Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе «Исаак Ньютон»

Материал опубликован 23 March 2022

Пояснительная записка к презентации


Класс: 8

Учебник: Rainbow English 8, Unit 4

Технология работы с презентацией: презентацию можно использовать на этапе контроля навыков чтения к упр. 6 стр. 61 (текст об Исааке Ньютоне). Презентация состоит из 5 вопросов к тексту и ответов на вопросы, которые сопровождаются визуальным рядом (картинки). После вопросов следуют слайды, содержащие интересные факты о жизни великого ученого.

Предварительный просмотр презентации

Isaak Newton

Where did Newton get his education?

Cambridge University

What did the scientist find out about white light?

His experiments showed that white light was a mixture of all colours of the rainbow.

What gives objects weight and keeps planets on their orbits?

The law of gravity

How did Newton take part in political life ?

Newton took part in the political life of England and was a member of English Parliament.

What is a popular legend about Newton?

The legend says that he discovered this law when an apple fell on his head while he was sitting under a tree in his garden.


His father, who was a farmer, died three months before Newton was born. He was raised by his grandmother after his mother remarried.

Newton did not like criticism and made lifelong enemies with those who criticized him.

Isaac Newton’s father was also called Isaac Newton.

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