My favourite weather

Материал опубликован 26 February 2021 в группе

My favorite weather is rainy. May be someone doesn't like when it is rainy outside and harsh and damp, but to me it's the perfect weather to think of something, and delve into the thoughts. I think it's great to get out in the rain barefoot in a t-shirt and shorts and just jump in the rain frolic to. Lie on the grass and enjoy your life. Or go out for a walk in the rain in the wood with a sad playlist in headphones and think about the life. May be for someone it's too sad, for someone perfectionist or people who sees everything positive. I'm the kind of person who likes to be sad. But in the rain it's not just a bad mood, what could be better when you go on a single road, over you is grey sky, the rain around the damp and the beautiful smell of damp. As I said I love to wear some light clothes to be able to feel these cool raindrops. But if a person is more prone to permafrost, it would be desirable for him to wear some kind of jacket with a hood and trousers and boots.

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