In Harmony with Myself

Материал опубликован 14 December 2020 в группе

In Harmony with Myself. Project: Sushko Anastasiia10 «A» class.

A little about me… My name is Anastasia. I'm a 10th grade student. My presentation on the topic - “In harmony with yourself". Now I would like to say a few words about my character.

My character Everyone tells me that I am very sociable. I love people and the world around me. I understand them and make friends easily. Being open and sociable means expanding your mind and your Outlook on the world. That's why I like to meet new people and talk to them. I always try to be open.

My character I would say that my negative and least attractive qualities are forgetfulness and that I get attached to people very quickly. This is not good, because then, when you have to stop communicating, you can't stop thinking about this person for a very long time and you can't forget them.

My character My good qualities: kindness, I am very kind to people, I do not have the habit of taking revenge on people, if I did something, I will never take revenge, I always forgive. But on the one hand, this can be considered a minus, because you can not be too kind, you also need to respect yourself and have a price for yourself. Do not forgive absolutely everything, because there are some actions that are not forgiven...

My character Also my good qualities: sociability, sociability, responsiveness, fairness, patience, optimism, cheerfulness.

What I do to be my own best mate? - I try to evaluate myself, my advantages and disadvantages objectively - I forgive myself for my mistakes - I try to do what makes me happy

Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to say that we should not forget about our relationship with ourselves. One of the most important and complex relationships in every person's life is the relationship with yourself. No matter how much you love people who are close to you, this love should not be stronger than love for yourself. Support, appreciate and respect yourself, only then you can be a good friend to another person.

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