Тест по английскому языку в 3 классе «Test 5/form 3»
Test 5/ form 3
1)Read and correct. (Прочитай и исправь). Например, It has got a big nose. (Овечка) – It has got a small nose.
1) It has got fat legs. (комар) -
2) It has got small ears. (Обезьяна)
3) It has got a long tail. (Собака)
2) Look , read and complete (Посмотри, прочитай и вставь буквы)
1) t _ _ t _ _ _ е(черепаха)
2) p _ _ r_ t (попугай)
3) _ a _ _ _ t(кролик)
4) _ i _ d (птица)
3) Write the numbers (Напиши числа)
1) fifty -
2) forty-one -
3) thirty-five –
4) thirty -
5) twenty-four -
6) twenty –
4) Look , read, and choose (Посмотри , прочитай и выбери) .Например, один зуб – tooth или teeth?
1)один ребенок – child или children 2) один мужчина – man или men 3) две мышки – mice или mouse 4) две ступни – foot или feet
5) Look , read and complete: can, can’t, has got , hasn’t got (Вставить can, cant, has got , hasn’t got)
A frog has got four legs. it 1) …… a tail. It 2) ……. swim and jump. It 3) ….. run or fly.
A dolphin 4) …… a tail. It 5) ……… any legs. It 6) …….. swim and jump, but it 7) …… walk or crawl.
6) Read and answer. (Прочитай и ответь на вопросы)
Например, Have you got a sister? – Yes, I have.
1) Can you draw? -
2) Have you got long legs?
3) How old are you? -
4) Can you crawl? -
5) Have you got a pet?
7) Read and complete. Прочитай текст и вставь пропуски
My pet: parrot Name: 1) ……… Has got: 2) ……………… head 3) ……………… body 4)……………….. tail Can: fly and 5)…………….
I have got a pet parrot. Her name is Beauty. She has got a small blue head , a fat body and a long green tail. Beauty can fly and she can talk, too! She is lovely!