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My Friend I and my friend (hobbies and interests)

Friends in our life

Folk Wisdom Die alten Freunde sind die beste. (a German proverb)

Choose the words and word-combinations you need to describe your friend Classmate, best, friendship, live, pupil, school, favourite, hobbies, dish, play, together, subject, ride a bike, help, be good at, important, make friends, visit, free time, spend, be interested.

Translate into English Дружба, лучший, жить, одноклассник, вместе, свободное время, школа, помогать, кататься на велосипеде, играть, важный, дружить (заводить друзей), преуспевать в чем-либо, любимый, блюдо, увлечение, посещать, интересоваться, предмет, проводить (время), блюдо.

Answer the questions and describe the picture

Answer the questions Who can you see in the picture? What season is it ? What is the weather like? What are the children doing? Where are they going? Are they classmates? Are they happy to go to school? Are they friendly? Are they good pupils? Are they interested in school subjects? Would you like to make friends with them? Why?

Finish the sentences using the words: (helps, friends, together, sport, reading, classmate, history, football, Maths, bike, friend I have a lot of …. My best friend’s name is …. He is my …. We spend a lot of time ….. My friend always …… me. He is good at …… He is interested in ….. His hobbies are …. We like playing ….. and ride a ….. together. I am happy to have such ….. .

Tell us about your friend

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