Презентация к уроку английского языка «Legends of King Arthur» (6–7 класс)

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Презентация к книге "Legends of King Arthur" из серии Английский клуб 
"Legends of King Arthur"
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Words and phrases Verbs Knights Ladies Magic Arthur Legends 5 10 15 25 30 35 20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Legends of King Arthur


1. Words and phrases Powerful великий благородный могущественный законный

Right Right

2. Words and phrases Shining блестящий яркий скромный тихий

3. Words and phrases Empty равный пустой полный опасный

4. Words and phrases Заколдовать Give a spell Take a spell Say a spell Put a spell

5. Words and phrases Взять кого-либо в плен To have smb prisoner To be smb prisoner To take smb prisoner To get smb prisoner

6. Words and phrases Пускать стрелы To drop arrows To shoot arrows To have arrows To strike arrows

7. Words and phrases Едва hardly hard easy easily

1. Verbs сражаться strike fight escape bite

2. Verbs кричать undertake shake shout tell

3. Verbs Draw drow drew drawn drawed

4. Verbs hide hade hode hid hit

5. Verbs fall felt falled fell full

6. Verbs надевать Take on Put on Have on Wear on

7. Verbs ловить catch take put break

1. Knights Who saved the queen? Sir Tarquaine Sir Malgrace Sir Lancelot Sir Hector

2. Knights How many knights could sit at the Round Table? 150 100 50 120

3. Knights What was the name of the king with the badly made coat? Sir Pellinore Sir Malgrace Sir Lancelot Sir Brune

4. Knights Who took care of the baby Arthur? Sir Leodegrance Sir Kay Sir Hector Sir Uther

5. Knights The Black Knight was… a magician. the knight of the Round Table. killed by the king Arthur. weak.

6. Knights Who threw Sir Hector and Sir Lionel into a prison? Sir Malgrace Sir Brune Sir Turquaine the Black Knight

7. Knights Who undertook the adventure of the black shield? Sir Lionel Sir Brune the Black Knight Sir Hector

1. Ladies Guinevere was… А. King Arthur`s wife Б. King Leodegrance`s daughter верно только А верно только Б верны оба суждения оба суждения неверны

2. Ladies Lady Vivien was… brave kind shy wicked

3. Ladies The lady of the Lake was… Lady Nimue Lady Vivien Lady Elinor Lady Igraine

4. Ladies What was the name of Arthur`s mother? Nimue Elinor Igraine Vivien

5. Ladies Who was the golden-haired lady? A witch King Pellinore`s daughter King Arthur`s mother The Lady of the Lake

6. Ladies Lady Elinor… was the prisoner of the knights was Arthur`s wife put spells on knights loved sir Brune

7. Ladies Who was the prisoner of sir Malgrace? Guinevere golden-haired girl sir Brune`s mother Lady of the Lake

1. Magic What was the name of the king`s adviser? Lancelot Modred Merlin Hector

2. Magic Excalibur was a… magic shield magic sword magic spell magic lake

3. Magic Where did Arthur find Excalibur? In the forest In the stone In the lake In the castle

4. Magic Who four beautiful ladies put a spell on? Arthur Lancelot Black Knight Modred

5. Magic What happened when someone struck on the copper basin? someone was killed lady of the Lake appeared a huge knight appeared someone fell in love

6. Magic What happened with Merlin? He fell in love He fell into a sleep He died He ruled Camelot after Arthur`s death

7. Magic What appeared on each chair at the Round Table? The name of the king in gold letters The word Camelot in gold letters The name of the knight in gold letters The sword and shield for each knight

1. Arthur Where Arthur lived when he was a child? In the underwater palace In a secret place In Camelot In the king`s castle

2. Arthur He was … the wicked king the lonely king the rightful king the first king

3. Arthur Arthur asked his knights… to act unfairly to use magic to fight for money to show mercy

4. Arthur King Arthur ruled England … for many years. for ten years. since he was ten years old after Merlin`s death

5. Arthur When did king Arthur use Excalibur for the first time? In the fight with Sir Kay In the fight with the Black Knight In the fight with the lion In the fight with Sir Modred

6. Arthur How did Arthur get to know about his death? Merlin told him The Lady of the Lake told him He had a dream Guinevere had a dream

7. Arthur Who took Arthur away? Ladies with gold crowns Lady of the Lake Merlin Sir Modred

1. Legends Who saved the queen from the lion? King Arthur Sir Lancelot Merlin Sir Brune

2. Legends What happened with the Round Table? It was broken It was stolen It disappeared It was left in Camelot

3. Legends What happened to Excalibur in the end? Sir Bedivere kept it Merlin took it to Camelot Arthur took it with him It went underwater

4. Legends Where was the stone with the sword? In the churchyard In the church In Camelot In the castle

5. Legends Who took Lancelot to the palace when he was a baby? Merlin The Lady of the Lake Sir Hector The queen Elaine

6. Legends Who had two dragons? Merlin The Black Knight Lord Brian Lady Nimue

7. Legends What did sir Modred do? He helped Arthur to win the war He made magic He killed the dragons He raised a rebellion

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