Материал на проверке

Контроль домашнего чтения по английскому языку по книге «Хроники Нарнии»

Материал опубликован 8 October 2015 в группе


Put the timeline and summary of one of the characters in the right order:

A. Lucyis evacuated from London to live in the country.

B. She and Susan follow Aslan to the Stone Table and witness his sacrifice.

C. Lucy discovers that Mr. Tumnus has been arrested.

D. She discovers that Edmund has betrayed them and flees with Peter, Susan, and the Beavers.

E. Lucy returns to Narnia and meets Mr. Tumnus again. On her way home, she meets Edmund.

F. She returns to the site of the battle between good and evil and witnesses victory for good.

G. TheywitnessAslan'sresurrection.

H. Lucy continues to be disbelieved by Peter and Susan about her adventures.

I. Lucy is crowned a Queen of Narnia and becomes known as Queen Lucy the Valiant.

J. She discovers a gateway through the wardrobe into the magical land of Narnia.

K. She returns to Narnia with all three of her siblings.

L. Lucy and her siblings meet Mr. Beaver and travel to his dam.


Полный текст материала в прикреплённых файлах.


Здесь будет файл: /data/edu/files/x1444328394.docx (контрольная работа Хроники Нарнии кн.2)





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