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Have got Happy English

Have got иметь, обладать, владеть Have got Has got I, We, You, They множественное число He, She, It женский, мужской род предмет животные

Положительное предложение + have got/has got + … I have got a cat. He has got a car. She has got a house. You have got friends. They have got toys.

отрицательное предложение + have/has + NOT + got + … (haven’t/hasn’t) I have NOT got a cat. He has NOT got a car. She has NOT got a house. You have NOT got friends. They have NOT got toys.

Вопросительное предложение Have/Has + + got + …? Have I got a cat? Has he got a car? Has she got a house? Have you got friends? Have they got toys?