Входящий тест по английскому языку, 3 класс

Материал опубликован 15 October 2017 в группе


for 3rd form

1.Вставь a или an.

a. ____ fox

b. ____ eye

c. ____ pen

d. ____ onion

e. ____ ice cream


         2. Расположи прилагательные в правильной последовательности перед существительным.

a. a white little dog ________________________________________

b. a fat grey fluffy cat _________________________________________

c. a big purple new bag ________________________________________

d. a little clever girl ___________________________________________

e. a brave young boy __________________________________________


       3. Замени слова подходящими местоимениями по образцу.

Образец: Ann – she

a. a dog -______

b. Sasha and I - ______

c. sister - ______

d. granny and grandpa - ______

e. Mr.Brown - ______


      4. Напиши словами, сколько кому лет по образцу.

Образец: Mother is 35. – Mother is thirty-five.

a. Mary is 10. - _________________________________

b. Brother Nick is 16. - ___________________________________

c. Dad is 40. - ___________________________________

d. Granny is 64. - ______________________________________

e. Cousin Bob is 2. - _______________________________________


      5. Напиши форму множественного числа существительных.

a. a pencil - _______________

b. a child - ________________

c. a fox - _________________

d. a tooth - _________________

e. a city - ___________________

f. a glass - __________________

g. a man - __________________

h. a toy - __________________


     6. Напиши предложения, употребив глагол to be в краткой форме.

a. I am Kate. - _____________________________

b. Her name is Sofia. - ____________________________

c. His brother’s name is Mathew. - _________________________

d. They are our friends. - _______________________________

e. She is my sister. - ______________________________

f. He is 9. - _________________________________

g. We are from Spain. - __________________________________


      7. Заполни пропуски нужным глаголом to be.

a. I _____ a girl.

b. They ______ my friends.

c. We _______ from Europe.

d. Linda _______ 12.

e. I and my brother ______ happy.

f. _____ Duffy a clever dog?

g. ______ they good at cooking?


       8. Вставь в пропуски подходящее по смыслу местоимение.

a. It’s me. This is ______ mother.

b. She is Alice. This is ______ father.

c. We are classmates. This is ______ friend.

d. They are Mike and Lisa. This is _______ teacher.

e. This is my dog. This is _______ food.

      9. Составь предложения, следуя образцу.

Образец: The boys – new bags.

               The boys’ bags are new.

His father – new car.


The cat – black tail.


My mother – beautiful dress.


The girls – clean hands.


       10. Подчеркни правильный вариант.

These are / That is their sisters.

a. This is / These are his pencil-case.

b. That is / Those are my friends.

c. Those are / That is her grandparents.

d. That is / These are our flat.

       11. Заполни пропуски оборотами have got / has got.

a. I _______________ a light room.

b. My granny ______________ a big cottage.

c. We ________________ long holidays.

d. Bill and Daniel ____________ the same surname.

e. They ________________ many interesting books.

f. Her cat ______________ green eyes.

      12.Вставь в пропуски a, an или some.

a. _________ water

b. _________ apple

c. _________ sugar

d. _________ pear

e. __________ juice

f. __________ rats

     13. Вставь any или some в пропуски в предложениях.

a. Have you got _______ water?

b. Has she got _______ interesting books for us?

c. No, they haven’t got _______ ideas.

d. Yes, we have _______ big and small cakes.

     14.Вставь в вопросы слова how much или how many.

a. _________________ water have we got?

b. _________________ money has she got?

c. _________________ friends has he got?

d. _________________diplomas have you got?

     15. Составь вопросы, используя слова Do/Does.

a. ________ they go to the swimming pool?

b. ________ she eat meat?

c. ________ you like Art?

d. ________ Marta help her mother?

e. ________ they live in Samara?

     16. Напиши отрицание к предложениям по образцу.

Образец: She helps her mother every day. – She doesn’t help her mother every day.

a. He studies well. - ___________________________________________

b. She does exercises early in the morning.__________________________________________________

c. We play football every Wednesday. __________________________________________________________

d. I clean my teeth twice a day. __________________________________________________________

e. Peter goes abroad every year._______________________________________________________

      17. Вставь в пропуски подходящее вопросительное слово: what, why, when, where, who, what time.

a. ___________ is your favorite food?

b. ___________ do you back home?

c. ___________ is she?

d. ___________does Alex live?

e. ___________ do you get up so early?

f. ___________ do the classes start?

      18. Can или can’t. Вставь нужную форму.

a. ___________ a bear swim?

b. ___________ you run faster?

c. A frog ___________ climb trees.

d. A kangaroo ___________ run and jump.

e. A whale ___________ eat leaves.

f. ___________ you speak English?


1.Вставь a или an.

a. a

b. an

c. a

d. an

e. an

        2. Расположи прилагательные в правильной последовательности перед существительным.

a. a little white dog

b. a fluffy fat grey cat

c. a new big purple bag

d. a clever little girl

e. a brave young boy

      3. Замени слова подходящими местоимениями по образцу.

a. it

b. we

c. she

d. they

e. he

      4. Напиши словами, сколько кому лет по образцу.

a. Mary is ten.

b. Brother Nick is sixteen.

c. Dad is fourty.

d. Granny is sixty-four.

e. Cousin Bob is two.

     5. Напиши форму множественного числа существительных.

a. pencils

b. children

c. foxes

d. teeth

e. cities

f. glasses

g. men

h. toys

      6. Напиши предложения, употребив глагол to be в краткой форме.

a. I’m Kate.

b. Her name’s Sofia.

c. His brother’s name’s Mathew.

d. They’re our friends.

e. She’s my sister.

f. He’s 9.

g. We're from Spain.

      7. Заполни пропуски нужным глаголом to be.

a. am

b. are

c. are

d. is

e. are

f. is

g. are

      8. Вставь в пропуски подходящее по смыслу местоимение.

a. my

b. her

c. our

d. their

e. its

      9. Составь предложения, следуя образцу.

His father’s car is new.

The cat’s tail is black.

My mother’s dress is beautiful.

The girls’ hands are clean.

      10. Подчеркни правильный вариант.

a. This is / These are his pencil-case.

b. That is / Those are my friends.

c. Those are / That is her grandparents.

d. That is / These are our flat.

       11. Заполни пропуски оборотами have got / has got.

a. have got

b. has got

c. have got

d. have got

e. have got

f. has got

       12.Вставь в пропуски a, an или some.

a. some water

b. an apple

c. some sugar

d. a pear

e. some juice

f. some rats

       13. Вставь any или some в пропуски в предложениях.

a. any

b. any

c. any

d. some

      14.Вставь в вопросы слова how much или how many.

a. how much

b. how much

c. how many

d. how many

     15. Составь вопросы, используя слова Do/Does.

a. Do

b. Does

c. Do

d. Does

e. Do

      16. Напиши отрицание к предложениям по образцу.

a. He doesn’t study well.

b. She doesn’t do exercises early in the morning.

c. We don’t play football every Wednesday.

d. I don’t clean my teeth twice a day.

e. Peter doesn’t go abroad every year.

      17. Вставь в пропуски подходящее вопросительное слово: what, why, when, where, who, what time.

a. What

b. What time

c. Who

d. Where

e. Why

f. When

      18. Can или can’t. Вставь нужную форму.

a. can

b. can

c. can’t

d. can

e. can’t

f. can

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12 November 2017