Материал опубликован 10 June 2023 в группе

10 Interesting Facts About Saint-Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce

1. Our college has 6 floors

2. We can see Muradik here and learn how to dance lezginka

3. The college has elevators

4. There is a canteen and a buffet with delicious pies

5. On the 2nd floor there is a window sill behind the cup case, this is our secret place

6. A wonderful English teacher teaches here - Irina Vladimirovna

7. Students are offered the opportunity to study in 17 specialties: Computer systems and complexes Network and system administration Information systems and programming Intelligent integrated systems Ensuring information security of automated systems Development of electronic devices and systems Mechanical engineering technology (FP "Professionalitet) Mechatronics and mobile robotics Quality management of products, processes and services Economics and Accounting Operational activities in logistics Commerce (by industry) Commodity science and expertise quality of consumer goods Tourism and hospitality Documentation management and archival science

8. The college entered the top 100 best educational organizations

9. There is a large gym here

10. Students from other cities are provided with a room in a hostel.

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