desire to continue to be creative. I am also glad that he was able to perform in the theater at least once. There is some disappointment in his father because of him, in my opinion, the way the film ended. I think that parents should be more caring and attentive to their children's preferences, and this movie did the exact opposite, unfortunately.

I would also like to pay attention to the teacher, for me he was very interesting. He had an approach to each student and even the most secretive he can open up and bring to the conversation. His attitude to his subject is amazing, he is so immersed and in love with his subject and that is very rare at the moment. The way John Keating conducts his lessons and finds places to teach is very gratifying in the way he presents his subject in different ways.

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