Кроссворд по английскому языку для 7 класса на тему «Means of transportation» (“Средства передвижения”)

2) A railway system in which electric trains travel through tunnels under the ground.
3) A small vehicle for travelling on water.
4) A public transport vehicle with rubber tyres that travels along ordinary roads in towns and is driven by electricity supplied from a wire above the road.
8) A boat that moves by steam power.
12) A type of aircraft without wings that has one or two sets of large blades that go round very fast on top. It can land and take off vertically and can stay in one place in the air.
14) A car with a driver who you pay to take you somewhere.
15) A road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people.
16) A vehicle with two wheels and an engine.
1) A boat with sails and sometimes an engine, used for either racing or travelling on for pleasure.
2) A small motor vehicle for travelling on snow and ice.
3) A large vehicle in which people are driven from one place to another.
5) A large road vehicle that is used for transporting large amounts of goods.
6) A very large rubber bag that is filled with hot air or gas and can carry people in a basket hanging under it.
7) A boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.
9) A railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or to wheeled containers for carrying goods.
10) A large boat for travelling on water, especially across the sea.
11) A two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals
13) A vehicle designed for air travel, with wings and one or more engines.