Презентация на тему «Неправильные глаголы в стихах и сказках на английском языке» (4–5 классы)

Материал опубликован 29 March 2024 в группе

Предварительный просмотр презентации

Irregular Verbs in The Past Simple Tense

b…gan, l…ft, m…t, l…t, r…ad, sl…pt, t…ok, b…ught, f…und, th…ught, f…rgot e e e e e e o o o o o

Last week I … And … him in my . He … there a And … there a .

Last week I met a cat And put him in my hat. He built there a house And caught there a mouse.

Begin - began Know - knew Build - built Run - ran Eat - ate Write - wrote Stand - stood

Find irregular verbs in these fairy-tales. The mouse and the camel. The squirrel and the mouse. Two mice. Fairy-tales of Siberian Folks

Was, take, saw, read, wrote, flew, told, fall

1 форма 2 форма баллы was take saw read wrote flew told fall f

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