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Правило и упражнения по английскому языку на тему «Present Simple»

Материал опубликован 27 June 2019

Present Simple

Always, sometimes, every day, rarely, seldom, often, usually

Действие происходит регулярно ( always, usually, often, every day, sometimes, rarely)

Закон природы или неоспоримый факт

Расписание, программа





don’t/doesn’t V□


Do/Does ☺V□

Глагол с окончанием s/es, если подлежащее he, she, it

don’t – I, you, we, they / doesn’t – he, she, it

Do – I, you, we, they / Does – he, she, it



Правила добавления окончания:

+ s

I read – he reads

s, ss, ch, sh, x, o +es

I dress – he dresses

Согласная+y, y меняется на i и добавляем es

I fly – he flies


Распределите глаголы по колонкам в соответствии с правилом добавления окончаний:

Speak, play, skate, fly, swim, dance, catch, dress, cry, say, offer, bite, watch, climb, wash, vote, change, delay, note, try, write, drive, go

+ s

+ es

y→i +es


































Add -s or -es to the verbs in the sentences where necessary.

He work__in a bank.

They live__in England.

I watch__TV every day.

My brother watch__TV every day, too.

She go__to school.

My mother teach__children.

We play__tennis every weekend.

He speak__English very well.

The film finish__at 10 o'clock.

They go__on holiday in summer.

My sister do__her homework every day.

We start__work at 8.30.

He eat__cheese for breakfast.

I enjoy__playing darts.

He hate__cooking.


Present Simple: choose the correct word in each sentence.

We (have/has) got three dogs.

My sister (live/lives) in Kiev.

Where (do/does) he go swimming?

My friends (hate/hates) doing homework.

(Does/Do) Olga like English?

I (en joy/en joys) roller-skating.

What (do/does) you do in your spare time?

They (watch/watches) television in the evening.

Tom (go/goes) swimming every day.

         My brother and I (like/likes) singing very much.


Complete the sentences. Put in do or does.

1. He not like tennis.

2. you live in London?

3. John play golf?

4. I not speak French

5. What subjects ________ you do at school?

6. Ann not go to school.

7. she play computer games?

8. they watch TV in the evening?

9. We not eat at the school dining-room.

10. Richard _____ not love Maths.

11. When you have lunch?

12. your friend enjoy swimming?

13. My parents not often go to the park with me.

14. I want to telephone Jane, but I____not know her phone number.

15. When your brother usually get up?


Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple.

1. My sister __________(to get) up at eight o'clock.

2. She _______(to be) a school-girl. She ________(to go) to school in the afternoon.

3. Jane______ (to be) fond of sports. She________ (to do) her morning exercises every day.

4. For breakfast she ________(to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.

5. After breakfast she__________ (to go) to school.

6. It __________(to take) him two hours to do his homework.

7. She__________ (to speak) French well.

8. My working day__________ (to begin) at seven o'clock. I __________(to get) up,_________ (to switch) on the radio and_________ (to do) my morning exercises. It ________(to take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we ________(to have) breakfast. My fa­ther and I __________(to leave) home at eight o'clock. He _________(to take) a bus to his factory. My mother ______(to be) a doctor, she __________(to leave) home at nine o'clock. In the evening we ___________(to gather) in the living-room. We __________(to watch) TV and___________ (to talk).


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