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toy [tɔɪ] игрушка My toys – Мои игрушки

My toys! The tasks of our lesson: to repeat the circus words; to sing a song to revise what circus performers and animals can do; to speak about toys.

Let’s play! Read and do. I can jump like a frog. I can run like a horse. I can dance like a chimp. I can sing like a bird. I can swim like a fish.

The teddy bear is in the toy box. in – в (внутри)

on – на The teddy bear is on the shelf.

under – под The teddy bear is under the shelf.

Where’s the teddy bear? It’s on the table.

Where’s the teddy bear? It’s under the table.

Where’s the ballerina? It’s under the table.

Where’s the ballerina? It’s in the toy box.

Help the cat! (SB p.78, Ex.2)

Homework Домашнее задание упр 5 стр 25 рассказать о своей игрушке

Let’s talk about the lesson! Я знаю… У меня сегодня получилось … Мне понравилось … Теперь я точно умею… Было трудно…

How are you? I’m fine super sleepy

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