Сборник материалов для изучения и закрепления темы « Косвенная речь в английском языке»

Материал опубликован 27 October 2023


Сборник материалов для изучения и закрепления темы « Косвенная речь в английском языке» по предмету «Английский язык»  предназначена для учащихся 8-9 классов. Данный сборник может быть использован в качестве дополнительного материала на уроках при изучении и закреплении грамматической темы «Косвенная речь в английском языке»


Выработать у учащихся 8-9 класса устойчивые навыки употребления грамматических структур. Выполнение заданий и упражнений, содержащиеся в пособии, способствуют систематизации полученных знаний.


В настоящем сборнике представлены упражнения по грамматике английского языка. Упражнения разбиты по повышению уровня сложности. Выполнение данных упражнений позволяет закрепить на практике грамматические правила и проверить уровень их усвоения обучаемыми. Представленная система упражнений позволяет также выработать автоматизм у обучаемых. Некоторые упражнения, кроме закрепления правил грамматики, знакомят учащихся с новой лексикой и обладают познавательной ценностью.


ЧАСТЬ 1.Теоретический материал. Стр. 4-6

ЧАСТЬ 2. Проверка знания теоретического материала Стр. 7

ЧАСТЬ 3. Упражнения.Стр. 8-16

ЧАСТЬ 4. Тренировочные упражнения . Стр. 17-19

Проверочные работы. Стр. 20-26

Заключение. Стр. 27

Список литературы. Стр .27


Теоретический материал.

Прямая речь – это речь какого-либо лица, передаваемая буквально так, как она была произнесена.

He says: “I like reading novels most of all.”

Косвенная речь – это речь, в которой передаются не подлинные слова какого-либо лица, а их содержание.

He says that he likes reading novels most of all.

Выделяют различные типы предложений в косвенной речи

тип предложения

прямая речь

косвенная речь

1.повествовательное (утвердительное предложение)

Mary said: “I like fantasy books most of all.”

Mary said that she liked fantasy books most of all.

2.общий вопрос

Lisa asked me: “Did you read any books by M. Twain?”

Lisa asked me if I had read any books by M. Twain.

(порядок слов после союза if прямой: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство)

3.специальный вопрос

Tom asked Nick: “Who is your favourite writer?”

Tom asked Nick who his favourite writer was.

(порядок слов после союза прямой: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство)

4.повелительное предложение (просьба, приказание, предложение и т.д.)

1) The teacher said: “Read this book!”

2) The teacher said: “Don’t talk at the lesson!”

1) The teacher said to read this book.

2) The teacher said not to talk at the lesson.

Повествовательное предложение становится придаточным предложением, которое присоединяется к главному предложению союзом that, который может опускаться.

Общий и альтернативный вопрос становится придаточным предложением, которое присоединяется союзом if (whether).

Специальный вопрос становится придаточным предложением, которое присоединяется тем вопросительным словом, с которого начинается вопрос в прямой речи.

Порядок слов в косвенном вопросе меняется на прямой: подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство.

Глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом (to+V1; not to + V1)

Правило согласования времён

Согласование времён – это согласование по времени сказуемых главного и придаточного предложений в сложноподчинённом предложении.

При обращении прямой речи в косвенную также применяется правило согласования времён.

Если глагол в главном предложении (слова автора) употребляется в настоящем или будущем времени, то глагол в придаточном предложении употребляется в любом времени, необходимом по смыслу. (т.е. согласования времён нет)

Если глагол в главном предложении (слова автора) употребляется в каком-либо из прошедших времён, то глагол в придаточном предложении должен употребляться также в каком-либо из прошедших времён.

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь

Ann Smith: “I am a teacher. I work at school.”

Ann says that she is a teacher and works at school. (Present Simple)

Ann said that she was a teacher and worked at school. (Past Simple)


Время в прямой речи

(требуемое по смыслу)

Время в косвенной речи

(фактически употребляемое)

Present Simple (V1; V+s (es))

Past Simple (V2; V+ed)

Present Progressive(am/ is/ are+V+ing)

Past Progressive (was /were +V+ ing)

Present Perfect (have/ has +V3)

Past Perfect (had + V3)

Present Perfect Progressive (have/ has been+V+ing)

Past Perfect Progressive (had been +V+ing)

Past Simple (V2; V+ed)

Past Perfect (had + V3)

Past Progressive (was /were + V+ing)

Past Perfect Progressive (had been +V+ing)

Past Perfect (had + V3)

Past Perfect (had + V3)

Future Simple (shall/ will +V1)

Future-in-the-Past (should/ would +V1)

Изменение местоимений, наречий, модальных глаголов при согласовании времён

Today – that day

tonight – that night

yesterday – the day before

Tomorrow – the next day

(a week) ago – (a week) before

last (year – the (year) before

Next (year) – the following (year)

this – that

now – then

These – those

here - there

Can – could

must – had to

may – might

Shall – should

will – would





now -

tonight –

this -

these -

yesterday -

tomorrow -

here -

(a week) ago -

last year -

next year –



have visited

is singing

Do they go…?

can draw



did you win?

don’t think


has done

had done

does she swim…?

doesn’t visit

didn’t write

are doing

will sleep

can sing




now -

tonight –

this -

these -

yesterday -

tomorrow -

here -

(a week) ago -

last year -

next year –



have visited

is singing

Do they go…?

can draw



did you win?

don’t think


has done

had done

does she swim…?

doesn’t visit

didn’t write

are doing

will sleep

can sing

ЧАСТЬ 3 Упражнения.


1.Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью. 

1. "My son is a student", said Henry.

2. "She is working at the library", said her mother.

3. My friend said to me:" I have not seen you for ages!"

4. " I shall solve the clues tomorrow," said All.

5. He said: " There is nobody here to stop them".

6. The soldier said: "We will find a place to lie up. I am afraid they will kill us".

7. My friend said to me: "We have been waiting for you for ten minutes".

8. Jane said: "I am all right. Nothing worries me".

9. "I am busy now. I am doing my lessons", said Tom.

10. "She is not here. She has just left the office", the secretary said to us.

11. He said to me: "This man is the doctor for the hospital".

12. "There is no one by that name here", they answered.

13. "I am ill. I have a high temperature", he said to us.

14. "We have tried to telephone him", they said.

15. "I don't think I will have done this work by the evening", she said.

2.Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью.

1. "I was to London last year", she said to me.

2. "I have never been here before", he said to the girl next to him.

3. She said: "One of these men is my husband".

4. «I have come here to meet Jane", he said to me.

5. "We can not help you: we are too busy", they told me.

6. "I will come to visit you the day after tomorrow", she said to me.

7. He said: "I was tired so I went home after the party".

8. "They are at the little hotel near the station", said Mike.

9. She said: "I am trying to listen to music. Go out!"

10. "I haven't been waiting long", said Stephen to her.

11. "They are getting married tomorrow", he said.

12. She thought: "I will do it on Sunday".

13. They said to me: "We are meeting them at four o'clock today".

14. "I am going to the cinema", she said to me.

15. "He can not speak any foreign languages", Mary said to us.

3.Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью.

1. "I am not joking", said my friend.

2. He said: "I have already spoken to the manager".

3. Joan said to Mary: "I didn't feel very well yesterday".

4. Simon said: "I must go now. I am in a hurry".

5. "I like swimming and playing tennis", she said.

6. Mike said: "My parents are arriving tomorrow".

7. "We were in this city two years ago", he said.

8. She said: "My friend doesn't like this film".

9. David said: "I will help you tomorrow if I have time".

10. "I have already translated two articles", said Jane.

11. "We are .going to stay in this hotel", they told us.

12. Julia said: "I will have finished my work by seven o'clock tonight".

13. "I want to know where you spent last night", he said.

14. "I will be working the whole day next Friday", said my cousin.

15. "Mind your business", he said to me.

4. Выразите повествовательные предложения косвенной речью. 

1. "The publisher has told me that he is going to accept my book", he said to me.

2. My mother said: "Speak in a low voice. The baby is sleeping".

3. "I have my English lesson today", my brother said to me.

4. The student said: "I am afraid I will not pass my exam tomorrow".

5. "I have seen two nurses. I will find out where they are", said the man.

6. John said: "I have never tasted anything so tasty".

7. "Your joke is stupid. I don't want to listen to your jokes any more", she said to Peter.

8. "I am not crying", Julia said.

9. "I will not leave you alone if you want me to stay", Catherine said.

10. "We are going to go to the disco", my friend said to me.

11. Ann said: "Last Saturday I was at the theatre, but I did not like the play".

12. The doctor told me: "Beer will not be good for you".

13. He said: "It is too late to start to ski if you have never done it before".

14. "We have been married four years", they said to me.

15. "Don't worry about me. I feel fine", she said to her mother.


1.Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений.  

1. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.

The teacher told Joe __________.

2. "Be patient," she said to him.

She told him __________.

3. "Go to your room," her father said to her.

Her father told her __________.

4. "Hurry up," she said to us.

She told us __________.

5. "Give me the key," he told her.

He asked her __________.

6. "Play it again, Sam," she said.

She asked Sam __________.

7. "Sit down, Caron" he said.

He asked Caron __________.

8. "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said.

The receptionist asked the guest __________.

9. "Take off your shoes," she told us.

She told us __________.

10. "Mind your own business," she told him.

She told him __________.

2.Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи (с отрицанием). Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений.

1. "Don't touch it," she said to him.

She told him __________.

2. "Don't do that again," he said to me.

He told me __________.

3. "Don't talk to me like that," he said.

He told her __________.

4. "Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him.

She warned him __________.

5. "Don't let him in," she said.

She told me __________.

6. "Don't go out without me," he begged her.

He begged her __________.

7. "Don't forget your bag," she told me.

She told me __________.

8. "Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said.

The chemistry teacher told his students __________.

9. "Don't give yourself up," he advised her.

He advised her __________.

10. "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said.

She told the boys __________.

3.Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений.  

1. "Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.

The teacher told Joe __________.

2. "Be patient," she said to him.

She told him __________.

3. "Go to your room," her father said to her.

Her father told her __________.

4. "Hurry up," she said to us.

She told us __________.

5. "Give me the key," he told her.

He asked her __________.

6. "Play it again, Sam," she said.

She asked Sam __________.

7. "Sit down, Caron" he said.

He asked Caron __________.

8. "Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said.

The receptionist asked the guest __________.

9. "Take off your shoes," she told us.

She told us __________.

10. "Mind your own business," she told him.

She told him __________.

Повелительные предложения в косвенной речи (с отрицанием). Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений.

1. "Don't touch it," she said to him.

She told him __________.

2. "Don't do that again," he said to me.

He told me __________.

3. "Don't talk to me like that," he said.

He told her __________.

4. "Don't repair the computer yourself," she warned him.

She warned him __________.

5. "Don't let him in," she said.

She told me __________.

6. "Don't go out without me," he begged her.

He begged her __________.

7. "Don't forget your bag," she told me.

She told me __________.

8. "Don't eat in the lab," the chemistry teacher said.

The chemistry teacher told his students __________.

9. "Don't give yourself up," he advised her.

He advised her __________.

10. "Don't hurt yourselves, boys," she said.

Shetoldtheboys __________.


1.Преобразуйте вопросы в косвенную речь. 

1. Jane said: "What are you doing"?

2. She said: "Did you invite him to the party?"

3. "Have you finished your exams?" he asked me.

4. My friend said: "Does your sister live in Saransk?"

5. Mother asked her daughter: "Have you hurt your leg?"

6. He said to the shop assistant: "How much does it cost?"

7. "Have you ever been to the USA?" they said to me.

8. Steve said: "Where did you stay in Moscow?"

9. My father said to me: "Can you pass me the magazine?"

10. They asked: "What time will the train arrive?"

11. My mother said to me: "Why didn't you buy bread?"

12. His friend asked: "How do you get to school?"

13. Barry said to me: "How long have you been waiting for your friend?"

14. She asked: "Who is singing in the next room?"

15. I asked my friend: "When did you telephone me?"

2. Преобразуйте вопросы в косвенную речь.

 1. Не asked me: "Can you give me your pen?"

2. She said: "Has he already come home after lessons?"

3. They said to him: "Which school do you go to?"

4. Liz asked: "Are you seeing the manager tomorrow?"

5. My mother told me: "Where have you put my book?"

6. She asked: "How long have you been translating this article?"

7. Jane asked: "Did you go to London last year?"

8. "Are you busy now?" Nick asked his brother.

9. Kate's mother said: "What marks have you got at school?"

10. She asked me: "When will you go to the USA?"

3. Выразите общие вопросы косвенной речью.

1. I said: "Did you become a manager five years ago?

2. He asked me: "Does your sister study at school?"

3. She said: "Is he working on his report?"

4. Jack said: "Did you meet anybody at the party?"

5. Kate said to him: "Do you like modern art?"

6. Pat said to Nick: "Are you busy?"

7. Jane asked me: "Have you already found the keys?"

8. My friend said: "Have you already chosen a book to read?"

9. They asked us: "Are you tired?"

10. We asked: "Will you come to see us on Friday?"

11. Peter said: "Have they been waiting for hours?"

12. Mary asked me: "Have you known him since childhood?"

13. Mark said to Kate: "Do you prefer coffee to tea?

14. I asked my brother: "Can you help me?

15. She asked her: "Has he already received a letter?"

16. Jane said to me: "Do you agree with his decision?"

17. I asked her: "Can you give me a new cassette?"

4. Выразите вопросительные предложения косвенной речью.

 1. My friend asked me: "Which book did you take?"

2. Father said to Kate: "What are you doing now?"

3. Tom said: "Have you met Pat before?"

4. Judy asked Nike: "Did you invite your friends?"

5. My aunt asked me: "Have you already finished your exams?"

6. The teacher asked his pupils: "Do you like the story?"

7. The passenger said: "What time does the plane arrive?"

8. Grandmother said to Jack: "Will you send a telegram tomorrow?"

9. She asked her guest: "Do you prefer coffee to tea?"

10. Mother asked her children: "Who has broken the cup?"

11. The child asked his father: "What is this toy made of?"

12. The doctor said to his patient: "How are you feeling now?"

13. Sam asked Jane: "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

14. He asked his friend: "Can I get you something to drink?"

15. John asked Chris: "When are you leaving?"


IV.Тренировочные упражнения.


1. The passenger said: "Where's the information desk?"

2. The teacher said to his pupils: "Turn to the first page of Unit two".

3. He asks us: "Is it all right if I open the window?"

4. I said to my friend: "I am afraid I can't come out for a sea with you".

5. She told Jack: "I will not forget to send you a telegram".



1. They said: "How much are the tickets?"

2. His granny said to him: "Don't open the window".

3. The teacher said to the boy: "Why are your hands so dirty?"

4. Father said: "Look at these clouds ".

5. "I haven't learnt a poem for today", says Pete.



1. Jack said to Sam: "Are you doing anything this evening?"

2. She said: "I like this song from the sixties".

3. He asks me: "Where was Richard going?"

4. My grandmother said to me: "You're grown up now".

5. My mother said: "Don't put too much oil on the salad".



1. "What did you do at the lesson yesterday?" said his mother.

2. "Have you paid for everything?" the security guard says to him.

3. Nellie said: "I want to keep this because it reminds me of my grandfather".

4 Eric said to me: "Come and have a look at my new bike"..

5. She said to him: "I have not spoken to you for three days".



1. "I have lost my key. ", said Tom.

2. "Why do you think the exam will be easy?" she said to me.

3. "How long has Ann lived in Rome?" he asked.

4. My mother says to me: "Go to bed".

5. "He will be away till next month", his wife said to us.



1. Не said to me: "When can I talk to you?"

2. "We have got about twenty supermarkets in our city", the manager said.

3. "I'll get the ticket to the concert. " David says.

4. Delia said: "Tom has invited me to go sailing at the weekend".

5. The man said: "Don't park your car in front of the gate".



1. The manager says: "We have received a complaint about the prices".

2. "Do you know the cause of the fire?" asked the policeman.

3. "When I get a job, I'll buy a new car", said Mike.

4. "Sit down at the table and have a cup of tea", said Alice to me.

5. Paul said to us: "Someone has stolen my case".



1. The tourist said: "I don't speak French and can't order a cup of coffee".

2. My sister said: "I've got a headache".

3. "When did you receive a telegram?" asked the boy.

4. "We will have finished building by the end of the year", they say to me.

5. She said to them: "Get out!"



1. "Your English is very good", he says to me.

2. She said: "I don't know where I have lost my hotel key".

3. "How much do you earn?" he asked his brother

4. She said to Mike: "Have you got a lot of relatives?"

5. Ann said: "Put the milk back in the fridge!"



1. "How long do you work every day?" said the man to Peter.

2. "This time next week we'll be doing our exams", said they.

3. My friend asks me: "Have you ever used electric toothbrush?"

4. "Don't hope we'll get there in time!" said Mike.

5. Ann said to her little sister: "I've told you several times not to take my pen".



1. Julia said to us: "Are you going away in the summer?"

2. He said to me: "They have invited to go to an archaeological dig".

3. "Come back in time ", said their father.

4. Mother said: "Why haven't you had breakfast yet?"

5. Bill says to the boy: "I've just realized you are telling the truth"



1. Her friend said to her: "Why do you keep complaining all the time?"

2. "Is it a voluntary work?", says the student.

3. She said: "I hope we get there in time to get a good seat".

4. The boy said to his father: "Help me with my home task".

5. The manager said to us: "You will be working six hours every day".



1. "I think you are lying", she said to the boy.

2. My cousin asked me: "Will we go to the cinema on Monday?"

3. "I met your sister in the street yesterday", she said to Johnny.

4. Mother asked her children: "Where are your toys?"

5. "Please don't tell a lie", asks Susan.



17. Janet asked Helen: "How did your husband react to the news?"

18. "I feel very sorry for you", said George to Hester.

19. "Your wife has left the hospital ", says the doctor.

20. "They'll do it with pleasure", said Pete.

21. "Don't look at me like that", said the woman.



1. The pupil said: "London is not as big as Tokyo".

2. "What will you have achieved by the next year?" said he.

3. She asked me: "What are you planning for summer".

4. "Don't smoke in the compartment", asked the passenger.

5. He said to us: "I have no idea how to help you".




Вариант 1

I. Определи, являются предложения повествовательными, повелительными , общими вопросами или специальными вопросами

1. Charles said, ’’Ann has bought a new car.’’

2. ‘’Read the instructions before you switch on the machine,’’ he said to me.

3. He asked Jane, ‘’Can you play the guitar?’’

4. A stranger said to a passer-by, ‘’Where is a bank?’’

5. Ann said :I once spent a summer here in this village.

II. Выбери глагол said or told.

1) Frank ... he had two cats at home.

2) Dan ... me that Robert didn't like soup.

3) Mother ... her daughter to go to the dentist.

4) My brother ... he could skate well.

5) She ... them her knowledge of English was good.

III. Что произойдет с данным словом при переходе в косвенную речь?

1) Tomorrow-

2) Now-

3) This-

4) Here-

5) Last week-

IV. Нарисуй схему перехода из прямой речи в косвенную для 1-повествовательных предложений и 2- общих вопросов:



V. Используй косвенную речь в следующих предложениях:

1) Nick said : "I don’t go to the zoo very often."

2) Mother said : "Have you already washed up?"

3) Paul said to me : " Read this newspaper."

4) Liz said: "Helen, we shall see each other tomorrow."

5) Victor said to Ann : "What did you buy yesterday?"

Вариант 2

I. Определи, являются предложения повествовательными, повелительными , общими вопросами или специальными вопросами

1. Nick said to us, ‘’I saw Jimmy at a party last week.’’

2. ‘’Fasten the seat belts!’’ the stewardess said to passengers.

3. ‘’Have you finished reading my book?’’ my friend said to me.

4. ‘’Why are you looking pale?’’ asked Mother.

5. My sister said: I have been looking for you everywhere, Robbie.

II. Выбери глагол said or told.

1) Helen ... she would go to the park.

2) Billy ... his sister to buy some bread.

3) Polly ... the doctor that she had a bad cough.

4) The teacher ... the pupils not to make mistakes.

5) I... my dog could run and jump very well.

III. Что произойдет с данным словом при переходе в косвенную речь?

1) Yesterday-

2) Ago-

3) Next year-

4) Today-

5) These-

IV. Нарисуй схему перехода из прямой речи в косвенную для 1-повелительных предложений и 2- специальных вопросов:



V. Используй косвенную речь в следующих предложениях:

1) John said to me: "Where did you go last night?"

2) The teacher said: "Don't make mistakes, pupils."

3) Kate said: "Has Tim gone?"

4) Peter said: "My parents will come in two hours."

5) David said: " I'm cleaning my room."


1 вариант.

1.Write the following statements in reported speech:

1) Mother said: “There are seven nice cups on the table.”

2) “I want to have the magic carpet tomorrow”- the king said.

3) The prince told the girl: “I can help you to get your ball”.

4) “You must eat less hamburgers.”- said the doctor.

5) The boy said: “My grandfather works in this hospital.”

6) Mary said: “He has lived in Omsk for 2005.”

7) “I wrote a letter to Alice”- said my elder sister.

8) Angela said:”I’m too late today.”

9) Mark said: “I’ll take some medicine.”

10) “I got a “two” in Math today”- said Pete to his mother.

11) “It’s too cold to go skiing,”- said father.

12) “I ran away and swam across the river,”-said John.

2 вариант.

1.Write the following statements in reported speech:

1) “I can’t solve my Math problem,”- said Mark.

2) “We are having chemistry test tomorrow,”- said my sister.

3) Mother said: “It’s too warm in the room.”

4) “You can watch it after the test,”- said the teacher.

5) Martin said: “We had a wonderful party yesterday.”

6) “This morning I found some information on the Internet”- said Ann.

7) Mother said: “There is an interesting film on Channel 4 this evening.”

8) “They will go to a language school in London next week.”- said my father.

9) “We have just arrived to Moscow.”- the students said to their teacher.

10) Mother said to her son: “You must do your homework now.”

11) “It’s a lovely morning,”- said Betty.

12) “Then I heard another sound, like great guns,”- said John.



Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech:

1. Charles said, ’’Ann has bought a new car.’’

2. ‘’Read the instructions before you switch on the machine,’’ he said to me.

3. He asked Jane, ‘’Can you play the guitar?’’

4. A stranger asked a passer-by, ‘’Where is a bank?’’

5. Ann: I once spent a summer here in this village.

6. Nick: I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Rita.

7. ‘’Don’t go near the fire’’, she said to Ben.

8. Let me post your letters, Granny.


Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech:

1. I thought, ‘’He is going to give up his job’’.

2. ‘’Go to your room now and do your homework’’, the mother said to her son.

3. The teacher asked Nina, ‘’Do you live far from the school?’’

4. ‘’What have you bought me for Christmas?’’ the little boy asked his parents.

5. Helen: I cannot call you, I’ve lost your phone number.

6. Marina: I’ve lost my ticket.

7. ‘’Don’t take my ruler, use yours,’’ Ann said to Harry.

8. Let’s go to a movie.


Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech:

1. She promised, ’’I’ll speak to the manager about him’’.

2. ‘’Nelly, will you shut the window?’’ the teacher said.

3. ‘’Are you a captain of the school football team?’’ the new pupil asked Cyril.

4. ‘’How long does it usually take to learn to skate?’’ Andy asked the physical education teacher.

5. Guide: Now we are looking at a magnificent sample of ancient art.

6. Students: We have translated the article and done all exercises.

7. ‘’Don’t feed the animals,’’ said the zoo worker to visitors.

8. ‘’Let me help you to carry your suitcase, Alla,’’ said Nick.


Make new sentences from these ones using reported speech:

1. Nick told us, ‘’I saw Jimmy at a party last week.’’

2. ‘’Fasten the seat belts!’’ the stewardess said to passengers.

3. ‘’Have you finished reading my book?’’ my friend asked me.

4. ‘’Why are you looking pale? What’s the matter?’’ asked Mother.

5. Sister: I have been looking for you everywhere, Robbie.

6. David: It’s a bit cold today. I’m going to wear a pullover.

7. Mother said, ‘’Alice, don’t interrupt the grown-ups.’’

8. ‘’Let’s begin the meeting,’’ said the chairman.


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