Кроссворд по английскому языку на тему «Напитки» (4 класс)

Материал опубликован 16 September 2019



1) A hot drink made from dark beans that are made into a powder.

3) A very sweet liquid made from sugar and water.

4) Fruit and berries cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid are called … fruit.

6) A cold sweet drink with a lemon flavor.

7) A drink made from brown powder that is sweetened and mixed with hot water or milk. Children like it very much.

8) A warm drink made from milk or water, powdered chocolate, and sugar is called … chocolate.

10) A white liquid produced by cows and other mammals as food for their kids.

11) A clear liquid, without color or taste, that falls from the sky as rain and is necessary for animal and plant life.


1) A drink, made by mixing two or more substances together.

2) A liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables.

4) A … drink contains many small bubbles of gas.

5) A thick, cold drink made from fresh fruit and often yogurt or ice cream, mixed together.

9) A drink made by pouring hot water on dried and cut leaves or sometimes flowers.



Beans - бобы

Powder – порошок, пудра

Amount - количество

Liquid - жидкость

Mammal - млекопитающее

Substance - вещество

To contain - содержать

To pour - наливать

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