12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Тергалинская Ирина Владимировна423
учитель иностранного языка, классный руководитель, наставник
Россия, Ульяновская обл., Димитровград


6кл.Card 1. Module 4.                                                                                             6кл.Card 2. Module 4.                                                                            .                                           6кл.Card 3. Module 4.                                                                           

1.I think hamburgers are delicious/boring.                                                         1.Police officers usually wear suits/uniform.                                                                                  1.I think  hamburgers are delicious/boring.

2.Kelly and Susan often go/do camping at the camping.                                 2.You should always brush/wash your teeth in the morning .                                                    2.It`s very important to wash/brush your  teeth  twice a day.

3.Police officers usually wear suits/uniform.                                                     3.I help my little sister to put/get dressed every morning.                                                           3.We have to wear a school suit/uniform at my school.

4.Some school children sleep in a dungeon/dormitory.                                 4.I think hamburgers are delicious/boring.                                                                                     4.What about a pop music/concert?                          

5.You should always brush/wash your teeth in the morning.                       5.Pop music is not really my programme/thing.                                                                             5.I always  help my parents around/over the house.

6.I help my little sister to put/get dressed every morning.                            6.Sue always helps her parents over/around the house.                                                             6.The  leader teaches us how to build/tie fires.

7.What about a rock concert/music?                                                                 7.My favourite thriller is on/at TV tonight.                                                                                      7.I help my little brother  to get clothed/dressed every morning.

8.Pop music is not really my programme/thing.                                             8.Kelly and Susan often go/do camping at the camping.                                                               8.They often go/do  camping at weekends.      

9.My favourite thriller is on/at TV tonight.                                                       9.Some school children sleep in a dungeon/dormitory.                                                               9.My uncle  grows  tomatoes in a greenhouse/dormitory.            

10.Sue always helps her parents over/around the house.                           10.What about a rock concert/music?                                                                     10.My favourite comedy is on/at TV today.              


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