12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Соловьева Татьяна Викторовна45
Россия, Кемеровская обл., Ленинск-Кузнецкий

Present Perfect.

Test 1.

Put the verbs into the correct column. Translate.

Break, do, be, done, was, broke, were, broken, been, see, go, seen, went, saw, did, gone.

Infinitive (V1)





2. Put the verb have / has.

1. I_______ gone to France this year.

2. ________she collected secondhand books yet?

3. We _______ helped the neighbourhood today.

4. Alice ______watered flowers in the class.

5. ______you picked up litter?

3. Put since / for

_________ April, __________2 o’clock, _______ 2 hours, ______a week, ______6 years.

4. Make up sentences.

1. Alex /since/ has/pantomime /done/ he was 7/


2. Twins Jane and Net for/ / sung/ folk songs/ have / two years/


3. How long/ raked/ Tom/ the leaves has/?


4. I/ have /for/ English/ spoken/ 5 years.


5. They/ played/ the piano/ have/ this month.

5. Match the sentences.

1) Mrs. Welsh is very happy. Her garden is clean.

2) Paul can ride a horse well.

3) Mrs. Welsh is happy. Her flowers are beautiful.

4) Mr. Elson is happy. There is a lot of food in the fridge.

5) John and Cecil can sing really well.

6) The children in the hospital are happy. They have a lot of new toys.

a) Helen and Ann have sewn soft toys for them.

b) They have sung in the choir for 5 years.

c) He has taken part in competitions for 5 years.

d) Helen has watered the flowers.

e) Ron has done the shopping.

f) Alex has swept the paths.








6. Answer the questions.

1. Напиши формулу present perfect tense.


2. Когда мы используем в речи present perfect tense?


3. Как мы образуем V3 у правильных глаголов?


4. Когда употребляется вспомогательный глагол have?


Present Perfect.

Test 2.

Put the verbs into the correct column. Translate.

Take, swum, spoken, shake, took, taken, write, speak, swim, shook, wrote, spoke, shaken, written, swam.

Infinitive (V1)





2. Put the verb have / has.

1. We _______ played the piano today

2. ________she helped her mum yet?

3. They _______ done tricks for a year.

4. Anna ______washed off graffiti from the walls.

5. ______Net swept the paths?

3. Put since / for

______I was 5, _______Saturday, ______6 months, ______they were 9, _____many years

4. Make up sentences.

1. Sam / since/ has/ tricks/ done/ he was 5/


2. Jane and Kate/ two years/have / ballet/ for /danced/


3. How long/ has/ Tim/ swept/ the paths?


4. I/ have/ sewn/ toys/ for/ 3 days.


5. We/ the violin/ played/ this month /have/

5. Match the sentences.

1) Jack can do tricks.

2) She is happy because her house is clean, too.

3) Mr. Elson is happy. There is a lot of food in the fridge.

4) Mrs. Welsh is happy. Her flowers are beautiful.

5) Mr. Davis is happy because the paths in the garden are clean.

6) The children in the hospital are happy. They have a lot of new toys.

a) Helen and Ann have sewn soft toys for them.

b) He has done tricks since he was 5.

c) The twins Jay and Jane have cleaned up the house.

d) Helen has watered the flowers.

e) Ron has done the shopping.

f) Alex has swept the paths.








6. Answer the questions.

1. Напиши формулу present perfect tense.


2. Когда мы используем в речи present perfect tense?


3. Как мы образуем V3 у неправильных глаголов?


4. Когда употребляется вспомогательный глагол has?



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