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The Church of Grieving the Mother of God The idea of building this church belonged to Nicolai I. The architects of the church were the academician Ton and the architect A. Andreev. The church was built in 1824 but then it was closed and only in 1992 the revival of the cathedral began. This church is a historical and cultural monument of our town.

The Lazarus Church

The Cathedral of Michael’s Archangel The Cathedral was built in the late XIX century. The construction of the temple began on the 10th of May in 1884. It was built on money of villagers. The architect of the Cathedral was A.N.Klepinin. The building is unique. It is an example of the construction of stone temples of the XIX century.

The Church of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in Pyatigorsk

The Church of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God in Pyatigorsk The Church was built in the XIX - XX centuries. The idea belonged to the merchant A.N.Kurilov. In 1903 the Church was revival and consecrated by the bishop of Vladikavkaz. The Church of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God is a unique monument of Cossack’s period in Pyatigorsk.

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour The main temple of Pyatigorsk was built in 1869 by initiative of the emperor Nicolay I. In 1936 the temple was blown up. The revival of the temple began in 2005.

St.George’s Church

The Lazarus Church The first cemetery church was built in the centre of the cemetery on the hill (near the burial site of M. Lermontov) in 1856. They say that the draft of the current church in the cemetery is made by the famous architect Ponomarev-the architect of several churches in Russia. The Lazarus Church was built in the style of Early Classicism.

St.George’s Church One of the churches of our time is St.George’s Church. It was built in 2005.

House Church We have got a church in our school, too. It is situated on the territory of the school. It was opened in 1992. There are many divine services in it. The Church unites and rellies our school.

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