Дидактический материал

Материал опубликован 10 September 2024

Автор: Цыганкова Юлия Евгеньевна

учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

МБОУ «СОШ №1 им. Героя Советского Союза Каманина Н.П.»

г. Меленки Владимирской области

Краткая аннотация


Данный дидактический материал предназначен для обучающихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных школ в качестве материала краеведческой направленности на уроках английского языка. Материал разработан с целью развития положительной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, формирования чувства патриотизма, расширения кругозора и повышения у обучающихся интереса к своей малой Родине. Текст содержит информацию об одном из самых красивых и уникальных древнерусских городов- Суздале, который является единственным в России городом-музеем.

Данный материал представляет собой текст с предтекстовыми, текстовыми и послетекстовыми заданиями.

Предтекстовые задания нацеливают обучающихся на понимание основного содержания текста и снятие лексических трудностей при работе с ним.

Текстовые задания развивают логическое мышление и анализ, помогают запомнить новые слова, учат поиску нужной информации в тексте.

Послетекстовые задания помогают запомнить основные события текста, проанализировать полученную информацию, вспомнить интересные детали, выразить свое эмоционально-личностное отношение к прочитанному.

Pre-reading exercises

Look at the word cloud. What is the text about?


Look at the pictures. What is the name of this town?






Read and try to remember these new vocabulary:

Significant- существенный, значимый;

Church of the Dormition- Успенская церковь;

The Cathedral of Nativity of Mother of God- собор Рождества Богородицы;

Collapse- обрушение;

Attempt- попытка;

The Cathedral of the Nativity- Собор Рождества Христова;

Estate- усадьба, поместье, имущество;

The Cathedral of the Transfiguration- Спасо-Преображенский собор;

Notable- известный;

a concave tent- вогнутый шатер;

Monastery of the Intercession- Покровский монастырь

Establish- создать, установить;

Gratitude- благодарность;

Euthymus Monastery of the Saviour- Спасо-Евфимиев монастырь

multiple loopholes- множественные бойницы;

a military fortification- военное укрепление;

While-reading exercises

Read the text and give it a title.

Suzdal is one of the most beautiful and historically significant Russian towns, is a unique museum town. With over 300 artifacts from ancient Russian history on its grounds, it is a cultural treasure not only for Russia but also for the world. The heart of Suzdal's attraction is the Kremlin. The central street in the town leads directly to the Kremlin, where the Princely Residence once stood. In its place, you will find Church of the Dormition, built in 1650 and later rebuilt in 1720.

The Cathedral of Nativity of Mother of God is located next to Church of the Dormition. This temple was built in the 12th century according to the instructions of Prince Vladimir Monomakh and was originally constructed of wood. However, an architectural mistake was made during the construction of the cathedral, so over time the architectural structure began to collapse. Attempts at restoration of the building have not been successful, and it has been recreated a hundred years after its original construction.

The Suzdal Kremlin complex features several magnificent architectural structures, including St. Nicholas Church and The Cathedral of the Nativity. An interesting feature of St. Nicholas Church is that it resembles a simple wooden hut, and is a part of the Museum for Wooden Architecture. The museum's curators have recreated a complete estate from the 18th and 19th centuries, featuring courtyard buildings, as well as The Cathedral of the Transfiguration.

Near the Kremlin there are some churches. The Gostiny Dvor is located in front of the Kremlin on the shopping square. This building, which was constructed in the early 19th century, was designed to serve both commercial and social functions.

In Suzdal, on the Old Street, there are two notable churches: St Lazarus and St Antipius. These churches are known for their attractive architectural design. The St Lazarus Church, built in 1667, was the first church in Suzdal with five domes. A century later the St Antipius Church was constructed. There is a bell tower next to the churches. This unique architectural structure is interesting for its unusual dome in the form of a concave tent. Such domes first appeared in Suzdal.

The historical landmarks of Suzdal are the monasteries, which are considered to be some of the most magnificent and fascinating in the region. According to a legend, Alexander Nevsky founded the Alexander Monastery in 1240. Prince Andrei Konstantinovich established the Monastery of the Intercession in 1364. The old legend says that the monastery appeared as a sign of the prince's gratitude to heaven for his rescue during a storm on the Volga River.

On the opposite side of the Kamenka River, one can find the Euthymus Monastery of the Saviour, which is known for its thick stone walls and multiple loopholes, indicating that in ancient times, it served as a military fortification. The Cathedral of the Transfiguration is located in the center of the monastery.

Now Suzdal is the pearl of the "Golden Ring" of Russia, attracting tens of thousands of visitors every year.

Answer the questions:

What is the heart of Suzdal's attraction?

Where is Church of the Dormition situated?

How many churches and cathedrals are there in Suzdal, according to the text?

What were the functions of The Gostiny Dvor?

On which river is Suzdal located?

What temple was built in the 12th century according to the instructions of Prince Vladimir Monomakh?

What is an interesting feature of St. Nicholas Church?

What building was constructed in the early 19th century?

What was the first church in Suzdal with five domes?

What does the old legend say?

Post-reading exercises

Match the words and word combinations with their translation

a) a unique museum town

1. жемчужина "Золотого кольца"

b) ancient history

2. военное укрепление

c) gratitude

3. достопримечательности

d) a cultural treasure

4. древняя история

e) an architectural mistake

5. коммерческие и социальные функции

f) establish

6. великолепный

g) a simple wooden hut

7. архитектурная ошибка

h) commercial and social functions

8. простой деревянный домик

i) magnificent

9. создать

j) landmarks

10. культурное достояние

k) a military fortification

11. благодарность

l) the pearl of the "Golden Ring"

12. уникальный город-музей

Write down irregular verbs from the text and write their three forms

Example: lead- led- led

Choose 5-8 the most important words from the text and make sentences with them.

Prepare 4 questions about the text. In pairs, ask these questions to each other and answer them.

Look at the collage carefully and say how these pictures relate to the text.


Imagine you have a pen friend from England. Write him or her an invitation card and ask him or her to go to Suzdal together.



Pre-reading exercises

The text is about _____ (travelling/ sights/ towns…).

It is Suzdal.

While-reading exercises

Suzdal’s sights/ Suzdal- a unique museum town/…

The heart of Suzdal's attraction is the Kremlin.

On the place where the Princely Residence once stood, you will find Church of the Dormition.

There are eight churches and cathedrals in Suzdal, according to the text.

The Gostiny Dvor had commercial and social functions.

Suzdal is located on the Kamenka River.

The Cathedral of Nativity of Mother of God was built in the 12th century according to the instructions of Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

An interesting feature of St. Nicholas Church is that it resembles a simple wooden hut.

The Gostiny Dvor was constructed in the early 19th century.

The St Lazarus Church, built in 1667, was the first church in Suzdal with five domes.

The old legend says that the monastery appeared as a sign of the prince's gratitude to heaven for his rescue during a storm on the Volga River.

Post-reading exercises

A-12, B-4, C-11, D-10, E-7, F-9, G-8, H-5, I-6, J-3, K-2, L-1.

lead- led- led, stand-stood-stood, find-found-found, build-built-built,

be-was/were-been, make-made-made, begin-began-begun, have-had-had,


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