In Harmony with Myseif

Материал опубликован 8 December 2020

In Harmony with Myself Project: Kislyakova Irina 10 «Б» class

A little about me… My name is Irina. I'll tell you about myself in the project «In Harmony with Yourself».

My character I am a pessimist. I struggle with it. People should look at the world positively because difficulties can be overcome. Pessimism is a negative trait. But I try to treat other people so as I want them to treat me. I see the man whom I am looking for also as a person with a и and sound body and mind. The person, who is interesting to talk to, whom I can trust and rely on. As for my interests I am fond of psychology in the sphere of dealing with people and the questions of how to form your thoughts in the most favourable way. I adore travelling, seeing other people, their traditions, customs, to get acquainted with their culture, going sightseeing. Besides I like different kinds of music, I like music with rhythm you can dance to.

My hobby My Hobbies are watching movies and reading books. I like movies in the drama genre. My favorite movie Director is Ann Fletcher. I also like movies in the genre of Comedy. I like to read books in the genre of drama, tragedy, humor, adventure and Thriller. My favorite author is Terry Pratchett. He writes in the fantasy genre.

My pet I like animals. I like cats, dogs, and rats. I have a dog. He is six years old. My parents gave me him as a birthday present when he was a cute little puppy.

My character The exception in this case can only be parents or close friends. They can influence my decision with unobtrusive advice. If I set a goal, then despite the difficulties, I go to it. I also like to help people and support them. An important feature of my character is that I can rarely give up my principles for the sake of people close to me. I have quite a complex character. If I've made a decision, it's hard to change my mind.

Care of yourself I try to be my best friend. I care about my health. I strive for self-development. I'm resting. I try not to eat fast food because it's bad for my health. Everyone should take care of their health.

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