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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

1. Form the adjectives from the words in brackets to complete sentences.
In our fast-paced world, it's important to find a pastime that can help us unwind and recharge. For some people, this means engaging in ___(EXCITE) and _____(ACT) sports like surfing or rock climbing. Others may prefer more ____(ARTIST) pursuits such as painting or playing ____(MUSIC) instruments.

One unique pastime that has gained popularity in recent years is Japanese martial arts. These ____(POWER) disciplines, such as karate and judo, not only provide physical exercise but also teach valuable self-defense skills. Those who practice these martial arts are known for their ____(FEAR) attitude and dedication to perfecting their techniques.

For those ___(INTEREST) in more _____(SUSTAIN) activities, there are plenty of options available. Hiking and camping are great ways to connect with nature while getting some exercise. Biking is another popular choice, allowing you to explore new places while reducing your carbon footprint.

If you're looking for something more lighthearted, why not try a ___(FUN) activity like improv comedy or karaoke? Both of these options allow you to let loose and have fun while expressing yourself creatively.

No matter what pastime you choose, it's important to find one that suits your interests and lifestyle. Whether it's something active, artistic, ___(STYLE), or ____(MUSIC), make sure it's something that brings you joy and helps you relax.

2. Fill in the gaps.

find a bargain /attending gigs /be a member of a book club /goes to the gym /listen to classical music /window shopping/ entertain myself/ organise a party/ bored with/ caught a film
1. While strolling around the city, I often go _______ but I try to resist the urge to buy anything.
2. Whenever I need some inspiration, I ________ with its soothing melodies and uplifting harmonies that help me relax.
3. After a hectic week at work, I love to ______ by reading books, trying new recipes or watching classic movies that I've missed.
4. My brother, who is a fitness enthusiast, ______ every other day to keep himself fit and healthy.
5. Now that she has moved to a new town, she wants to _______ that meets once a month and discusses the latest bestsellers.
6. ______ of local musicians is his way of discovering new genres of music and experiencing the raw energy of live performances.

7. Before the pandemic, I used to ______ on my birthday every year and invite all my friends to dance, sing and feast together.
8. After binge-watching the same sitcom for the third time, I'm absolutely ______ it and crave something fresh and exciting.

9. Whenever there's a sale at her favorite store, she rushes to _____ and happily adds new clothes to her wardrobe without ruining her budget.
10. Last weekend, we ______ that had won multiple awards at Cannes and were completely mesmerized by the brilliant performances and captivating storyline.

3. Choose the correct answer.

1 Ian ………… a shower at the moment, so could you call back in about half an hour?

A takes

B is taking

C has taken

D has been taking

2 ………… to Ireland before?

A Do you ever go

B Are you ever going

C Have you ever been

D Have you ever been going

3 I ………… to all the local newspapers and TV stations to complain.

A already write

B already writing

C have already written

D have already been writing

4 ………… TV for the last four hours? Turn it off and get some exercise!

A Do you watch

B Are you watching

C Watched you

D Have you been watching

5 Eric, ………… hockey competitively or just for fun?

A do you usually play

B are you usually playing

C have you usually played

D have you usually been playing

6 That’s the first time ………… an answer right today!

A I get

B I am getting

C I have got

D I have been getting

7 Jessica has ………… left, I’m afraid.

A already

B yet

C still

D so far

8 Dan ………… in the living room while we redecorate his bedroom.

A sleeps

B is sleeping

C has slept

D does sleep

9 Unfortunately, Simone ………… a day off very often.

A doesn’t get

B isn’t getting

C hasn’t got

D hasn’t been getting

10 Actually, I ………… a cup of tea first thing every morning but then I switch to coffee.

A do drink

B am drinking

C have drunk

D have been drinking

4. Complete the gaps with the right preposition.

careful with /bad at /good at/ enthusiastic about/ careless with/ keen on

1. He is extremely ______ drawing and painting, winning multiple awards in art competitions.
2. Despite being a skilled driver, she admits to being _____ parking, always taking extra time to fit her car into tight spots.
3. My colleague is _______ learning new languages, spending hours studying vocabulary and grammar rules.
4. Being ______ finances has allowed him to save up for a down payment on his dream house.
5. She's too ______ her possessions; leaving her phone and wallet unattended in public places has resulted in numerous losses.
6. Ever since he was a young boy, he has been _____ astronomy; now he spends his weekends stargazing through his telescope.

5. Choose the right phrasal verb.

look out for -

look down on -

looking forward to -

look after -

look up -

1. After the surgery, the nurses took turns to
_____ the patient's recovery progress.
2. When walking in the jungle at night, always ______ snakes and other dangerous animals.
3. As an avid traveler, I'm always ______ my next adventure in an exotic destination.
4. Sometimes when you're feeling down, it helps to _____ and appreciate the beauty of the stars shining in the sky.
5. It's not okay to ______ someone just because they come from a different background or have a lower position in society.


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