Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 7 классе «Pearls of the State Russian Museum collection»

Материал опубликован 1 November 2023

The most well-known paintings of the state Russian museum

Кarl Brullov. An Italian Midday. 1827. Oil on canvas.

Аlexei Venetsianov. Fortune telling with Cards. 1842. Oil on canvas.

Karl Brullov.  The Last Day of Pompeii 1833

Viktor Vasnetsov.  Knight at the Crossroads 1882

Nicholai Roerich.  Overseas Guests 1902

Pavel Fedotov.  Portrait of Nadezhda Zhdanovich Playing the Piano 1849

Ivan Nikitin.  Peter I on his Death Bed 1725

Alexander Samokhvalov.  Girl in a Jersey T-shirt 1932

Vocabulary IN the picture IN the background / IN the foreground At the top of /at the bottom of / In the upper part/in the lower part Historical painting / landscape / marine / still life / portrait Depict (a person, a scene of common life, the mood of...) Put emphasis on Exquisite / depressing / moving / tense / charming / realistic / abstract Hue Brushstroke Canvas

Boris Kustodiev.  A Merchant's Wife at Tea 1918

Ivan Aivazovsky.  The Ninth Wave 1850

Plan of description of the painting General information (name, author, year of creation, where is locate, history of creation…) In the foreground + in the background Mood / atmosphere + idea of the painting Your opinion on the painting

Vesuvius AD 79 eruption

Karl Brullov.  The Last Day of Pompeii 1833

language HELP Ash Damage Desperately Divine Harbor Intense an area of water near the coast where ships are kept  relating to or coming from God or a god extreme or very strong the soft, grey powder that remains when something has burnt harm or injury feeling that you have no hope and are ready to do anything to change the situation you are in

Task 1 – fill in the gaps Task 1 – fill in the gaps Lava and ashfall covered Pompeii and … Brullov used intense colors and strong contrasts between light and dark to … It took the artists … years to complete this masterpiece In the center foreground we can see… Task 2 – answer the questions What is the compositional trick that Brullov learnt from Raphael? Where is a self-portrait of Brullov? How can you describe the mood of the picture? What group/detail impressed you most of all?

Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. Pablo Picasso

Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art. Leonardo da Vinci

A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others. Salvador Dali

Painting is easy when you don’t know how, but very difficult when you do Edgar Degas

The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul. Wassily Kandinsky

A work is finished when an artist realizes his intentions. Rembrandt

Comment on the quote. Plan. Introduction ( I would like to comment on the quote by …) Explanation of the quote (the author means…) Agree/disagree (I agree/disagree WITH the quote, because…) 2 arguments, proving your position (firstly, secondly, moreover) Conclusion (in conclusion, all in all, to sum up)

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