Предварительный просмотр презентации

We live in a diverse world Do you agree? Why?

Answer the questions How many languages are there in the world? There are…… How many countries are there in the world? There are….

Ckeck your answers There are about 7000 languages and dialects. Only 40 of them are common. There are 197 countries on our planet.

Look and the map and show the class English-speaking countries Ex 85 Our planet is called a global village. WHY? Ex 86 We are going to discuss only three countries: *Russia *the UK *the USA WHY?

Answer the question Why do they have English as an official language in India? In India they speak 447 languages, so the Constitution of India says that Hindi and English are official languages of the country.

Ex 87 p.91 Сhoose the name and say Mongolia is a country in Asia, isn’t it? Cardiff is a city in Wales, isn’t it?

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