Оценочные средства для аттестации по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации»

МИНИСТЕРСТво образования омской области
бюджетное ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ образовательное учреждение
Оценочные средства
для промежуточной аттестации в форме экзамена.
Дисциплина: Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.
2023 г.
на заседании методической директор БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
комиссии ___________В.Ф. Воронович
протокол № 1 27.08.2019г. г.27.08.2019 г.
Оценочные средства разработаны в соответствии с нормативными документами:
Закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» (ред. от 29.12.2012 г. № 273 ФЗ);
Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт среднего профессионального образования по специальности:43.02.10 Туризм.
Учебный план БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ» по программе подготовки специалистов среднего звена (ППССЗ) по специальности: 43.02.10 Туризм.
Организация-разработчик: БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
Разработчики: | Панченко Л.С. (Фамилия И.О.)
| Преподаватель (занимаемая должность, квалификация) Методист (занимаемая должность, квалификация) |
1. Общие положения
1.1. Оценочные средства для промежуточной аттестации при освоении учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык с сфере профессиональной коммуникации программы подготовки квалифицированных рабочих, служащих среднего профессионального образования (далее – ППКПС СПО) на базе основного общего образования при подготовке квалифицированных рабочих, служащих по профессии определяют порядок проведения и содержание промежуточной аттестации обучающихся, и характеризует совокупность предъявляемых требований по всем ее видам, в том числе к содержанию, контрольно-оценочным средствам и технологии проведения, разработаны в соответствии с нормативными документами:
Закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» (ред. от 29.12.2012 г. № 273 - ФЗ);
Приказ Минобрнауки России от 02.08.2013 N 740 (ред. от 09.04.2015) "Об утверждении федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности 43.02.10 Туризм" (приказ Министерства образования и науки РФ от 7 мая 2014 г. N 474);
Положение об организации текущего контроля успеваемости и промежуточной аттестации обучающихся БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ» (приказ № 35/3 от 25.03.2016 г.);
1.2. Промежуточная аттестация обучающихся БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ» (далее – профессиональная образовательная организация ПОО) есть процедура установления соответствия качества подготовки обучающихся требованиям ФГОС СПО.
ОК 01. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
ОК 02. Организовывать собственную деятельность, исходя из цели и способов ее достижения, определенных руководителем.
ОК 03. Анализировать рабочую ситуацию, осуществлять текущий и итоговый контроль, оценку и коррекцию собственной деятельности, нести ответственность за результаты своей работы.
ОК 04. Осуществлять поиск информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач.
ОК 05. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.
ОК 06. Работать в команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, клиентами.
ОК 07. Организовывать собственную деятельность с соблюдением требований охраны труда и экологической безопасности.
ОК 08. Исполнять воинскую обязанность, в том числе с применением полученных профессиональных знаний (для юношей).
Программа может использоваться другими профессиональными образовательными организациями, реализующими образовательную программу среднего общего образования в пределах освоения ОПОП СПО на базе основного общего образования (ППКРС, ППССЗ).
Программа может использоваться другими профессиональными образовательными организациями, реализующими образовательную.
2. Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств
Оценочные средства предназначены для промежуточной аттестации по дисциплине общеобразовательного цикла Иностранный язык с сфере профессиональной коммуникации. в части овладения умениями и знаниями по иностранному языку (английскому языку).
1.2. Сводные данные об объектах оценивания, формах аттестации, основных показателях оценки
Объектами оценивания являются знания, умения, приобретённые обучающимися при освоении дисциплины общеобразовательного цикла Иностранный язык с сфере профессиональной коммуникации..
Форма промежуточной аттестации – экзамен.
1.3. Результаты освоения дисциплины.
В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:
- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;
- переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;
- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас;
- лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
2. Содержание и формы промежуточной аттестации
Промежуточная аттестация при реализации учебной дисциплины общеобразовательного цикла Иностранный язык проводится в форме экзамена.
Контрольные материалы содержат задания для оценки знаний в виде набора заданий по чтению и переводу профессионально-ориентированных текстов.
3. Комплект оценочных средств
3.1. Пакет для обучающегося.
1. Пакет обучающегося.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Pilgrimage and religious tourism sites.
Okunevo village.
Okunevo is considered to be the main object of pilgrimage in the Muromtsevo district – it is a unique place of connection of various cultures and religions. The craving for knowledge and esotericism can be satisfied by visiting the temple of followers of the Hindu teachings of Babaji ("ashram"). Babaji's followers perform their rituals in this area and celebrate religious holidays on a grand scale. "Babajists" believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, the unification of all religious denominations will take place, and it is from here that the Golden Age will begin its countdown.
The prophet Sai Baba, well-known in India, believes that the ancient temple of the monkey god Hanuman is hiding underground near this modest Siberian village. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a sacred place on the "Tatarsky Uval" – a secret gateway to parallel worlds. Okunevtsy have been observing neoby in these places for a long timе.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
1.Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Objects of religious tourism in the Muromtsevsky district.
1. Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
2. Sunday Parish School of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
3. Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Petropavlovsk
4. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Samokhvalovo
5. Holy Intercession Monastery in Samokhvalovo village of Ushakov rural
6. The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in the village of Artyn
7. Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Bergamac
8. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Kondratievo
9. The Church of St. Nicholas of Japan in the village of Kurnevo
10. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Karbiza
11. The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in d. Okunevo
12. Chapel of St. Michael in the village of Ryazan
13. Chapel of the Great Martyr Catherine in the village of Petropavlovsk
14. The Church in honor of All the Saints who shone in the Russian land in the village of Muromtsevo
15. Mosque in the village of Muromtsevo
16. Mosque in the village of Chertaly of the Mysovsky rural settlement.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Тема: Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Monuments, historical buildings and structures.
Distillery, Petropavlovsk village
The distillery, located in the village of Petropavlovsk, 5 km from Muromtsevo, is a rare example of industrial architecture for the Omsk region, characterized by a picturesque three-dimensional composition. The building is made of brick with elements of eclecticism in the architectural solution. It is a two-storey brick structure in the main parts, with two high towers at different levels, which is currently heavily destroyed. The plan has a complex configuration, the volume is represented by several rectangles. The architectural appearance of the main (western) facade is asymmetrical. From the northwest there is a two-story rectangular volume with six window openings on each floor, located at the same distance from each other. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. Adjacent to this part of the building is a narrow but higher two-storey volume with arched doorways on the first and window openings on the second floors. Then follows the wall of the third floor, turning into a triangular gable. Its center is highlighted by a window in the central part. The parapet runs over the cornice, above there is a dormer window. The gable has parapet columns at the edges. On the ground floor there are two large arched window openings, differing from each other only in height. The platbands act as relief masonry and are highlighted in white. In 1857, on the initiative of merchant Mikhail Korchemkin, wooden buildings of a distillery were built on the picturesque bank of a small river Shaitanki. The time of its laying coincided with the day of Peter and Paul, hence the name – Peter and Paul Plant. Later, this name was fixed for the village. At the end of the 1880s, M. Korchemkin transferred the plant as a dowry to his daughter. Son-in-law, State Councilor N.I. Davydovsky, a well-known breeder of Tyumen and Yalutorovsk, reconstructed and rebuilt dilapidated buildings. A new brick factory building, malt houses, wine warehouses and other industrial and residential buildings grew up next to the wooden factory during 1894-1895. The new plant was equipped with more modern equipment purchased abroad. At the beginning of the twentieth century . The alcohol production plant in Western Siberia was second only to Zavodoukovsky. During 1900-1919, the company changed hands: first inherited by Davydovsky's daughter, and then it was sold to Ural industrialists. The plant produced its products until 1921. Since 1936, he switched to the production of starch and molasses. In 1971, as a result of an accident, the plant burned down. Registered by the decision of the regional executive committee No. 20 of 22.01.1991, Resolution No. 176-p of 19.04.1994. Currently, the plant is in a dilapidated state: the floors, part of the window openings, as well as completely internal interiors have been lost. The internal walls were partially destroyed. Currently, the Distillery's glade attracts residents of the district and its guests as a venue for folk festivals, festivals of ethnocultures, craft exhibitions. Every year on July 12, Petropavlovsk Village Day is held here.
The objects of cultural heritage – monuments of history and culture on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district include: the mansion of the merchant Yarovaya (the district agency of the company "Om"), the mansion of the merchant O.G. Potseluyeva, the mansion of the merchant Artemov (the editorial office of the newspaper "Banner of Labor"), the mansion of the merchant Shiryaev (Muromtsevsky Museum of Local Lore), the profitable house of the merchants Obukhov (Obukhovsky store).
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Museums, nature reserves, exhibition halls.
Muromtsevo Museum of Local History.
The Muromtsevo Museum of Local History is located in the center of the village on one of its oldest streets. The two-storey merchant mansion is a monument of history and culture of regional significance. Carved platbands, a front porch with a balcony and an elegant pediment of a log building of the early twentieth century make it a real decoration of the historical part of the village.
In the museum you can see a rich collection of paleontological finds testifying to the habitation of mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, unicorns, bison and other prehistoric animals on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district. Archaeological artifacts will introduce you to the world of ancient hunters and fishermen who inhabited our region since the Neolithic period.
The fund of the Museum of Local Lore is more than 13 thousand units of storage, which allows organizing new exhibitions and updating the exposition annually.
The main part of the museum items has a dating of a hundred years or more, many exhibits were included in the catalog "Ethnographic collections" and "Catalog of rare and valuable items of regional museums of the Omsk region". The museum contains the most interesting collections of towels, woven belts, samovars, pottery, cultural and everyday objects of the peoples who lived in Pritarye.
Pilgrimage and religious tourism sites.
Okunevo village.
Okunevo is considered to be the main object of pilgrimage in the Muromtsevo district – it is a unique place of connection of various cultures and religions. The craving for knowledge and esotericism can be satisfied by visiting the temple of followers of the Hindu teachings of Babaji ("ashram"). Babaji's followers perform their rituals in this area and celebrate religious holidays on a grand scale. "Babajists" believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, the unification of all religious denominations will take place, and it is from here that the Golden Age will begin its countdown.
The prophet Sai Baba, well-known in India, believes that the ancient temple of the monkey god Hanuman is hiding underground near this modest Siberian village. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a sacred place on the "Tatarsky Uval" – a secret gateway to parallel worlds. Okunevtsy have been observing neoby in these places for a long timе.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Sports facilities
Children's and youth sports school (Lenin Street, 66), the founder of the MBU DO "DYuSSh" is the municipal formation of the Muromtsevsky municipal district of the Omsk region. The functions and powers of the Founder are carried out by the Education Committee of the Muromtsevsky Municipal district of the Omsk region. Sports: volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, short track, athletics. Omsk Regional Sports Training Center "Academy of Biathlon and Ski Sports" (Petropavlovsk village), illuminated biathlon track. Sports: winter and summer biathlon, skiing, tennis.
Branch of the children's and youth sports school – ski base – Petropavlovsk village.
Fakel Stadium. Complex sports ground in the village of Muromtsevo. The stadium on the territory of MBDOU "Muromtsevsky Lyceum No. 1" was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children".
The complex sports ground in the village of Artyn was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children". Hockey boxes "Torch" in R.P. Muromtsevo, D. Lisino, S. Bergamak, S. Mys, S. Artyn, S. Kondratievo, D. Kurganka, S. Gurovo. A modern stadium. On August 31, in the village of Petropavlovsk, Muromtsevsky district, on the territory of the Petropavlovsk school, the grand opening of the stadium, built at the expense of philanthropist-entrepreneur Boris Ivanovich Kovalenko, took place. The stadium includes a football field with artificial turf, a running track, weight training equipment, as well as a hockey box with a soft surface for volleyball and basketball competitions in the summer.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Entertainment facilities
1. Muromtsev Film and Leisure Center
2. Municipal budgetary cultural Institution Center of Russian Traditional Culture "Siberian Springs"
3. Muromtsevo Museum of Local History
4. Inter-settlement Library named after M.A. Ulyanov
5. MBMUKiT "Five lakes-Muromtsevo"
Park and recreational areas
"Green Island" is the territory of the forest fund lands near the village of Muromtsevo of the Muromtsevo municipal district of the Omsk region with a total area of 82 hectares (822,821.00 sq. m.), the recreation area is freely accessible to visitors all year round, tourist places located along the high steep of the Novaya Staritsa Lake are equipped with tables, benches, toilets.
Objects of folk crafts and crafts
1. The Center of Russian traditional culture "Siberian Springs"
2. MKUDO Muromtsevskaya children's art school "School of crafts"
Event tourism:festivals held in the Muromtsevsky district
Festival of Ethnic Cultures "Solstice – Okunevo"
Tourists from all over the world are attracted to the Muromtsevsky district by the mysteries of the Okunevsky Ark. The largest flow of tourists falls on the days of the Summer Solstice festival on June 20-22. In different years, from 2 to 6 thousand guests of the festival visited the festival site.
The open–air festival of Ethnic Cultures "Solstice - Okunevo" (hereinafter the Festival) has been held annually since 2010 in a pine forest, on the picturesque bank of the Tara River, in an ecologically clean area – the village of Okunevomuromtsevsky district of the Omsk region. The festival gathers enthusiasts and like-minded people in the field of studying Russian traditional culture and the heritage of the fatherland. Orthodoxy, natural faith, folklore, traditional crafts, martial arts, folk pedagogy – once disparate parts of the system of Russian traditional culture are collectively represented at the Festival.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Trinity round dances
The regional congress holiday "Trinity Festivities" has been held annually on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district since 2009. The holiday begins with the Divine Liturgy in the church, continues with a concert of Bells. The holiday of the national calendar combines the best moments of the celebration of the national Trinity – holding a fair of craftsmen, a round dance procession, playgrounds and dance grounds, concert programs of folklore traditions of the region, gatherings and "evenings". The central and most fascinating action of this holiday was the "Big Trinity Round Dances".
"Trinity festivities" are held with a large number of participants of folklore groups from all over the region and from neighboring regions. In different years, the holiday traveled to different sites of the Muromtsevo district: the central square of the village of Muromtsevo, the square near the Peter and Paul Distillery, the festival glade near the village of Okunevo.
Pilgrimage and religious tourism sites.
Okunevo village.
Okunevo is considered to be the main object of pilgrimage in the Muromtsevo district – it is a unique place of connection of various cultures and religions. The craving for knowledge and esotericism can be satisfied by visiting the temple of followers of the Hindu teachings of Babaji ("ashram"). Babaji's followers perform their rituals in this area and celebrate religious holidays on a grand scale. "Babajists" believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, the unification of all religious denominations will take place, and it is from here that the Golden Age will begin its countdown.
The prophet Sai Baba, well-known in India, believes that the ancient temple of the monkey god Hanuman is hiding underground near this modest Siberian village. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a sacred place on the "Tatarsky Uval" – a secret gateway to parallel worlds. Okunevtsy have been observing neoby in these places for a long timе.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Tourist gathering "In the land of five lakes"
"Five Lakes-Muromtsevo" annually holds a tourist rally to celebrate World Tourism Day on September 31. The purpose of the rally is to develop and popularize tourism in the Muromtsevo district.
The rally is held on the territory of the Green Island. The participants of the rally can be legal entities and individuals who have submitted applications according to the form. Tourist teams that arrived at the rally are placed in a natural environment.
Peter and Paul Day
The village of Petropavlovsk of the Muromtsevsky district has long established itself as a tourist attraction. July 12 is the Day of the village of Petropavlovsk – an event that attracts guests from all over the Omsk region. A rich program of the holiday: Divine Liturgy in the Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul, master classes in bell ringing, big Trinity round dances and folk games, fair and exhibition sale of handicrafts and crafts, children's entertainment programs, sports, boat races, a large concert program, theatrical performances - all this is held at a high level professional level, which indicates a large number of not only local residents, but also guests and tourists.
Pilgrimage and religious tourism sites.
Okunevo village.
Okunevo is considered to be the main object of pilgrimage in the Muromtsevo district – it is a unique place of connection of various cultures and religions. The craving for knowledge and esotericism can be satisfied by visiting the temple of followers of the Hindu teachings of Babaji ("ashram"). Babaji's followers perform their rituals in this area and celebrate religious holidays on a grand scale. "Babajists" believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, the unification of all religious denominations will take place, and it is from here that the Golden Age will begin its countdown.
The prophet Sai Baba, well-known in India, believes that the ancient temple of the monkey god Hanuman is hiding underground near this modest Siberian village. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a sacred place on the "Tatarsky Uval" – a secret gateway to parallel worlds. Okunevtsy have been observing neoby in these places for a long timе.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
_________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Sports facilities
Children's and youth sports school (Lenin Street, 66), the founder of the MBU DO "DYuSSh" is the municipal formation of the Muromtsevsky municipal district of the Omsk region. The functions and powers of the Founder are carried out by the Education Committee of the Muromtsevsky Municipal district of the Omsk region. Sports: volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, short track, athletics. Omsk Regional Sports Training Center "Academy of Biathlon and Ski Sports" (Petropavlovsk village), illuminated biathlon track. Sports: winter and summer biathlon, skiing, tennis.
Branch of the children's and youth sports school – ski base – Petropavlovsk village.
Fakel Stadium. Complex sports ground in the village of Muromtsevo. The stadium on the territory of MBDOU "Muromtsevsky Lyceum No. 1" was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children".
The complex sports ground in the village of Artyn was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children". Hockey boxes "Torch" in R.P. Muromtsevo, D. Lisino, S. Bergamak, S. Mys, S. Artyn, S. Kondratievo, D. Kurganka, S. Gurovo. A modern stadium. On August 31, in the village of Petropavlovsk, Muromtsevsky district, on the territory of the Petropavlovsk school, the grand opening of the stadium, built at the expense of philanthropist-entrepreneur Boris Ivanovich Kovalenko, took place. The stadium includes a football field with artificial turf, a running track, weight training equipment, as well as a hockey box with a soft surface for volleyball and basketball competitions in the summer.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Entertainment facilities
1. Muromtsev Film and Leisure Center
2. Municipal budgetary cultural Institution Center of Russian Traditional Culture "Siberian Springs"
3. Muromtsevo Museum of Local History
4. Inter-settlement Library named after M.A. Ulyanov
5. MBMUKiT "Five lakes-Muromtsevo"
Park and recreational areas
"Green Island" is the territory of the forest fund lands near the village of Muromtsevo of the Muromtsevo municipal district of the Omsk region with a total area of 82 hectares (822,821.00 sq. m.), the recreation area is freely accessible to visitors all year round, tourist places located along the high steep of the Novaya Staritsa Lake are equipped with tables, benches, toilets.
Objects of folk crafts and crafts
1. The Center of Russian traditional culture "Siberian Springs"
2. MKUDO Muromtsevskaya children's art school "School of crafts"
Event tourism:festivals held in the Muromtsevsky district
Festival of Ethnic Cultures "Solstice – Okunevo"
Tourists from all over the world are attracted to the Muromtsevsky district by the mysteries of the Okunevsky Ark. The largest flow of tourists falls on the days of the Summer Solstice festival on June 20-22. In different years, from 2 to 6 thousand guests of the festival visited the festival site.
The open–air festival of Ethnic Cultures "Solstice - Okunevo" (hereinafter the Festival) has been held annually since 2010 in a pine forest, on the picturesque bank of the Tara River, in an ecologically clean area – the village of Okunevomuromtsevsky district of the Omsk region. The festival gathers enthusiasts and like-minded people in the field of studying Russian traditional culture and the heritage of the fatherland. Orthodoxy, natural faith, folklore, traditional crafts, martial arts, folk pedagogy – once disparate parts of the system of Russian traditional culture are collectively represented at the Festival.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
1.Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Tourist gathering "In the land of five lakes"
"Five Lakes-Muromtsevo" annually holds a tourist rally to celebrate World Tourism Day on September 31. The purpose of the rally is to develop and popularize tourism in the Muromtsevo district.
The rally is held on the territory of the Green Island. The participants of the rally can be legal entities and individuals who have submitted applications according to the form. Tourist teams that arrived at the rally are placed in a natural environment.
Peter and Paul Day
The village of Petropavlovsk of the Muromtsevsky district has long established itself as a tourist attraction. July 12 is the Day of the village of Petropavlovsk – an event that attracts guests from all over the Omsk region. A rich program of the holiday: Divine Liturgy in the Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul, master classes in bell ringing, big Trinity round dances and folk games, fair and exhibition sale of handicrafts and crafts, children's entertainment programs, sports, boat races, a large concert program, theatrical performances - all this is held at a high level professional level, which indicates a large number of not only local residents, but also guests and tourists.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
1.Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Sports facilities
Children's and youth sports school (Lenin Street, 66), the founder of the MBU DO "DYuSSh" is the municipal formation of the Muromtsevsky municipal district of the Omsk region. The functions and powers of the Founder are carried out by the Education Committee of the Muromtsevsky Municipal district of the Omsk region. Sports: volleyball, basketball, football, hockey, short track, athletics. Omsk Regional Sports Training Center "Academy of Biathlon and Ski Sports" (Petropavlovsk village), illuminated biathlon track. Sports: winter and summer biathlon, skiing, tennis.
Branch of the children's and youth sports school – ski base – Petropavlovsk village.
Fakel Stadium. Complex sports ground in the village of Muromtsevo. The stadium on the territory of MBDOU "Muromtsevsky Lyceum No. 1" was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children".
The complex sports ground in the village of Artyn was built and equipped according to the Federal program "Gazprom for Children". Hockey boxes "Torch" in R.P. Muromtsevo, D. Lisino, S. Bergamak, S. Mys, S. Artyn, S. Kondratievo, D. Kurganka, S. Gurovo. A modern stadium. On August 31, in the village of Petropavlovsk, Muromtsevsky district, on the territory of the Petropavlovsk school, the grand opening of the stadium, built at the expense of philanthropist-entrepreneur Boris Ivanovich Kovalenko, took place. The stadium includes a football field with artificial turf, a running track, weight training equipment, as well as a hockey box with a soft surface for volleyball and basketball competitions in the summer.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Trinity round dances
The regional congress holiday "Trinity Festivities" has been held annually on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district since 2009. The holiday begins with the Divine Liturgy in the church, continues with a concert of Bells. The holiday of the national calendar combines the best moments of the celebration of the national Trinity – holding a fair of craftsmen, a round dance procession, playgrounds and dance grounds, concert programs of folklore traditions of the region, gatherings and "evenings". The central and most fascinating action of this holiday was the "Big Trinity Round Dances".
"Trinity festivities" are held with a large number of participants of folklore groups from all over the region and from neighboring regions. In different years, the holiday traveled to different sites of the Muromtsevo district: the central square of the village of Muromtsevo, the square near the Peter and Paul Distillery, the festival glade near the village of Okunevo.
2. Objects of religious tourism in the Muromtsevsky district.
1. Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
2. Sunday Parish School of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
3. Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Petropavlovsk
4. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Samokhvalovo
5. Holy Intercession Monastery in Samokhvalovo village of Ushakov rural
6. The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in the village of Artyn
7. Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Bergamac
8. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Kondratievo
9. The Church of St. Nicholas of Japan in the village of Kurnevo
10. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Karbiza
11. The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in d. Okunevo
12. Chapel of St. Michael in the village of Ryazan
13. Chapel of the Great Martyr Catherine in the village of Petropavlovsk
14. The Church in honor of All the Saints who shone in the Russian land in the village of Muromtsevo
15. Mosque in the village of Muromtsevo
16. Mosque in the village of Chertaly of the Mysovsky rural settlement.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Monuments, historical buildings and structures.
Distillery, Petropavlovsk village
The distillery, located in the village of Petropavlovsk, 5 km from Muromtsevo, is a rare example of industrial architecture for the Omsk region, characterized by a picturesque three-dimensional composition. The building is made of brick with elements of eclecticism in the architectural solution. It is a two-storey brick structure in the main parts, with two high towers at different levels, which is currently heavily destroyed. The plan has a complex configuration, the volume is represented by several rectangles. The architectural appearance of the main (western) facade is asymmetrical. From the northwest there is a two-story rectangular volume with six window openings on each floor, located at the same distance from each other. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. The surface of the wall is divided by smooth blades with brick decor in the upper part into three strands. Adjacent to this part of the building is a narrow but higher two-storey volume with arched doorways on the first and window openings on the second floors. Then follows the wall of the third floor, turning into a triangular gable. Its center is highlighted by a window in the central part. The parapet runs over the cornice, above there is a dormer window. The gable has parapet columns at the edges. On the ground floor there are two large arched window openings, differing from each other only in height. The platbands act as relief masonry and are highlighted in white. In 1857, on the initiative of merchant Mikhail Korchemkin, wooden buildings of a distillery were built on the picturesque bank of a small river Shaitanki. The time of its laying coincided with the day of Peter and Paul, hence the name – Peter and Paul Plant. Later, this name was fixed for the village. At the end of the 1880s, M. Korchemkin transferred the plant as a dowry to his daughter. Son-in-law, State Councilor N.I. Davydovsky, a well-known breeder of Tyumen and Yalutorovsk, reconstructed and rebuilt dilapidated buildings. A new brick factory building, malt houses, wine warehouses and other industrial and residential buildings grew up next to the wooden factory during 1894-1895. The new plant was equipped with more modern equipment purchased abroad. At the beginning of the twentieth century . The alcohol production plant in Western Siberia was second only to Zavodoukovsky. During 1900-1919, the company changed hands: first inherited by Davydovsky's daughter, and then it was sold to Ural industrialists. The plant produced its products until 1921. Since 1936, he switched to the production of starch and molasses. In 1971, as a result of an accident, the plant burned down. Registered by the decision of the regional executive committee No. 20 of 22.01.1991, Resolution No. 176-p of 19.04.1994. Currently, the plant is in a dilapidated state: the floors, part of the window openings, as well as completely internal interiors have been lost. The internal walls were partially destroyed. Currently, the Distillery's glade attracts residents of the district and its guests as a venue for folk festivals, festivals of ethnocultures, craft exhibitions. Every year on July 12, Petropavlovsk Village Day is held here.
The objects of cultural heritage – monuments of history and culture on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district include: the mansion of the merchant Yarovaya (the district agency of the company "Om"), the mansion of the merchant O.G. Potseluyeva, the mansion of the merchant Artemov (the editorial office of the newspaper "Banner of Labor"), the mansion of the merchant Shiryaev (Muromtsevsky Museum of Local Lore), the profitable house of the merchants Obukhov (Obukhovsky store).
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Objects of religious tourism in the Muromtsevsky district.
1. Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
2. Sunday Parish School of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
3. Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Petropavlovsk
4. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Samokhvalovo
5. Holy Intercession Monastery in Samokhvalovo village of Ushakov rural
6. The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in the village of Artyn
7. Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Bergamac
8. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Kondratievo
9. The Church of St. Nicholas of Japan in the village of Kurnevo
10. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Karbiza
11. The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in d. Okunevo
12. Chapel of St. Michael in the village of Ryazan
13. Chapel of the Great Martyr Catherine in the village of Petropavlovsk
14. The Church in honor of All the Saints who shone in the Russian land in the village of Muromtsevo
15. Mosque in the village of Muromtsevo
16. Mosque in the village of Chertaly of the Mysovsky rural settlement.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Tourist gathering "In the land of five lakes"
"Five Lakes-Muromtsevo" annually holds a tourist rally to celebrate World Tourism Day on September 31. The purpose of the rally is to develop and popularize tourism in the Muromtsevo district.
The rally is held on the territory of the Green Island. The participants of the rally can be legal entities and individuals who have submitted applications according to the form. Tourist teams that arrived at the rally are placed in a natural environment.
Peter and Paul Day
The village of Petropavlovsk of the Muromtsevsky district has long established itself as a tourist attraction. July 12 is the Day of the village of Petropavlovsk – an event that attracts guests from all over the Omsk region. A rich program of the holiday: Divine Liturgy in the Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul, master classes in bell ringing, big Trinity round dances and folk games, fair and exhibition sale of handicrafts and crafts, children's entertainment programs, sports, boat races, a large concert program, theatrical performances - all this is held at a high level professional level, which indicates a large number of not only local residents, but also guests and tourists.
Trinity round dances
The regional congress holiday "Trinity Festivities" has been held annually on the territory of the Muromtsevsky district since 2009. The holiday begins with the Divine Liturgy in the church, continues with a concert of Bells. The holiday of the national calendar combines the best moments of the celebration of the national Trinity – holding a fair of craftsmen, a round dance procession, playgrounds and dance grounds, concert programs of folklore traditions of the region, gatherings and "evenings". The central and most fascinating action of this holiday was the "Big Trinity Round Dances".
"Trinity festivities" are held with a large number of participants of folklore groups from all over the region and from neighboring regions. In different years, the holiday traveled to different sites of the Muromtsevo district: the central square of the village of Muromtsevo, the square near the Peter and Paul Distillery, the festival glade near the village of Okunevo.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Lake Shaitan.
Okunevo village is a rather mystical and energetically strong place in Russia, Omsk region. Every inhabitant of it has at least once seen a UFO, got into space-time warps, observed unexplained flashes of light, and translucent human figures on the shore of Lake Shaitan. Mankind has always been attracted to mystical places. Lake Shaitan was no exception. The number of anomalous phenomena here is simply off the scale.
Legend has it that in ancient times two warring tribes lived in this area. One worshipped a good god, and the other — a cruel Shaitan. One day, at the place of the lake, a battle took place between them, which lasted all night. But by morning it turned out that Shaitan had confused the worshippers of the good god — and subsequently they fought among themselves. The sacrifices were only from the side of the tribe of the light god. The flow of women's tears of this tribe mixed with blood, filling the "cup" trampled during the battle. The earth could not stand it — and collapsed. That's how Lake Shaitan was formed. The water in it looks black, like dark blood, and if you take it in your hands, it's transparent. According to the same legend, the evil spirit Shaitan settled at the bottom of this lake. To this day, it inspires fear among residents and visitors.
The legend may be an invention of local residents, but the anomalous phenomena occurring near the lake are obvious facts that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Pilgrimage and religious tourism sites.
Okunevo village.
Okunevo is considered to be the main object of pilgrimage in the Muromtsevo district – it is a unique place of connection of various cultures and religions. The craving for knowledge and esotericism can be satisfied by visiting the temple of followers of the Hindu teachings of Babaji ("ashram"). Babaji's followers perform their rituals in this area and celebrate religious holidays on a grand scale. "Babajists" believe that in the future a beautiful city will be built here, the unification of all religious denominations will take place, and it is from here that the Golden Age will begin its countdown.
The prophet Sai Baba, well-known in India, believes that the ancient temple of the monkey god Hanuman is hiding underground near this modest Siberian village. Russian researchers of anomalous phenomena are also sure that there is a sacred place on the "Tatarsky Uval" – a secret gateway to parallel worlds. Okunevtsy have been observing neoby in these places for a long timе.
Lake Shaitan.
Okunevo village is a rather mystical and energetically strong place in Russia, Omsk region. Every inhabitant of it has at least once seen a UFO, got into space-time warps, observed unexplained flashes of light, and translucent human figures on the shore of Lake Shaitan. Mankind has always been attracted to mystical places. Lake Shaitan was no exception. The number of anomalous phenomena here is simply off the scale.
Legend has it that in ancient times two warring tribes lived in this area. One worshipped a good god, and the other — a cruel Shaitan. One day, at the place of the lake, a battle took place between them, which lasted all night. But by morning it turned out that Shaitan had confused the worshippers of the good god — and subsequently they fought among themselves. The sacrifices were only from the side of the tribe of the light god. The flow of women's tears of this tribe mixed with blood, filling the "cup" trampled during the battle. The earth could not stand it — and collapsed. That's how Lake Shaitan was formed. The water in it looks black, like dark blood, and if you take it in your hands, it's transparent. According to the same legend, the evil spirit Shaitan settled at the bottom of this lake. To this day, it inspires fear among residents and visitors.
The legend may be an invention of local residents, but the anomalous phenomena occurring near the lake are obvious facts that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Objects of religious tourism in the Muromtsevsky district.
1. Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
2. Sunday Parish School of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
3. Church of the First Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Petropavlovsk
4. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Samokhvalovo
5. Holy Intercession Monastery in Samokhvalovo village of Ushakov rural
6. The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in the village of Artyn
7. Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Bergamac
8. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the village of Kondratievo
9. The Church of St. Nicholas of Japan in the village of Kurnevo
10. Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Karbiza
11. The Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in d. Okunevo
12. Chapel of St. Michael in the village of Ryazan
13. Chapel of the Great Martyr Catherine in the village of Petropavlovsk
14. The Church in honor of All the Saints who shone in the Russian land in the village of Muromtsevo
15. Mosque in the village of Muromtsevo
16. Mosque in the village of Chertaly of the Mysovsky rural settlement.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Lake Shaitan.
Okunevo village is a rather mystical and energetically strong place in Russia, Omsk region. Every inhabitant of it has at least once seen a UFO, got into space-time warps, observed unexplained flashes of light, and translucent human figures on the shore of Lake Shaitan. Mankind has always been attracted to mystical places. Lake Shaitan was no exception. The number of anomalous phenomena here is simply off the scale.
Legend has it that in ancient times two warring tribes lived in this area. One worshipped a good god, and the other — a cruel Shaitan. One day, at the place of the lake, a battle took place between them, which lasted all night. But by morning it turned out that Shaitan had confused the worshippers of the good god — and subsequently they fought among themselves. The sacrifices were only from the side of the tribe of the light god. The flow of women's tears of this tribe mixed with blood, filling the "cup" trampled during the battle. The earth could not stand it — and collapsed. That's how Lake Shaitan was formed. The water in it looks black, like dark blood, and if you take it in your hands, it's transparent. According to the same legend, the evil spirit Shaitan settled at the bottom of this lake. To this day, it inspires fear among residents and visitors.
The legend may be an invention of local residents, but the anomalous phenomena occurring near the lake are obvious facts that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Lake Shaitan.
Okunevo village is a rather mystical and energetically strong place in Russia, Omsk region. Every inhabitant of it has at least once seen a UFO, got into space-time warps, observed unexplained flashes of light, and translucent human figures on the shore of Lake Shaitan. Mankind has always been attracted to mystical places. Lake Shaitan was no exception. The number of anomalous phenomena here is simply off the scale.
Legend has it that in ancient times two warring tribes lived in this area. One worshipped a good god, and the other — a cruel Shaitan. One day, at the place of the lake, a battle took place between them, which lasted all night. But by morning it turned out that Shaitan had confused the worshippers of the good god — and subsequently they fought among themselves. The sacrifices were only from the side of the tribe of the light god. The flow of women's tears of this tribe mixed with blood, filling the "cup" trampled during the battle. The earth could not stand it — and collapsed. That's how Lake Shaitan was formed. The water in it looks black, like dark blood, and if you take it in your hands, it's transparent. According to the same legend, the evil spirit Shaitan settled at the bottom of this lake. To this day, it inspires fear among residents and visitors.
The legend may be an invention of local residents, but the anomalous phenomena occurring near the lake are obvious facts that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Types of adventures
Mountain tourism
Mountain tourism is one of the most popular types of adventure tourism. It offers the opportunity to conquer high mountains and enjoy majestic landscapes. Mountain tourism can include climbing, mountaineering, trekking and other activities.
Rafting is a sports hobby in which participants go down fast rivers on special rafts. This is a great way to experience adrenaline and at the same time enjoy the beauty of nature.
Hiking is the perfect way to explore natural attractions and enjoy the peace and beauty of the environment. Traveling on foot, you can feel harmony with nature and discover new horizons.
Cycling tourism
Cycling is a great opportunity to combine adventure and sport. You can conquer long distances by bike, exploring landscapes and enjoying the wind in your hair.
Diving is an opportunity to plunge into the underwater world and see its beauty. Scuba diving allows you to meet the diverse marine world and explore coral reefs and hidden caves.
Parachuting is a daring sport that allows you to experience the adrenaline and unforgettable sensations of free fall. Skydiving offers a unique perspective and an opportunity to see the world from a bird's-eye view.
Rock climbing
Rock climbing is an activity that requires strength, agility and courage. Climbing vertical walls or rocks, you can experience adrenaline and overcome your limits.
Popular places
Adventure tourism offers many opportunities to travel around the world. Here are some of the popular places:
Patagonia, Chile and Argentina: amazing mountain scenery and trekking.
Grand Canyon, USA: rafting on powerful rivers and majestic canyons.
Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: climbing the highest peak in Africa.
Alps, Europe: downhill skiing, mountaineering and hiking.
Great Barrier Reef, Australia: diving and snorkeling in a unique underwater world.
Заместитель директора БПОУ ОО «МТМСХ»
________________ Н.В.Берсенёва.
Учебная дисциплина: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
Инструкция по выполнению экзаменационной работы
На выполнение задания по билету отводится не более 1 академического часа (45 минут). Билет состоит из 1 части: 1. Задание для оценки знаний. Задание для оценки знаний включает: • № 1 – чтение и перевод (со словарем) иностранного текста профессиональной направленности не более 130 лексических единиц. |
Перевод текста профессиональной направленности.
Lake Shaitan.
Okunevo village is a rather mystical and energetically strong place in Russia, Omsk region. Every inhabitant of it has at least once seen a UFO, got into space-time warps, observed unexplained flashes of light, and translucent human figures on the shore of Lake Shaitan. Mankind has always been attracted to mystical places. Lake Shaitan was no exception. The number of anomalous phenomena here is simply off the scale.
Legend has it that in ancient times two warring tribes lived in this area. One worshipped a good god, and the other — a cruel Shaitan. One day, at the place of the lake, a battle took place between them, which lasted all night. But by morning it turned out that Shaitan had confused the worshippers of the good god — and subsequently they fought among themselves. The sacrifices were only from the side of the tribe of the light god. The flow of women's tears of this tribe mixed with blood, filling the "cup" trampled during the battle. The earth could not stand it — and collapsed. That's how Lake Shaitan was formed. The water in it looks black, like dark blood, and if you take it in your hands, it's transparent. According to the same legend, the evil spirit Shaitan settled at the bottom of this lake. To this day, it inspires fear among residents and visitors.
The legend may be an invention of local residents, but the anomalous phenomena occurring near the lake are obvious facts that scientists have been trying to unravel for decades.