12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Арюткина Светлана Евгеньевна137
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Тест по английскому языку

5 класс

Назначение работы: определение уровня владения учащимися коммуникативными умениями на английском языке в чтении про себя, лексике и грамматике.

В ходе проверочной работы проверяются следующие умения:

Уметь понимать при чтении основное содержание текстов, доступных по содержанию и языковому материалу.

Владеть минимальными лексико-грамматическими навыками.

Уметь оперировать изученной лексикой.

Тест состоит из 4 частей. На выполнение проверочной работы учащимся отводится 45 минут.

В проверочной работе используются следующие типы заданий:

Задания на установление соответствий (чтение).

Задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов (грамматика).

Задания с выбором ответа из нескольких вариантов (лексика).

Задания с кратким ответом в виде одного слова на дополнение предложения (письмо).

Максимальное количество баллов за выполнение заданий – 27

Если ученик набрал менее 10 баллов – это низкий уровень работы – оценка 2.

От 10 до 17 средний уровень выполнения работы – оценка 3.

От 18 до 24 – хороший уровень выполнения работы – оценка 4.

От 25 до 27 высокий уровень выполнения работы - оценка 5.

Вариант 1

1 Reading (Чтение)

Прочитай письмо.

Dear pen friend,

Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.

We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.

And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.

And I have got a great grandmother. She will be 90 next year. She is very old.

My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?

Best wishes,


Отметь знаком + предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, и знаком - которые не соответствуют.

Pam lives in England.

Her family is a typical British family.

Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old.

Her uncle lives in Great Britain.

Pam’s uncle has got a farm.

Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals.

Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.


1) He … his day off last year.
A) spent b) spends c) spend
2) They … tennis every week.
A) plays b) play C) playing
3) … my brother … a song tomorrow?
A) Will… sang b) Will … sing C) Do … sing
4) Our mum … already … a cake.
A) has … cooked b) cooked C) is cooking
5) Next year I … going to learn to play the piano.
A) is b) am C) are

6) I can see a lot of … in the yard.

a) childs      b) children    c) childrens

7) My mum always care of all the members of our family.

a) will take b) is taking c) takes

8) What ... you ... ? — Stamps. It is my hobby.

a) do ... collect b) have ... collected c) will ... collect

9) My parents and I … to the south last year.

go b) went c) have gone

3 Vocabulary (Лексика)

1) Look at our …! There are a lot of new subjects.

paper b) uniform c) textbook d) timetable

2) Our … football team went abroad last week.

foreign b) responsible c) local d) slow

3) My mother and father are kind and caring. I love my … .

jobs b) parents c) characteristics d) classmates

4) Our school will be … for the costs of accommodation.

a) responsible b) glad c) interested d) going to

4 Впишите пропущенные буквы в английских словах.

1. Не cleans his t___th twice a day.

2. Do you have a spare ti___ for the concert?

3. Can you s___me well?

4. Would you like another cup of t___?

5. Every summer they go to the Black S___.

6. He t___ght his parrot to speak.

7. She b___ght some milk and butter.

Вариант 2

1 Reading (Чтение)

Прочитай текст.


It was Sunday. Nina’s father and mother were not at home. They went to visit their friends. Nina did not go with them. She went to the shop to buy a pen and a pencil. Then she wrote a long letter to her friend. Nina likes to play the piano. She played the piano. Then she read a book about animals. In the evening her friend Mary came to see her. They played games and watched TV.

They saw a very funny film about brother Rabbit and the Wolf. They liked the film very much. When mother and father come home, Nina said, “I had a very good time.”

Отметь знаком «+» те предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста, знаком “–“ те предложения, которые не соответствуют содержанию текста.

Nina went with her mother and father on Sunday.

Nina bought in the shop sweets.

Nina wrote a long letter to her friend.

Nina read a book about flowers.

Nina and Mary played computer games.

The girls didn’t like the film.

Nina had a very good time.


1) She … tennis two days ago.
A) Plays B) playing C) played
2) His brothers often … the paths.
A) Swept B)sweep C) sweeps
3) … we … a letter next week?
A) Do …write B)Will … wrote C) Will … write
4) John … just … an ice-cream.
A) Is … eaten B)has … eaten C) have … eaten
5) He … going to travel abroad soon.
A) Am B) is C) are

6) I can see a lot of … in the yard.

a) Mouse      b) mice    c) mices

7) Who are these letters from? — I don't know. The postman ... just ... them.

a) is bringing b) will bring c) has brought

8) Last year my sister visited Moscow and ... a lot of photos.

a) takes b) took c) take

9)My parents and I … to the south last year.

go b) went c) have gone

3 Vocabulary

1) Our school will be … for the costs of accommodation.

a) responsible b) glad c) interested d) going to

2) The students will … with British families.

a) stay b) invite c) miss d) arrange

3) How many … languages do you learn at school?

a) interesting b) foreign c) easy

4) Polite people always come in … .

a) café b) theatre c) time d) cinema

4 Впишите пропущенные буквы в английских словах.

1. Не cleans his t___th twice a day.

2. Do you have a spare ti___ for the concert?

3. Can you s___me well?

4. Would you like another cup of t___?

5. Every summer they go to the Black S___.

6. He t___ght his parrot to speak.

7. She b___ght some milk and butter.


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