Контрольная работа по английскому языку (11 класс)

Материал опубликован 19 March 2023

Test 6

Variant 1

1. You will hear six people talking about celebrities in the media. Match the speakers with the statements A-G below. There is one extra statement.

A. The speaker believes that viewers have the choice of tuning in to celebrity news or not.

B. The speaker believes there is nothing wrong with following celebrity gossip.

C. The speaker doesn’t really care about celebrity news.

D. The speaker doesn’t believe everything he/she hears about celebrities in the media.

E. The speaker doesn’t understand why the public is so interested in celebrities.

F. The speaker believes that the media shouldn’t talk about the private lives of the famous.

G. The speaker believes that the media is providing stories the interest the public.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Speaker 6

2. Match and fill in the gaps.


the fact




advanced civilizations


for ET



1. If, in fact, ________ were capable of zipping around the galaxy at the speed of light, we would have already encountered them.

2. Sir, I'm unable to ________ with the spaceship.

3. In 1894 he started experimenting with _____ and discovered how to transmit them over short distances.

4. If you cannot connect at all via a network then you are going to have to ______ that there will be some downtime.

5. No aliens have been found yet. But they still continue to _____.

3. Complete the dialog.

broadsheets/ gossip/ flash/ unfold/ survey

A: - You know, that in the recent ______(1) that was done by the local newsagents’ association where a lot of people took part in and said that they got most information about what’s going on in the world from ______(2) magazines.

B: - Wow really? That’s unbelievable. Honestly, I can't think of anything that I couldn't do while driving... apart from reading _________(3). They’re kinda informative and well-written.

A: - Sure, and if we’re talking about ______(4) news. They’re always in time! If there’s one all the quality papers bring the lates developments as they ______ (5).

4. Change the direct speech into reported speech. 

1. Jim: I don't have a TV at home.

2. Lucy: I'm going to Japan next month.

3. Parents: We've just arrived at the hotel.

4. Luke: I was nervous before the exam yesterday.

5. Harry: I didn't feel good.

6. Susie: I had a headache this morning.

7. John: Are you an architect?

8. Don: Have you been to Italy yet?

9. Mandy: Where do you live?

10. The boss: Don't be late.

11. Dad: Study harder.

5. Fill in: over, down, back, out of

1. She had talked her into love; but, she was not so easily to be talked _____ it.

2. You’re my boss, but it doesn’t mean you talk ________ to me all the time .

3. Slaves don't talk ______ to their masters.

4. I have matters to talk ______ with you.

6. Match and fill in the gaps.









1. Please be ______ the support of my delegation.

2. Your husband was so wonderful. He _______ doing everything for you himself.

3. We _______to all of our fans _____ the confusion during this recent concert.

4. He had never heard her before ______ backaches.

7. Draw a cat to get an extra point.

Test 6

Variant 2

1. You will hear six people talking about celebrities in the media. Match the speakers with the statements A-G below. There is one extra statement.

A. The speaker believes that viewers have the choice of tuning in to celebrity news or not.

B. The speaker believes there is nothing wrong with following celebrity gossip.

C. The speaker doesn’t really care about celebrity news.

D. The speaker doesn’t believe everything he/she hears about celebrities in the media.

E. The speaker doesn’t understand why the public is so interested in celebrities.

F. The speaker believes that the media shouldn’t talk about the private lives of the famous.

G. The speaker believes that the media is providing stories the interest the public.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Speaker 6

2. Match and fill in the gaps.



be abducted

advanced civilizations


night sky


by aliens


the skies

1. Marie Subbarao, a sober-minded scientist believes she ______ after intercepting strange radio signals.

2. He says he _______ - some glowing discs travelling at high speed above his house.

3. The conversations over campfires with the ______ above – the best memories associated with her.

4. If, in fact, ________ were capable of zipping around the galaxy at the speed of light, we would have already encountered them.

5. Soldiers are everywhere and search lights ______ at night.

3. Complete the dialog.

rumors/ tabloids/ headline/ front/ gutter

A: - What kind of newspaper do you read?

B: - Well, let me think. _____(1). There are no articles, you know, that provide depth and educated opinions about global affairs. But it isn’t something I really need in newspapers. News on celebrity culture, lots of pictures, that’s it.

A: - Don’t you mind they spread ______(2)? Do you really believe all these stories?

B: - I get most information about what’s going on in the world from it. By the way, a popular supermarket tabloid has offered a reward of $5,000 to anyone who brings in the creature of the local lake alive. This newspaper even has its picture on the _______(3) page with the _____(4): “A local monster”.

A: - Oh, Gosh! There isn’t any evidence that this creature really exists… _____(5) press…again.

4. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1. Kelly: I've found the keys.

2. Kim: I often order take-away food.

3. Judy: I'm enjoying the view right now.

4. Tom and Jerry: Yesterday we were late because of the traffic.

5. They: We met in London many years ago.

6. Matt: I arrived at the station just before the train left.

7. Diane: Do I have to leave?

8. Lucy: Is your brother older than you?

9. Mike: When will you finish working?

10. Greg: Ask somebody about it.

11. Colin: Don't tell this to anybody.

5. Fill in: round, down, back, out of

1. Furious, she threatened to go to the press with the story of Tony’s disappearance, but was talked _____ it.

2. I just don’t like when you talk ______ to me like a child.

3. See how he talks______ to his mother… Where’re his manners?

4. I tried to talk him ______, but did I try hard enough?

6. Match and fill in the gaps.









1. It seems to me the investors have very little to ____. Especially in view of the profits this year.

2. Please be _____ our full support during the Conference.

3. I ______ her, Mr. Cord. Ordinarily, my servants don't do such a thing.

4. When he discovered that Julia spoke French he _____ conversing with her in that language.

7. Draw a cat to get an extra point.

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