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А.А. Доштамирова (г. Иркутск)


«Lake  Baikalthe pearl of Siberia»


Внеклассное занятие по теме “Озеро Байкал – жемчужина Сибири" представлено для учащихся 8-11 классов с уровнем языковой подготовки от pre-intermediate и рассчитано на 120 минут рабочего времени в зависимости от уровня класса.

Занятие может быть адаптировано под любой УМК как при повторении лексико-грамматического материала, так и для ознакомления, например, при введении некоторых грамматических тем.

Задачи данной методической разработки:

Оказать возможную помощь учителям при подготовке занятия по экологической тематике, связанной с нашим регионом и его эко-проблемами.

Продемонстрировать вклад человека в сохранение различных сфер жизни на Байкале.

Развивать эколого-культурную компетенцию у учащихся.

Воспитывать чувство гордости за свою Родину, формировать позитивное ответственное отношение к Малой Родине.

Дать возможность обучающимся активизировать, расширить и углубить знания по изучаемому материалу, увидеть связь между тем, что изучается на уроках английского языка в интеграции с такими школьными предметами как экология, география, биология, байкаловедение и др.

А.А. Доштамирова (г. Иркутск)


«Lake Baikalthe pearl of Siberia»


Тип занятия: внеклассное занятие по совершенствованию знаний и умений

Форма занятия: занятие практической проектной деятельности

Технология: личностно-ориентированная, проектная, диктоглосс в контексте проблемного обучения, здоровьесберегающая, элементы технологии развития критического мышления.

Оборудование: ноутбук, мультимедиа проектор, экран, handouts (assessment table, a collection of texts), slide show.

Тема занятия: «Lake Baikal – the pearl of Siberia»

Взаимосвязь предметов: история, археология, экополитика, литература, экология, биология, география, байкаловедение.

Цель занятия: проектная деятельность обучающихся с выходом на самостоятельный продукт (диктоглосс – творческое сочинение).

Задачи занятия:

- Обобщить знания о природе Байкала, ее красоте и уникальном природном экокомплексе. Познакомить с историей открытия и изучения озера Байкал на английском языке. (to consolidate knowledge about the natural area of lake Baikal; its beauty, unique natural complex. To introduce the history of the discovery and the study of lake Baikal).

- Формировать эко знания учащихся на примере проблем окружающей среды озера Байкал и их причин (the formation of ecological consciousness of students on the example of environmental problems of Lake Baikal and their causes.)

- Развивать умения анализировать различные источники информации на достоверность предъявляемой информации, а также на наличие известных лексико-грамматических конструкций

-Научить делать выводы эколого-биологической направленности (брать предъявляемый материал под сомнение) на иностранном языке, развивать критическое мышление.

Планируемый результат:

написать диктоглосс с элементами творческого сочинения, беседа о проблемах озера (упражнения в индивидуально - парном режиме).

- Предметные умения:

а) познавательные: развития внимания, мышления и аудио-зрительной памяти учащихся;

б) коммуникативные: слушать и понимать речь учителя; уметь осознанно логично выражать мысли средствами иностранного языка в устной и письменной речи.

в) регулятивные: учить контролировать свою речь по заданной тематике, формировать умения выполнять действия по образцу.

- личностные: формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками.

- метапредметные: уметь адекватно и осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации

Домашнее задание (на выбор):

«Собеседник»: составить 5 вопросов для товарищей по изученной теме

«Учитель»: составить мини-тест в любой форме по пройденному материалу

«Дизайнер»: спроектировать интеллект-карту по изученному экострановедческому материалу

«Исследователь» *: найти расширенную информацию о проблемах Байкала и предложить (наметить) пути их решения (возможен формат презентации, доклада, коллажа, новостной репортаж)

The problem of co-existence of a man and nature is not new; it has been all-time favourite controversial question. The planet can be saved only through the activities of people, based on a deep understanding of the laws, given the multiple interactions in natural communities, the realization that a man is not the Lord of nature, and only a part of it. This means that the environmental and moral issue grows into a problem of converting natural impact of humans on nature, consciously, deliberately, systematically developing with her. This interaction is feasible in the presence of each person sufficient level of ecological and moral culture, ecological and moral consciousness, the formation of which starts from childhood and continues throughout life.


The topic of the lesson is great in that the environmental problem of interaction between man and nature, worsened and has become a truly planetary scale.

Lesson procedure:

Этап занятия, примерное время на этап

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

Планируемый результат


I ЭТАП. ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЙ, приветствие, новости, разминка (5 мин.)


Приветствует ребят. Задает вопросы о погоде, последних новостях, настроении.

Приветствуют учителя. Отвечают на вопросы.

Активизировать внимание, побуждение к коммуникативной деятельности.




Демонстрирует Слайд №1, спрашивает у ребят.

What lake is it?

Do you know where it is located?

What are your associations when you hear the word “Baikal”?

You are right.

Рассматривают слайд, участвуют в беседе.

It may (might, must) be ...

Вызвать заинтересованность в новом материале. Заставить задуматься над темой занятия, поставить собственные цели занятия.



Проверить уровень усвоения лингвоэкологогеографического материала. (5 мин.)






Просит провести параллель с ранее изученным материалом по предложенной теме на разных предметах. Проводит брейнсторминг. (brainstorming) Задает, при необходимости, наводящие вопросы:

- A lot of songs and poems composed by our poets and composers about this lake.

"Who has not seen The Baikal, that has not been to Siberia"- most Siberians say.

Do you agree with the statement? Why?

And what do we know about the Baikal? about people’s impact on the lake?


Формулируют тему урока, вспоминают, что им известно по данной экологической теме, отвечают на вопросы, ставят проблемы.



Создание учебной проблемной ситуации с элементами творческой конструктивной социально- исследовательской деятельности (20 мин.) Организованная дискуссия по заданному плану. (40мин.) (Для слабых групп дискуссия может быть убрана из плана, вариабельность работы в том, что материал может быть заранее подготовлен учителем либо роздан для подготовки учащимися по ссылкам на ресурсы)




I suggest you to read the text. While reading mark the information according to the points “X - I know, \/ - I ‘ve learnt, ?- I’d like to know”.

Ss read the text and point the information.

Teacher: - Very good. Let’s check how you understood the text: ask your classmates general and special questions.

Ss ask and answer questions on the text.

Teacher: - Well done, now using the text, tell me, please, what questions we should answer today.

Students: - How can people help to protect a fragile environment of the Baikal? What ecological problems does the Baikal face today? What can be done about that? How can I personally help to save the lake?

Teacher: - Right. During the lesson, we will examine the main issues touching modern problems of lake Baikal. You were asked ahead to prepare some additional material on lake Baikal on the following topics:

1. The geographical position of lake Baikal. The beauty of the lake and the history of formation of Baikal, the origin of the hollows.

2. Features of climate. The water of lake Baikal – volume, quality, color, transparency.

3. A natural complex of lake Baikal. (the richness and endemicity of the living world)

4. The use of resources of lake Baikal.

5. The Problems of the Baikal.

Let’s start the discussion then.

(Вариант работы после текста вместо дискуссии:

Предлагает выполнить упражнение №1 «Match».

Выявляет наличие трудностей.

Предлагает ознакомиться с презентацией (слайды 2-12).

Организует самопроверку и самокоррекцию задания, предлагает выполнить задания «Gap-filling» и «Table completing» (выполнение в парах)


Читают задание, выполняют упражнение №1 после текста. Дискутируют по заданному плану (или Просматривают слайды с пояснениями учителя. Выполняют следующие два задания (заполнение пропусков и нахождение ошибок в тексте) в парах.)

Саморегуляция, самоконтроль, сформированность навыков вычленения необходимой информации, грамматических навыков, оценка правильности выполнения учебной задачи и возможности ее выполнения.

Выполняют предложенные задания.


V. ЭТАП. ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ЗНАНИЙ И УМЕНИЙ В НОВОЙ СИТУАЦИИ. Применение приобретенных знаний (20 мин.)








Объясняет порядок выполнения диктоглосса.

Проверяет понимание правил обучающимися.

Организует распределение по группам, назначает «писаря». Предлагает прослушать текст. (Текст подбирается по уровню учащихся и в зависимости от пройденной грамматики и лексики, удобно использовать сайт для записи текста www.voki.com)

Мониторит работу обучающихся, помогает при необходимости советом.

Распределяются в группы, прослушивают текст дважды. (прослушивание первый раз без пометок, второе прослушивание с пометками).

Воспроизводят текст максимально близко к оригиналу. Оформляют работу.

Развитие навыков аудирования с выходом на творческую коммуникативную задачу.

VI ЭТАП. КОНТРОЛЬ УСВОЕНИЯ, ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ ДОПУЩЕННЫХ ОШИБОК И ИХ КОРРЕКЦИЯ. Рефлексия и самооценка собственной учебной деятельности. (5 мин.)


Предлагает сверить тексты с оригиналом и оценить свои работы.

Выполняют проверку по эталону, оцениваю работу в группе по шкале.

Развитие умения оценивать свою работу и товарища.


Обобщить полученные знания и подвести итоги. (5 мин.)



Побуждает учеников к подведению итогов, проводит инструктаж по домашнему заданию. Домашнее задание предлагается на выбор в нескольких вариантах.

Teacher: the Russian Government is taking measures to close the pulp and paper mill in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. Only we can preserve the purity of lake Baikal – object "world heritage". In other words, it is recognized that the preservation of the Baikal ecosystem is of planetary importance and is a matter of all earthlings.


Высказывают своё мнение об уроке, рассказывают, чему они научились и дают оценку своим действиям.

Умение оценивать работу выполненную и предстоящую, определить уровень доступности заданий — assessment, recommendations, home assignment.

VIII РЕФЛЕКСИЯ И ВЫВОДЫ ОБ УРОКЕ (5-15 мин. с учетом викторины)


Рефлексия и самооценка учениками собственной учебной деятельности.







Предлагает учащимся ответить на вопросы квиза, и оценить свою работу на занятии. Что узнали? Как работали? Если понравилось, то что можем узнать ещё в дальнейшем?


What was left unclear of the lesson?

What caused the interest in this topic?

What would you like to add to the lesson?

Assess How you have worked today?



Выполняют упражнение, оценивают по эталону.

3 вещи, которые я изучил

2 вопроса, которые у меня остались…

1 идея о том, как мне пригодятся материалы урока в дальнейшем...

Умение оценивать свою работу и своего товарища.

Why have not we spoken of ? What can be done to lake Baikal in the twenty-first century?

Surf the Internet for further information.













Байкал: Атлас. –М.: Роскартография, 1993. –160 с.

Бухаров А.А., Фиалков В.А. Геологическое строение дна Байкала. Взгляд из «Пайсиса». –Новосибирск: Наука. –118с.

Бухаров А.А. Байкал в цифрах. -Иркутск, 2001 -72 с.




Приложение 1.


Перевод материалов сайтов и адаптация для урока и дискуссии: учитель английского языка Доштамирова (Монакова) Анна Андреевна, ученики 11а, 11б классов выпуск 2019 года.

Примерный текст дискуссии:

Leader 1: - the Lake has always played a big role in a person's life. On their shores people historically built dwellings in their waters to search for food, according to their waterways were swimming in the neighboring region and the country. With the lakes connected with many historical events.

In recent years, great attention of all our people attract problems of use of resources and nature protection of lake Baikal. Interest is unique in many ways to the Siberian lake is increasing from year to year.

Leader 2: - Scientists attracted by the still unsolved mystery of lake Baikal is unique for the richness and variety of types of wildlife, amazing purity and transparencyness baykalnaya water. Tourists from around the world entails the beauty of lake Baikal, is harsh, then buying paint, it is surprisingly soft and its poetic.

Do you know where is the word “Baikal” derived from?

T : Baikal – the word is Turkic and it comes from the word Bai Kul, which means "a rich lake". There are about 1/5 or 20 % of the world's fresh water reserves and 4/5 of the freshwater resources of our country.

So we start our discussion, during the discussion the records should be kept in your notebooks.

Meet our group of "experts".

Slide 2.The lake is situated in the mountains of Southern Siberia, in the South of the Central Siberian plateau. The lake is surrounded by mountain ranges of Baikal, Primorsky and Khamar Daban range.

First pupil: Lake Baikal is in the South of Eastern Siberia. In the form of the Crescent moon is born it stretches from South-West to North –East.

Baikal – the oldest lake on earth, which arose as a result of tectonic processes of antiquity.His age is 20-25 million years. Prois

the circulation of lake Baikal is still a matter of scientific debate. The lake is in the rift trough and in its structure similar for example, with a pool of the Dead sea. Some researchers explain the formation of Baikal its location in the area of ancient tectonic fault, others suggest the presence of the giant lake Baikal rift in the earth's mantle, and others explain the formation of depressions of tectonic processes resulting from the movement of the continents of Eurasia and the Indian subcontinent. Volcanic activity at lake Baikal is still going on - in the vicinity of lake earthquakes often happen.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world (1637 m). The average depth is 730 m.

The length of the lake is 620 km, Width from 24-79 km. On lake Baikal contains 27 Islands; the largest island of Alhoc.

Geologist. Lake Baikal is the oldest lake on the planet, his age — about 25 million years ago. Located in the rift zone, this lake - the future of the ocean, as is the split of the lithospheric plate. This is evidenced by frequent earthquakes. In length the lake stretches for 620 km, in width from 24 to 79 km.

Geographers. Physico – geographical characteristics of lake Baikal.

Lake Baikal and its pool is unique in geosystems the world, located in the Central part of Eastern Siberia, near the geographic center of Asia. Baikal is the deepest (1637м) and the oldest (около25 million years), contains more than 1,000 species of endemic species, more than 2600 species of flora and fauna of freshwater reservoirs of the Earth. The lake is 23.6 thousand cubic km of fresh water. Scientists believe that Baikal is a nascent ocean as its banks diverge up to 2 cm per year. Flow into Baikal 336 rivers, and follows one-Angara.

Teacher: now tell me, why is the Baikal water are clean?

First student : first, the shores of the lake are composed of crystalline patterns. They are blurred and hard to give a little suspension. Secondly, in the lake live crustaceans - "wipers" - epishura and macrohectopus. Third, the water itself is able to detoxify.

A hydrologist. In the lake collected a tremendous amount of fresh water -10% of the planet's fresh water. A complete change of water occurs during the 332 years. The lake is fed by more than 336 rivers, and follows one - Angara. Unique water of lake Baikal. In its transparency Baikal surpasses Alpine lake. The water is very clean, brackish.

Hydrologists. Baikal is the greatest lake on the planet.

Baikal – the largest freshwater lake in Russia. Its length - 636 km, water surface area – 31500 square kilometers. Among freshwater lakes, it ranks sixth. Compare, maximum depth of lake Baikal 1637метров and Tanganyika – 1435 meters. The average depth of the lake is 730 meters. Baikal water for 40 years can provide the entire population of Earth. She has a rare purity, little impurity, but a lot of oxygen. The lake lies in the Baikal basin – bottomless stone bowl, surrounded by mountains.

The lake water is cold all year round. The lake freezes late, at the end of December, but revealed Baykal later. Baikal is unique and the huge volume of water.

Teacher: And what is the climate of lake Baikal? (listen to speech)

Second student: the Climate of the Baikal region is moderate, sharply continental. Winter is very cold.The average January temperature of -24 degrees, and on the coast warmer than ten degrees: -14,-17 C. And summers on the shores of the lake are cooler, with average July temperature of 15 C due to uneven heating of the land and waters of the lake formed by the transitions of the atmospheric pressure , the result of local winds.

Sarma Barguzin verhovik

Sarma - hurricane winds; the wind speed reaches 60 m/s.

Barguzin – North-East wind.

Lake Baikal has a unique pure transparent water. White disc, which determine the degree of transparency of the water, visible at the dip in the lake to a depth of 40 meters. Into the lake about 550 rivers. The largest of these Selenga. And only one river Angara flows out of lake Baikal.

About it the Buryats say, "Ruining the daughter of the old man of Baikal".

About Baikal go a lot of legends. And one of them I want to read.

"One of the oldest legends says that in very ancient times in these places lived a harsh hero named Baikal. And he had several hundred sons and one daughter-the Angara, the most beautiful girl in the world. Day sons and daughter worked tirelessly. In the mountains stoked snow and glaciers from throughout the district gathered and drove the crystal water into a huge basin. And then one day I heard the Hangar from itinerant singers that over the neighboring mountains, home to the young hero, the handsome Yenisei. Loved the Yenisei and Angara ran away from the crystal Palace from the bottom of the underwater Kingdom, where she signed a strict father. After learning about the escape, an enraged Baikal gave chase, grabbed a huge boulder and threw it in rebellious daughter, but missed. Since then, and is this lump at the exit of the river from the lake, call it now of Days with the stone. In the end, ran Angara to the Yenisei , and embraced him, and they flowed together to the icy North sea."

A climatologist. The lake is located in the temperate zone, harsh continental type climate. Calm and gentle Baikal in calm weather, but harsh, forbidding and dangerous in storms. A particularly fierce wind, the Sarma, the speed of which reaches more than 60 km/h. Local winds are also Barguzin, verhovik, Kultuk. Duration of sunshine the region of lake Baikal is not inferior to Mediterranean countries.

Teacher: flora and fauna of Baikal is extremely rich. Currently in the lake known 1550 types of varieties of animals and 1085 species of plant organisms, and ¾ of them unique to Baikal.

What are organisms inhabiting Baikal?

Third student: Deep endemism, i.e., they are endemic.

Teacher: 70% of all organisms are endemic. What is endemic?

Fourth student: the plants and animals that occur only in one specific location.

Teacher: What are endemics of lake Baikal can you name?

The fifth disciple: This is the omul, the seal, the Baikal sturgeon, crabs, gobies, golomyanka. sponges etc.

Sixth student: In the lake there are 58 species of fish. And the biggest fish that is found in lake Baikal is the Baikal sturgeon. It weighs 130 kg and a length of about 2 m And the smallest fish, weighing 2 grams. This bull Gurvich. And mnogochislennoe fish in the lake, the Golomyanka. She lives at a depth of 1200m. It has no scales. It is viviparous. 30% of her body weight is fat. Also the most numerous commercial fish is the omul, which reaches up to 50 cm and has a weight of 5 kg.

Biologist. The ancient age of the Baikal was allowed to keep living organisms long-vanished times: 8 species are endemic, i.e. not found anywhere else. The most interesting endemic species of the golomyanka, Cisco, sculpin. The golomyanka is a viviparous fish. In the lake there are valuable commercial fish: omul, whitefish, grayling. Mammals of the lake is the Baikal seal. The purity of the water helps to keep small crustaceans — Baikal epishura.

The biologists. The flora and fauna of lake Baikal.

In the lake many freshwater mollusks, 1550 species of animals, 1,000 species of plants, of which 2/3 are endemic. Various species of algae, crustaceans, amphipods, protozoa, sponges, mollusks. Meet 52 kinds of fish, the golomyanka common - viviparous fish. In Baikal there are marine mammal – the ringed seal. About 60% of animals and 15% of the plants of lake Baikal are endemic, meaning they live only in Baikal. In the "Red book" listed plants: lichens, mosses, Fabaceae, Ranunculaceae, Grass; animals: the golomyanka, sturgeon, grayling, char. Massive collection and poaching fishing is causing a steady decline in their numbers.

The ecologist. The construction of the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, Selenginsky paper factory, various industrial enterprises in Ulan-Ude and Irkutsk have a negative impact on the nature of lake Baikal. Unfortunately, not all understand the necessity of careful attitude to the nature of the lake. Only reasonable, based on modern technologies development of natural resources of lake Baikal will help to obtain economic benefits and to preserve this natural sanctuary for future generations.

Environmentalists. The influence of human activities on the ecosystem of lake Baikal.

The nature of lake Baikal is being polluted and deteriorating major industrial centers due to emissions of harmful substances into the air and water, deforestation, misuse of fertilizers, soil erosion. Baikal is a unique lake. Nature lake is a must. Need to preserve lake Baikal for future generations!

Teacher: What measures are being taken to protect the lake and to preserve this unique monument.

Second student: Created on its banks 2 national Park Pribaikalsky and Zabaikalsky; reserves: the Barguzin, the Baikal-Lensky.

Teacher: the Unique nature of the Baikal lake has a picturesque coast and Islands. The lake is a recreational facility in Siberia. Clean air, mineral springs, clean, clear water of the lake attract many tourists. Lake Baikal with its unique natural world can reveal many secrets of the evolution of animals and plants. The lake is rich in fish resources , and the ridges of the Baikal region have huge reserves of wood – cedar, pine, larch. Cedar is a valuable tree nuts, pine nut oil is used in medicine and optics, serves as food for the inhabitants of the forest and to humans.

In the 20th century built on the banks of the Baikal pulp and paper mills, which heavily pollute the water of the lake. On the Angara river built the Irkutsk hydroelectric station, thereby podprudili lake Baikal, which led to the rise of the water level by 1 meter, flush from the banks of mud, murky water, the death of the main filter of Baikal water – plankton. Naturally, the development of the economy of the Baikal region requires rational use of its resources of protection and reproduction of them. Particular attention is paid to the future is unique in many ways of the lake. To preserve the purity of the Baikal water and using the riches of the lake, not to harm nature, it is necessary to establish a uniform system of reasonable use of the entire pool.

The Director of the reserve. Barguzinsky reserve is the oldest reserve in Russia. It was created in 1916 to protect and increase the population of Barguzin sable. Located on the Western slopes of the Barguzin ridge. The area is 263 hectares, including 17 hectares of water area of lake Baikal.

Director of the Limnological Institute. Limnology is the comprehensive science of lakes and reservoirs. She studies the interactions occurring in physical, chemical, and biological processes, as well as the history and evolution of water bodies and their fauna and flora. Our Institute was founded on the base station of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Guys, please tell me, what environmental problem exists in lake Baikal? What is the state on this issue? What steps would you take to tackle the problem of lake Baikal?

The students ' answers:

1. To prevent the salt floating on the rivers .

2. To regulate the felling of forest in the basins of the rivers flowing into the lake.

3. To construct treatment facilities at the enterprises, situated on the banks of lake and rivers flowing into Baikal.

4. To prohibit the felling of the forest on the slopes of the ridges facing the lake.

5. Create a recreation with organized visits to lakes by tourists.

6. To raise ecological culture of the population.

7. To create a reserve.

You are right, well done.



Приложение 2.

Обобщение в конце занятия (упражнения для выбора). Game-quiz.

The class divided into 2 teams. Questions are asked alternately to each team. You need to give a quick and correct answer. Each correct answer is worth one point. At the end count the number of points and on the basis of that one of the teams wins.

Choose the correct answer

1. What is Limnology?


a science about lakes

the birthplace of the Limpopo.

2. What is a Baikal?



the ocean.

3. How old is lake Baikal?

a million years;

a thousand years;

twenty-five million.

4. Why lake Baikal as a model of the ocean?

it is deep and youthful;

has strong storms and high waves;

can live shark.

5. What is the value of a Baikal occupies the first place among the lakes of the world?

by volume;


in depth;



6. What mountains (ridges) do not surround the Baikal?





7. Where he lives, ulothrix?

in the thickness of lake Baikal;

on the shore of the lake;

green algae in the lake.

9. Who can be attributed to ciliary worms?




10. Who can be attributed to the plankton?



the epishura.

11. What river flows into the Baikal?





12. Seal – who is she?




13. What eats the seal in Baikal?




14. Which fish is endemic to lake Baikal?




the golomyanka.

15. Which fish giant live 50-60 years, reaches up to 100-130 kg in weight, small in number and listed in the "Red book of rare and endangered species"?



the Baikal sturgeon.

16. What is endemic?

sick with the flu;

one of a kind;


17. Why bad down in lake Baikal waste?

they consume oxygen;

float back;

offended Baikal;

stop buying products.

18. What are the environmental problems on the lake you know?


the development of industry on the shores of the lake;

wild vacation;

predatory fish;

shooting seals...

1. Hurricane-force winds on lake Baikal?

2. Organisms that are not found anywhere else?

3. Pink white translucent fish not having scales?

4. A North-East wind on lake Baikal.

5. It is the largest island on lake Baikal.

6. Scientists studying the lake?

Answers: 1.Sarma. 2.Endemic. 3.The golomyanka. 4.Barguzin. 5.Ol 6.Limnologie.

Card No. 2

What is it?

1. Sarma;

2. Barguzin;

3. Barguzin;

4. Selenga;

5. Bay;

6. lake;

7. Hangar;

8. Moleva alloy.


1. Sarma – hurricane winds on lake Baikal.

2. Barguzin – North-East wind and the river.

3. The Barguzin mountain range on the northeastern shore of the lake and it Barguzinsky reserve.

4. Selenga, the largest river flowing into lake Baikal.

5. The Bay – flowing in the dry part of the lake filled.

6. The lake is a closed basin, filled with water.

7. Angara – the only river flowing from lake Baikal.

8. Moleva alloy – alloy logs are not associated in rafts.











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