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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115

make ends
















1. Match the words and fill in the gaps.

1. After receiving her tax refund, Maria went on a ____________ and bought everything she had been eyeing for months.

2. Knowing that he had a big trip coming up, Alex started to ________ his money so he could have spending money while on vacation.

3. At a young age, Sarah was taught the value of hard work by having to complete _________ every day after school.

4. Even though she worked part-time while attending college, Michelle still had to take out a _______to pay for her tuition (обучение).

5. The detective knew he had to _________ into the case to uncover the true motive behind the crime.

6. Despite working two jobs, he could still barely (едва) _______ due to the high cost of living in the city.

7. Every Sunday, the soup kitchen would ___________ meals to the homeless people in the community.

8. Amy had been saving her __________for months and finally had enough to buy the concert ticket she wanted.

2. Choose the correct variant.

1. Many people spend/waste money on unnecessary purchases every day, such as designer clothing or expensive electronics.

2. It's often difficult for young adults to start their own businesses without having to borrow/lend from friends and family.

3. Don't forget to pay/save your bills on time or you may be charged a fee.

4. Can you believe that some people work two jobs just to make ends meet on their salary/wage per week?

5. As a startup entrepreneur, it took John several years of hard work and perseverance to earn/pay money in his business.

6. Before his trip to Europe, he needed to exchange/change money for euros at a local bank.

7. After losing his job, he owed/spent a significant amount of money to creditors and struggled to pay back what he owed.

8. Despite being broke/debt, she refused to let financial struggles keep her from pursuing her passions and worked even harder to make ends meet.

3. Complete the gaps.

in / over / up / out / off / after

1. He generously offered to take _____ his friends for lunch and insisted on paying for their meals.

2. After retiring, she decided to take ______ painting and became an avid hobbyist.

3. As soon as she arrived home, she immediately took _____her high heels and changed into comfortable clothing.

4. The new CEO was determined to take ______ the company and implement drastic changes.

5. She had lost weight and needed to take______ her favorite dress before wearing it to the wedding.

6. My cousin takes ______ our grandfather with his love for gardening and dedication to family.

4. Match the words and complete the gaps.










of (2)


at (2)

brilliant at/ interested in / crazy about / proud of / terrible at

1. _______ jazz music, he spent all his weekends in clubs listening to live performances of local bands.

2. The students were notably _______ the guest speaker's research on renewable energy.

3. After years of hard work, Maya felt incredibly _______ herself for earning her PhD.

4. He was always _______ math and relied heavily on tutoring to pass his classes.

5. As a child prodigy, Sarah was _______ playing the piano, earning several awards from prestigious competitions.

5. Put the words in brackets into the correct form.

1. Do you mind (help) me with some jobs today, Sam?

2. I’m not keen on (read) novels, I prefer (watch) TV.

3. I’d hate (do) archery.

4. Brian really enjoys (play) his guitar.

5. Please let me (go) out tonight!

6. The story made me (cry).

7. Remind me (see) to it tomorrow.

8. Would you like (go) now?

9. Do you want me (give) you a lift?

10. A: Do you fancy (watch) a movie?

B: Good idea! Let me (make) some popcorn.

11. A: Don’t forget (call) the doctor to make an appointment.

B: Oh, yes. Thanks for (remind) me.

12. I don’t remember (lock) the door.

6. Fill in the gaps.

outgoing / martial arts / gardening / adventurous / imaginative/ aerobics/ shy

Free time is precious to everyone. It's the time when we can pursue our hobbies, relax, and recharge. Some people like _______activities such as skydiving or snowboarding. These require physical fitness, determination, and caution.

Others prefer quieter activities like ______ or board games which are creative and ______. Gardening allows you to express your artistic side while fishing requires patience and sensitivity.

______ combine physical fitness with mental discipline, focus, and respect for others. _______ classes are great group activities that improve cardiovascular health and let you meet new people.

It's important to find an activity that suits your personality and lifestyle. ______ and ambitious people might enjoy taking risks while _______ and sensitive people may prefer quieter activities.

In conclusion, free time should be used wisely. Whether you choose adventurous or quiet activities, make sure to have fun!


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