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Who are the people ? (p 71_1) SPIDERMAN BATMAN ZORRO SUPERMAN





MATCH THE VERBS TO THE NOUNS (р 71_2) Fly Do See Fire Lift Move through walls wonders buildings fast in the sky heat vision

MATCH THE VERBS TO THE NOUNS Fly Do See Fire Lift Move through walls wonders buildings fast in the sky heat vision

MATCH THE VERBS TO THE NOUNS Fly Do See Fire Lift Move through walls wonders buildings fast in the sky heat vision

Can you translate? Fly in the sky Do wonders See through walls Fire heat vision Lift buildings Move fast Делать чудеса Стрелять огненными лучами Быстро передвигаться Поднимать здания Видеть сквозь стены Летать по небу

Check yourself Fly in the sky Do wonders See through walls Fire heat vision Lift buildings Move fast Летать по небу Делать чудеса Видеть сквозь стены Стрелять огненными лучами Поднимать здания Быстро передвигаться

New words (p 71_3) Invisible Bullet Just Leap Bound Unpopular Rocket Rescue helpless Невидимый Пуля Справедливый Перепрыгивать Прыжок Непопулярный Ракета Спасать беспомощный

What does he wear? Red cape Blue uniform Red trunks (shorts) Red boots

SUPERMAN What does he look like? (Какая у него внешность?) Tall and strong What is he like? (Какой он по характеру?) Kind, smart, just

What can he do? Fly in the sky See through walls Fire heat vision

Superman is a classical hero He fights criminals He rescues the helpless

Complete the sentences (p 71_3b) 1. Superman’s creators…… 2. Superman’s planet….. 3. Superman’s parents……. 4. Superman is able to…… sent him to Earth in a rocket. are Jerry and Joe. fly in the sky, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. is Krypton.

Complete the sentences (p 71_3b) 1. Superman’s creators…… 2. Superman’s planet….. 3. Superman’s parents……. 4. Superman is able to…… sent him to Earth in a rocket. are Jerry and Joe. fly in the sky, fire heat vision from his eyes and see through walls. is Krypton.

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