Проект по английскому языку «Влияние спорта на здоровье подростков» (9 класс)
Пояснительная записка к презентации
State Educational Institution Secondary School _____
Tagansky Central District of Mosco
Project work
«The influence of sport on teenagers’ health»
Made by ________
A student of the 9 form
Main part
Who do we call a teenager?
The two opinions of sport-aware people
The results of the survey „The frequency of psycho-physiological conditions of adolescents and adolescents' perceptions of healthy lifestyle“
Complex of physical exercises
Sports in our region (Tagansky region)
16 ways to de–stress
9 ways to grow old and to stay young
Standards for swimming, sports categories
“Wealth is nothing without health, Health is above wealth”
In our view, sport plays an important role in the lives of children. It improves health, builds character, makes you stronger, and strengthens the body. In addition, sport makes us happier. We believe that the activities in different areas, whether it is gymnastics (morning) exercise, outdoor sports, or even chess, are necessary for every child.
A person as an individuality is formed in the process of social life: in study, work, in communication with people. Physical culture and sport contribute to the formation of a fully developed personality.
So we stated the problem: despite the diversity of sport, children are not actively interested in attending sports clubs.
Actuality: The topic taken for research work is relevant because today the high pace of modern life and a high level of computer technology often take children’s attention for hours and days. Moreover, teenagers don’t get enough information about harm of smoking, correct nutrition and ways of keeping fit.
Immunity decreases, diseases turn to be frequent, spines become bent. Instead of doing sports, playingactive games outdoors: football, badminton, volleyball with friends or riding a skateboard or bike, the child sits for a few hours in front of a monitor, sometimes still frozen in the same position.
Sport as a living organism evolves with new types. I am currently attending swimming classes and it is very important for me to be aware about the use of sport in my life. I have a lot of examples when students who don’t do any sport get ill more often than those who care about their health.That’s why I decided to study the role of sport in teenagers’ lives.
Hypothesis: If people do any sport they get ill less often. So, sport influences teenagers’ health positively.
Purpose: to prove my hypothesis and to draw the attention of my classmates and friends to the need for regular visits of sport sections and to raise teenagers’ awareness of the harm of smoking, correct nutrition and ways of keeping fit.
Based on the purposes the following tasks were generated:
To study the theoretical part of this question
To analyzethe sociological study "Healthy lifestyle"
To study the connection between doing sport and the quantity of diseases in the defined period of time
To formulate recommendations and conclusions
To foster the teenagers’ active life position and responsible attitude to their health
To create a presentation, i.e. print text, make diagrams, choose the background of the presentation, cut and paste pictures into the presentation
In the process of work we used the following methods:
-Theoretical (the study of literature, information on the Internet)
-Empirical (a survey)
II. Main part (the theoretical part of the question)
2.1 Who do we call a teenager?
The scientific Symposium on age periodization, convened by the Institute of physiology of children and teenagers with the participation of representatives of different specialties, concluded that teenagers should be considered as girls aged 12 to 15 years and boys from 13 to 16 years. Adolescence is a natural stage in the development of the body, but at the same time it is sharply different from all other stages of human life. During this period there is rapid restructuring in the activities of all physiological systems of the body. Characteristic of adolescence in the first place is the emotional mobility, curiosity and the desire for new things. At this age, the teenager has the opportunity to consciously acquire knowledge and achievements of mankind accumulated in the process of its historical development, i.e. experience of mankind. Sports and physical education are taking a significant place in the interests and lives of adolescents, contributing greatly to their health and overall development. From a physiological point of view, the adolescence is characterized by an increase in the intensity of growth, increased metabolism, increased oxygen consumption, a sharp increase in the activity of the glands of internal secretion, and finally, this is the age of puberty. The ability to coordinate movements reaches high level. In the vast majority of cases, people who were not engaged in physical training in adolescence and did not develop many motor qualities in their future lives are much more awkward and helpless than they could be.
2.2The two opinions of sport-aware people
A) Disadvantages of sport for teenagers
Many parents, giving children into sports sections, do not expect awards and prizes, and wish to strengthen the health of children, improve their physical strength and endurance, to form strong-willed qualities. However, if children give hope, often parents give them to the professional section, without thinking much what can turn such a heavy physical and psychological burden on the fragile organism, as it will manifest itself in the future. The mistaken belief that the sooner you start training, the more success and high results in sports you will achieve, and the healthier you will become. Modern professional sport is aimed at achieving high results, training of Olympians and medalists, has nothing to do with health. Often professional sport makes harm to teenagers’ bodies by fractures, dislocations and sprains.
Moreover, some sportsmen have to use chemicals as a part of their nutrition. Dr. Nicholas Fletcher, doctor of medicine from the USA (Emory University medical school), after analyzing 3,000 questionnaires on children's sports hobbies, came to the conclusion that sports supplements, proteins are harmful to the body of adolescents. Boys and girls aged 14 yearsactively engaged in sports were under his survey. And it turns out that at this age about a third of teenagers are already taking protein. Dr. Fletcher believes that the body of a teenager itself is able to achieve high results without the use of sports pharmacology. Having a tangible effect after mild supplements, children develop addiction, and the teenager will start to use more serious means. The main thing that worried this researcher is that striving for the ideal of beauty, a young man can simply hate his real body. This is a direct path to various psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, the effectiveness and safety of these drugs in children has not been scientifically proven.
Finally, students who do a lot of sports have small amount of time to concentrate on their course work. Some students put in much of their time in doing too much sport and spend less time in studying, and as a result, they end up performing very poor in their various courses.
In addition, there are some students who do sports not because they are very good at doing so, but because they want to imitate others.
B) Advantages of sport for teenagers
The author of a medical article Natalia Suleymanova says that not all students like physical education lessons. Unfortunately, their organization in modern Russian schools leaves much to be desired: monotony, unwillingness to take into account the individual characteristics of each child and the desire to adjust its physical characteristics under the same standards or norms. Also, school physical education lessons acquire an atmosphere of unhealthy competition. Thus, less physically developed students may experience pressure from teachers or be ridiculed by classmates.
To stay physically active, a teenager can choose the classes he likes, such as fitness or yoga. Also dancing lessons are useful for physical and mental development.
There are some benefits of fitness for the growing organism:
the provision of necessary physical activity;
fighting against physical inactivity and its consequences;
the struggle with extra weight;
improving of coordination;
improving of gait;
gaining self-confidence.
Unlike the average standard of school physical education lessons, fitness training programs are developed individually for each teenager. Most suitable for a growing body the following types of training are swimming, dancing and cardio. Regular sessions in the pool in winter or swimming in the open water in summer help to strengthen muscles and improve cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Many boys and girls prefer to be engaged in different types of modern dance sport: rock ' n ' roll, hip-hop and others. Dance classes are not only the key to gaining popularity in the team, but also to improving gait and posture. Cardio exercises include running, walking, exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill. Cardio workouts help to improve cardiovascular health, improve metabolism and help fight stress. The determining factor in choosing training for a teenager should not be fashion or awareness of the benefits, and personal interest, individual characteristics and tendencies. The workout will be effective if pupils do exercises with pleasure.
2.3 The results of the survey
In the sociological study "Healthy lifestyle", which was held in September 2014, 1,672 peopleattended. There were 48% of boys and 52% of girls among the surveyed. The eighth graders were 68% of the totalinterviewed, and the tenth graders – 32%. The study was conducted by the method of questioning students of 8th, 10th grades of 20 municipal budget educational institutions. The study analyzed the attitude of respondents to health, healthy lifestyles, the analysis of self - assessment of health and psycho-physical conditions.Studying of problems of healthy lifestyle of teenagers is actual in the conditions of the large industrial city where in its social sphere, as I. V. Tsvetkovawrites, a lot of acute problems have been found recently [3].
Health of schoolchildren is supposed to be analyzed on the basis of their assessment own health, frequency of psychophysiological ailments, self-assessment psychological well-being. For a more complete description of well-being schoolchildren it is also necessary to find out what they do to improve their own health. Two-thirds of the surveyed high school students rated their health as good – very rarely ill. 30% of respondents consider their health satisfactory – periodically experiencing some ailments. And only 5% of the surveyed students consider their health to be poor, as they often get sick or have chronic diseases. Among the adolescents who participated in this study, boys who evaluated their health as "good" significantly more than girls. 72% of young men noted that they are practically not ill, while girls reported good health in 58%.
„The frequency of psycho-physiological conditions of adolescents and adolescents' perceptions of healthy lifestyle“
Psychophysiological state |
The array |
Low mood |
49 |
Severe fatigue at the end of the day |
45 |
Irritability |
31 |
Headache |
30 |
Aggressiveness |
17 |
Fast fatigability |
16 |
Difficultiesofconcentration |
15 |
Anxiety |
13 |
Stomachache |
11 |
Restlesssleep |
9 |
Pain in heart |
7 |
Exacerbationofchronicdiseases |
4 |
Factors of a healthy lifestyle |
The array |
Athletics |
78 |
Proper diet |
73 |
The rejection of bad habits |
67 |
Healthysleep |
52 |
Personal hygiene |
47 |
Positive emotion |
37 |
The adherence of the day |
27 |
Diseaseprevention, hardening |
14 |
III. Conclusions (Main findings)
While some students spend much time studying at school, others dedicate a big part of their own life to practicing different kinds of sports. Spending much time on sport has both advantages and inconveniences. To my mind, the advantages of doing sport outweigh its inconveniences. My reasons are proved below.
First and foremost, some students practice sports as a profession. For instance, athletics is one of the highest paid occupations in the world today. This has influenced many students who excel in various sports such as: football, handball, basketball. Taking this into account, they have to spend a great amount of their time doing sport and a small amount at school work in order to be healthy and successful in it.
And in case of poor school results these students have a great background: they have already done a lot for their future profession – being a sportsman or a trainer.
Furthermore, other students do a lot of sport because of health purposes. Some students attending school have various types of diseases and their doctors recommend sport as the way of being healthy. In this case you do not have to be a professional sportsman. You just correct your health by jogging or doing exercise therapy.
Finally, the only way to stay healthy and to keep fit is by going in for sports. Among the benefits of regular exercise are a healthier heart, stronger bones, quicker reaction times and more resistance to various illnesses. Besides, you can eat and drink as much as you want because you are burning it all off.
So, if you want to feel fit you’d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I should admit that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine.All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. As for me, I do sports regularly and it is an essential part of my daily life. Twice a day all year around I go to the swimming pool and have a serious swimming class. It puts me into the fine moods. Doing sports a man becomes strong and healthy. In my opinion, a truly beautiful person must combine physical beauty with good traits of character.
IV. Recommendations
In nutrition of the young athletes the emphasis should be given to the following items:
Daily caloric needs must correspond energy expenses of the child;
Composition of the food should match the age of the teenagers;
Correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be calculated properly;
A wide range of products, vegetables, fresh herbs and vegetables should be used;
Children should eat two hours before the workout, must not train being hungry, after a workout the meal should be arranged no sooner than 20 minutes;
Special diet should be kept.
The optimal regime will be five-seven meals, taking into account the reception of products of increased biological value. There should be no big gaps between meals.
The diet of a teenage athlete must include a sufficient amount of protein. It should be taken in mind that its excess is also harmful. The lack of protein in the diet of young athletes will lead to stunted growth, frequent infections, poor memory. Low content of fat in the diet will lead a young body to rapid fatigue on exercise. Poor and excessive fat intake – increased amounts-can reduce muscle mass. Low carbohydrate diet will reduce the daily calorie that will eventually lead to fatigue. And also such teenagers in view of the increased sweating should drink a lot. With a lack of fluid in the muscles metabolic products stagnate, which leads to some intoxication.
On race day it is worth eating carbohydrate food with low fat, low amounts of protein (boiled chicken, cereal or porridge for breakfast, pasta, kefir). The main meal should be 2-4 hours before the start of the competition. In the last 2 hours before the start of the competition, you can eat only a product with a low fiber content, for example, plum, melon, carrot, berries, cookies or kefir. But an hour before the game nothing should be eaten, otherwise part of the energy needed to win, will go to the digestion of food. Moreover, from increased physical activity, the stomach will stop working, and the teenager will feel nausea, heaviness, fullness and bloating in the intestine.
*Other recommendations (sport exercises, clubs in my region, ways to de-stress, and ways to stay young) are in the annexes.
Annex 1
The complex of physical exercises at school and at home for my classmates who do not attend any sections.
1. Walking. Step with your right foot - clap hands forward, step with your left foot - clap hands behind the back. Within about 30 seconds.
2. Starting position — standing legs apart, hands clenched into fists. On 1 - rotate the torso to the right, arms out to the sides, to make them dash back, while vigorously expand the fingers; on 2 - back to the and starting position. On the count of 3 - 4 — the same in the other direction.Legs with no place to move. Repeat 6-8 times.
3. Starting position - standing, feet together, arms down. Circular motion straight arms forward. Then in a circular motion with your hands back. Repeat 12-16 times.
4. Starting position - sitting on a chair, hands on the belt. For a score of 1-2, leaning to the side to touch the floor with your hand as far away from the chair as possible; at the score of 3-4 to return to the starting position; the same in the other direction. Repeat 4-6 times. Breath arbitrary.
5. Starting position — standing in line (toe of the right foot to heel of left), hands down. Count 1 — to rise on toes, arms at sides - inhale, at 2 - 4 - sit (not coming down on the heel), turn right and drop hands down — exhale. The same, putting the toe of the left foot to the heel of the right foot. Repeat 4-6 times.
6. Starting position — sitting on the floor, feet wider than shoulders, hands to shoulders. On 1, pushing the shoulders back, to bend over — breath; score 2—lean forward, turning the torso to the right, left elbow to touch the floor in front of you — breath out; 2—return to the starting position —breath in. On 3-4—the same in the other direction. Do not bend your knees. Repeat 6 times.
7. Starting position — lying on the back, arms on the floor along the torso. On 1-2— lift your straight legs up to touch floor socks behind a head; at the expense of 3-4 return to the starting position. Breathe arbitrarily. Repeat 4-6 times.
8. Starting position — standing, feet together, hands on waist. Jump on two feet, with turns. At the expense of 1-3 jump on your toes; at the expense of 4—rotate 90 degrees. Breathe arbitrary. Within 30-40 seconds.
9. Walking with vigorous hands rotation for 1 minute. Breathe arbitrary.
Annex 2
Sports in our region (Tagansky region).
1. Centre of sport and patriotic development
2. Trampoline club "Trampoline House"
3. Palace of children's sports
Fitness club "Rhythm"
Functional training
Mass skating program
Annex 3
16 ways to de–stress
1. Take off your watch.
2. Switch off your mobile phone.
3. Don’t eat your breakfast on your feet – sit down and enjoy it.
4. Put on your most comfortable clothes.
5. Don’t run after the bus – let it go.
6. Smell the roses.
7. Fall in love.
8. Switch on your television only if there is something you really want to watch.
9. Throw away any clothes you haven’t worn for the past two years.
10. Put on your favorite music and turn up the volume.
11. Have a laugh.
12. Hang up your clothes when you take them off.
13. Spend ten minutes doing absolutely nothing.
14. Walk.
15. Only do the ironing if you love it.
Annex 4
9 ways to grow old and to stay young
1. Exercise keeps you young.
2. Eat for health.
3. Is your weight ideal?
4. Keep your skin young.
5. No alcoholic drinks.
6. No smoking.
7. Catch illness early when it can be treated.
8. Deal with stress.
9. Think young and keep your mind active.
Annex 5
Standards for swimming, sports categories
1. Swimming in the pool 25 m (minutes: seconds, fractions of seconds)
Type |
Master of Sport of International Class |
MasterofSports |
CandidateMasterofSports |
I |
II |
I(j) |
II(j) |
III(j) |
50м (freestyle) |
21,29 |
22,65 |
23,40 |
24,65 |
27,05 |
29,25 |
35,25 |
45,25 |
55,25 |
100м (freestyle) |
47,05 |
50,40 |
53,70 |
57,10 |
1:03,5 |
1:11,0 |
1:23,5 |
1:43,5 |
2:03,5 |
200м (freestyle) |
1:44,25 |
1:51,75 |
1:58,25 |
2:06,5 |
2:21,0 |
2:39,5 |
3:05,0 |
3:45,0 |
4:25,0 |
400м (freestyle) |
3:42,57 |
3:59,0 |
4:11,5 |
4:28,0 |
5:03,0 |
5:44,0 |
6:40,0 |
7:36,0 |
8:32,0 |
800м (freestyle) |
7:45,64 |
8:17,0 |
8:50,0 |
9:28,0 |
11:06,0 |
12:28,0 |
14:30,0 |
16:30,0 |
18:30,0 |
1500м (freestyle) |
14:42,19 |
15:38,5 |
17:16,5 |
18:15,0 |
20:37,5 |
23:37,5 |
27:40,0 |
31:40,0 |
35:40,0 |
50м (backstroke) |
24,45 |
26,00 |
27,55 |
29,35 |
32,25 |
35,75 |
41,75 |
51,75 |
1:01,75 |
100м (backstroke) |
52,48 |
57,40 |
1:00,8 |
1:04,8 |
1:13,0 |
1:21,5 |
1:34,0 |
1:56,5 |
2:16,5 |
200м (backstroke) |
1:54,41 |
2:05,55 |
2:12,25 |
2:20,0 |
2:37,0 |
2:57,0 |
3:25,0 |
4:11,0 |
4:51,0 |
50м (breaststroke) |
26,87 |
28,45 |
30,00 |
31,85 |
35,25 |
38,75 |
45,25 |
55,25 |
1:05,25 |
100м (breaststroke) |
58,98 |
1:03,4 |
1:07,3 |
1:11,8 |
1:20,5 |
1:28,5 |
1:44,5 |
2:03,5 |
2:23,5 |
200м (breaststroke) |
2:08,35 |
2:19,25 |
2:27,25 |
2:37,25 |
2:56,5 |
3:19,5 |
3:52,0 |
4:25,0 |
5:05,0 |
50м (butterfly) |
22,87 |
24,15 |
25,15 |
27,15 |
30,25 |
33,25 |
38,25 |
48,25 |
58,25 |
100м (butterfly) |
50,66 |
54,4 |
58,4 |
1:01,9 |
1:10,5 |
1:20,5 |
1:30,5 |
1:49,5 |
2:09,5 |
200м (butterfly) |
1:53,47 |
2:03,75 |
2:10,75 |
2:18,75 |
2:37,5 |
2:58,0 |
3:22,0 |
3:57,0 |
4:37,0 |
100м (complexswimming) |
52,74 |
56,9 |
1:01,9 |
1:05,9 |
1:14,0 |
1:24,0 |
1:35,0 |
1:54,0 |
2:14,0 |
200м (complexswimming) |
1:56,37 |
2:06,75 |
2:14,25 |
2:22,75 |
2:41,0 |
3:05,0 |
3:30,0 |
4:05,0 |
4:45,0 |
400м (complexswimming) |
4:09,38 |
4:31,0 |
4:46,0 |
5:05,0 |
5:46,0 |
6:34,0 |
7:29,0 |
8:25,0 |
9:21,0 |
2. Swimming in the pool 50 m (minutes: seconds, fractions of seconds)
Type |
Master of Sport of International Class |
MasterofSports |
CandidateMasterofSports |
I |
II |
I(j) |
II(j) |
III(j) |
50м (freestyle) |
21,99 |
23,4 |
24,15 |
25,4 |
27,8 |
30,0 |
36,0 |
46,0 |
56,0 |
100м (freestyle) |
48,35 |
51,9 |
55,3 |
58,7 |
1:05,0 |
1:12,5 |
1:25,0 |
1:45,0 |
2:05,0 |
200м (freestyle) |
1:46,72 |
1:54,75 |
2:01,45 |
2:09,75 |
2:24,0 |
2:42,5 |
3:08,0 |
3:48,0 |
4:28,0 |
400м (freestyle) |
3:47,43 |
4:05,0 |
4:17,5 |
4:34,0 |
5:09,0 |
5:50,0 |
6:46,0 |
7:42,0 |
8:38,0 |
800м (freestyle) |
7:58,29 |
8:29,0 |
9:02,0 |
9:41,0 |
11:18,0 |
12:40,0 |
14:42,0 |
16:42,0 |
18:42,0 |
1500м (freestyle) |
15:02,33 |
16:01,0 |
17:39,0 |
18:39,0 |
21:00,0 |
24:00,0 |
28:02,5 |
32:02,5 |
36:02,5 |
50м (backstroke) |
25,19 |
25,4 |
26,9 |
28,7 |
33,0 |
36,5 |
42,5 |
52,5 |
1:02,5 |
100м (backstroke) |
53,77 |
58,9 |
1:02,4 |
1:06,4 |
1:14,5 |
1:23,0 |
1:35,5 |
1:58,0 |
2:18,0 |
200м (backstroke) |
1:57,19 |
2:08,55 |
2:15,25 |
2:23,25 |
2:40,0 |
3:00,0 |
3:28,0 |
4:14,0 |
4:54,0 |
50м (breaststroke) |
27,61 |
29,2 |
30,7 |
32,6 |
36,0 |
39,5 |
46,0 |
56,0 |
1:06,0 |
100м (breaststroke) |
59,94 |
1:04,9 |
1:08,9 |
1:13,4 |
1:22,0 |
1:30,0 |
1:46,0 |
2:05,0 |
2:25,0 |
200м (breaststroke) |
2:10,10 |
2:22,25 |
2:30,25 |
2:40,25 |
2:59,5 |
3:22,5 |
3:55,0 |
4:28,0 |
5:08,0 |
50м (butterfly) |
23,7 |
24,9 |
25,9 |
27,9 |
31,0 |
34,0 |
39,0 |
49,0 |
59,0 |
100м (butterfly) |
51,91 |
55,9 |
59,9 |
1:03,4 |
1:12,0 |
1:22,0 |
1:32,0 |
1:51,0 |
2:11,0 |
200м (butterfly) |
1:56,45 |
2:06,75 |
2:13,75 |
2:21,75 |
2:40,5 |
3:01,0 |
3:25,0 |
4:00,0 |
4:40,0 |
200м (complexswimming) |
1:59,43 |
2:09,75 |
2:17,25 |
2:25,75 |
2:44,0 |
3:08,0 |
3:33,0 |
4:08,0 |
4:48,0 |
400м (complexswimming) |
4:14,98 |
4:37,0 |
4:52,0 |
5:11,0 |
5:52,0 |
6:40,0 |
7:35,0 |
8:31,0 |
9:27,0 |
1. Swimming in the pool 25 m (minutes: seconds, fractions of seconds)
Type |
Master of Sport of International Class |
MasterofSports |
CandidateMasterofSports |
I |
II |
I(j) |
II(j) |
III(j) |
50м (freestyle) |
24,19 |
25,95 |
26,75 |
28,05 |
30,75 |
32,75 |
39,75 |
49,75 |
59,25 |
100м (freestyle) |
52,66 |
56,4 |
1:00,4 |
1:04,24 |
1:11,8 |
1:19,5 |
1:33,5 |
1:53,5 |
2:12,5 |
200м (freestyle) |
1:54,74 |
2:04,25 |
2:12,55 |
2:21,25 |
2:37,0 |
2:55,0 |
3:26,0 |
4:06,0 |
4:44,0 |
400м (freestyle) |
4:01,47 |
4:23,0 |
4:38,0 |
4:56,0 |
5:37,0 |
6:21,0 |
7:32,0 |
8:43,0 |
9:54,0 |
800м (freestyle) |
8:16,54 |
9:00,0 |
9:34,0 |
10:15,0 |
11:46,0 |
13:19,0 |
16:04,0 |
18:34,0 |
21:04,0 |
1500м (freestyle) |
16:02,75 |
17:22,5 |
18:31,5 |
20:14,5 |
22:44,5 |
26:07,5 |
30:15,0 |
34:20,0 |
38:30,0 |
50м (backstroke) |
27,56 |
28,85 |
30,05 |
31,75 |
36,75 |
40,75 |
47,25 |
57,25 |
1:07,25 |
100м (backstroke) |
58,91 |
1:04,0 |
1:08,9 |
1:13,4 |
1:21,5 |
1:31,5 |
1:45,5 |
2:08,5 |
2:28,5 |
200м (backstroke) |
2:06,59 |
2:18,75 |
2:26,75 |
2:35,75 |
2:55,0 |
3:17,0 |
3:51,0 |
4:36,0 |
5:16,0 |
50м (breaststroke) |
30,62 |
32,65 |
34,45 |
36,15 |
40,25 |
44,25 |
51,75 |
1:01,75 |
1:11,75 |
100м (breaststroke) |
1:06,06 |
1:12,4 |
1:16,4 |
1:21,4 |
1:30,0 |
1:42,0 |
2:06,5 |
2:16,5 |
2:37,5 |
200м (breaststroke) |
2:22,76 |
2:35,25 |
2:44,25 |
2:54,75 |
3:15,0 |
3:40,0 |
4:17,0 |
4:52,0 |
5:34,0 |
50м (butterfly) |
25,64 |
27,50 |
28,65 |
31,15 |
33,75 |
36,75 |
43,75 |
53,75 |
1:03,75 |
100м (butterfly) |
56,81 |
1:01,9 |
1:05,4 |
1:09,9 |
1:19,5 |
1:30,5 |
1:42,5 |
2:01,5 |
2:21,5 |
200м (butterfly) |
2:06,17 |
2:17,75 |
2:25,25 |
2:35,25 |
2:56,0 |
3:19,0 |
3:46,0 |
4:22,0 |
5:02,0 |
100м (complexswimming) |
59,9 |
1:04,9 |
1:09,9 |
1:14,9 |
1:24,0 |
1:35,0 |
1:47,0 |
2:06,0 |
2:46,0 |
200м (complexswimming) |
2:09,31 |
2:21,75 |
2:30,25 |
2:39,75 |
3:00,0 |
3:26,0 |
3:55,0 |
4:31,0 |
5:11,0 |
400м (complexswimming) |
4:33,76 |
5:01,0 |
5:18,5 |
5:40,0 |
6:24,0 |
7:17,0 |
8:18,0 |
9:29,0 |
10:40,0 |
2. Swimming in the pool 50 m (minutes: seconds, fractions of seconds)
Type |
Master of Sport of International Class |
MasterofSports |
CandidateMasterofSports |
I |
II |
I(j) |
II(j) |
III(j) |
50м (freestyle) |
24,78 |
26,7 |
27,5 |
28,8 |
31,5 |
33,5 |
40,5 |
50,5 |
1:00,0 |
100м (freestyle) |
53,9 |
57,9 |
1:01,9 |
1:05,74 |
1:13,3 |
1:21,0 |
1:35,0 |
1:55,0 |
2:14,0 |
200м (freestyle) |
1:57,28 |
2:07,25 |
2:15,55 |
2:24,25 |
2:40,0 |
2:58,0 |
3:29,0 |
4:09,0 |
4:47,0 |
400м (freestyle) |
4:07,26 |
4:29,0 |
4:44,0 |
5:02,0 |
5:43,0 |
6:27,0 |
7:38,0 |
8:49,0 |
10:00,0 |
800м (freestyle) |
8:28,12 |
9:12,0 |
9:46,0 |
10:27,0 |
11:58,0 |
13:31,0 |
16:16,0 |
18:46,0 |
21:16,0 |
1500м (freestyle) |
16:26,08 |
17:45,0 |
18:54,0 |
20:37,0 |
23:07,0 |
26:30,0 |
30:37,5 |
34:42,5 |
38:52,5 |
50м (backstroke) |
28,2 |
29,2 |
30,9 |
32,5 |
37,5 |
41,5 |
48,0 |
58,0 |
1:08,0 |
100м (backstroke) |
59,96 |
1:06,4 |
1:10,4 |
1:14,9 |
1:23,0 |
1:33,0 |
1:47,0 |
2:10,0 |
2:30,0 |
200м (backstroke) |
2:09,31 |
2:21,75 |
2:29,75 |
2:38,75 |
2:58,0 |
3:20,0 |
3:54,0 |
4:39,0 |
5:19,0 |
50м (breaststroke) |
31,26 |
33,4 |
35,2 |
36,9 |
41,0 |
45,0 |
52,5 |
1:02,5 |
1:12,5 |
100м (breaststroke) |
1:07,07 |
1:13,9 |
1:17,9 |
1:22,9 |
1:31,5 |
1:43,5 |
2:08,0 |
2:18,0 |
2:39,0 |
200м (breaststroke) |
2:24,69 |
2:38,25 |
2:47,25 |
2:57,75 |
3:18,0 |
3:43,0 |
4:20,0 |
4:55,0 |
5:37,0 |
50м (butterfly) |
26,2 |
28,25 |
29,4 |
31,9 |
34,5 |
37,5 |
44,5 |
54,5 |
1:04,5 |
100м (butterfly) |
58,03 |
1:03,4 |
1:06,9 |
1:11,4 |
1:21,0 |
1:32,0 |
1:44,0 |
2:03,0 |
2:23,0 |
200м (butterfly) |
2:08,58 |
2:20,75 |
2:28,25 |
2:38,25 |
2:59,0 |
3:22,0 |
3:49,0 |
4:25,0 |
5:05,0 |
200м (complexswimming) |
2:11,88 |
2:24,75 |
2:33,25 |
2:42,75 |
3:03,0 |
3:29,0 |
3:58,0 |
4:34,0 |
5:14,0 |
400м (complexswimming) |
4:38,66 |
5:07,0 |
5:24,5 |
5:46,0 |
6:30,0 |
7:23,0 |
8:24,0 |
9:35,0 |
10:46,0 |
The conditions of implementation of the rules:
1. Sport rank MSIC is assigned for the implementation of standards at a sporting event having a status not lower than international sporting events and included in UCP (Unified calendar plan of interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sport events).
2. The sport title is assigned to MS for the implementation of standards in official sports competitions with a status not lower than the status of the championship of the Federal district, two or more Federal districts, the Championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg and the championship of the Federal district, two or more Federal districts, the Championships of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
3. Sports category of CMS is appropriated for accomplishment of norms at sports competitions not lower than the status of official sports competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation.
4. I sports category is appropriated for accomplishment of norms at sports competitions not lower than the status of other official sports competitions of the subject of the Russian Federation.
5. The CMS and I sports categories are assigned in the presence of an electronic timing system, and in its absence - in the presence of three seconds on each track.
6. I youth sports category and II, III sports categories are assigned for the implementation of standards at a sporting event, not below the status of an official inter-municipal sports competitions.
7. II and III youth sports level are assigned for the implementation of standards in the competition at any status.
8. Sports ranks and sports categories are assigned for the implementation of the norm at the 1st stage of relay swimming (except mixed relay races).
9. Championship of Russia is held in age groups: juniors (17-18 years), juniors (15-17 years), young men (15-16 years), girls (13-14 years).
10. For participation in sports competitions the athlete has to reach the established age in calendar year of carrying out sports competitions.
11. MSIC is performed since the age of 14, MS - 12, CMS - 10 years I - III sport level and youth sports level - 9 years.
MSIC - Master of Sports of Russia of International Class
МS - Master of Sports of Russia
CMS - Candidate Master of Sports
I - First Level
II –Second Level
III –Third Level
I(j) -First Junior level
II(j) –Second Junior Level
III(j) –Third Junior Level
UCP - Unified calendar plan of interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture events and sport events
VI. References
Skvortsova T. V. views of adolescents about healthy lifestyle / / scientific and methodical electronic magazine "Concept". - 2015. – No. 2 (February). – Pp. 41-45. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2015/15033.htm