Land of the Leopard National Park Geographical location: Land of the Leopard National Park is a national park in Primorsky Krai in the Russian Far East.
Land of the Leopard National Park has been established for the protection of the Amur leopard. Siberian tiger, Eurasian lynx, Amur leopard and 54 mammal species live in the park. The black vulture is among the 184 bird species recorded. Biodiversity
The National Park is facing an extraordinary task, that is, protection and conservation of the only wild Amur leopard population in the world. That is why a persistent battle against poaching and fires has been fought here, the hoofed animals are being fed; ecological monitoring and community outreach are being carried out. Activities
You can help preserve the unique nature of the Primorsky Territory and to participate in the preservation and restoration of the smallest big cat on the planet making a donation to "Land of the Leopard" national park. Donate
The Land of The Leopard National Park was established on 280 thousand hectares of taiga, and it includes the “Kedrovya Pad” Reserve, the “Leopardovy” Reserve, and other territories. Later, over 80 thousand hectares of the National Park were approved as a protected zone. Fact
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